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Everything posted by Duke

  1. oh its basicly a map exploit if u use it every single round but thanks for trying! And all the other mods/admins who know agreeed upon this.
  2. Duke

    Funny Chat Logs

    not all that funny, more gay then anything tho.
  3. show and tell no one or that map will turn terrible for the t's ct'swill abuse the FUCK outta if and one super ct will happen every fuckin round.
  4. Duke


    decision: +1 why: Hes chill, doesnt seem to be adick imo maturity:from what i have seen hes atleast a 4 activity: have to say 3
  5. Duke

    Teamspeak Abuse.

    mod in teamspeak means nothing but an M next to your name no powers.
  6. you need proof. BUT if people do that shit, warn and if they dont stop do w/e you feel you need to, to deal with the problem you are an admin. not a mod.
  7. doesnt matter if its LR or not still broke a vent... but ya thats a slay =/ if he did it over and over then ct ban but once...
  8. Duke

    I should be back

    demoting for being ginger <3
  9. +1 for being slapped in the back of the head but as for abuse this isnt abuse <.< its a single slay and sunny dont blame it on other people thats just dumb.
  10. Duke


    you got banned for trolling some1. doesnt matter if it was a co-leader or not u were trolling members. You got perm banned accept it and walk away. -1 also to people +1ing this wtf is wrong with you got banned for a legit reason why the fuck would you want a troll back. i doudt hes changed.
  11. Duke


    -1 He got caught hacking that's a perm ban we don't unban other hackers do we? because they "stopped hacking". Oscar i hope this opens your eyes about how the community doesn't want you back please go find another one. You raged on so many people for little to no reason at all, you even did this to people who considered you a friend. I don't understand why you think any1 here who actually had interaction with you would +1 your unban <.<
  12. +1 Obviously trolling. BTW Korean you should have just banned him for a few days or something he was clearly trolling mod or not he was breaking a very strict rule dude.
  13. [ATTACH]1940.vB[/ATTACH] lolol
  14. [ATTACH]1927.vB[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]1928.vB[/ATTACH]
  15. Duke

    Awesome Anime Webtoon

    OH look this comic again....
  16. this. you get warned atleast like 5 times a map =/
  17. Duke

    Super Bounty

    it was 149k my bounty was 156k :) and i have those high bountys cause im not an easy kill when im CT.
  18. its only an hour go make food watch an episode of a show and bam u'll be unbanned!
  19. Hypocrites? You speak of maturity when i have seen none from you, you repeatedly asked me to add you on steam after i had so every time. I don;t hate you but i don't want you on my friends list. Yes you've "apologized" for banning me. But i won't forgive you because you got mad and wanted to ban people before you lost mod.
  20. I'm stay at 0 the prrof shows u being rude back =/ when people are being dicks just be nice to them. if they keep it up report em for it but dont stoup to their level.
  21. Duke


    maybe xG:R for Recruit. or something along those lines since R is rabids subclan.
  22. -1 you fucked up pretty bad. you showed how little maturity you have when you made that thread before you left xG.
  23. i like how hes dumb and doesn't know xG has a YouTube channel. Also expanding to other games costs money, money silence doesn't have. Also takes people in the clan having the game and populating the server till we have a good player base for the game. But all in all getting sponsorship isn't all that easy. And stop saying "we" you aren't part of xG.
  24. -1 He isnt mature enough for mod, look at the underage mods we have now and compair them to themick. he barly even knows the rules. and didnt he just get denied for mod last week? shouldnt he have to wait 2 weeks to reapply like some1 trying to become a member?
  25. Duke


    +1 Plays Jb late night Pretty mature from what i can tell Active with me at night.