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Everything posted by Duke

  1. Duke

    what the hell?

    Welcome to buying from HP they offer nice things for cheap. if i had the money i'd get it =/
  2. Duke

    I'll start!

    so you cant flee from the DP
  3. +1 He's pretty chill Mature havnt had a problem with him. Seen him on alot the past few days lol
  4. Why does king j think wookies come from alderan?
  5. What syn said but with a heart :love_heart:
  6. +1 Hes nice and listens well lol Pretty mature. He's activy seen him on a few times for now.
  7. +1 Clearly cooler then our co-leader Aegean. Pretty mature from what i've seen. very active o:
  8. well u push it dude its fine as a joke but when asked to stop, you should <3
  9. FUCK i knew i forgot some1 >:( well you and the Ms are a def fav <3
  10. no :( i was 100% for another beardy member then he started acting childish if he changes i'll +1 him for sure!
  11. Duke

    I'll start!

    i'm going in dry.
  12. My List My List 1. VWK 2. Takibo
  13. dw this is about favoritism we'll ban em all in game for it :3 also same not on a single list....
  14. Duke

    Name change. (Maybey!)

    is there an echo in here? i had said that in my post but ok i guess he can hear it twice...
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dgu53pXahww this idk why but latly them.
  16. Duke

    Name change. (Maybey!)

    Since every1 is a retard and suggestion Ember, im just point it out go thru the people who posted on this thread and then be like :"oh we have some1 named ember" god dam people i mean before she posts is acceptable but after just means ur a tard! Also why change your name at all? i've used my name for years dude.
  17. This :3 Welcome back, i have the hatpacks i need and i believe rain bought me hatpack 6 while i was asleep earlier xD Rain and Lil Crazy for Hat Pack masters :p
  18. Decision:-1 Why: Rude and acts like a child, feels like im baby sitting when i play with him Maturity: Lacks maturity Activity: active
  19. Gratz on the sponsership!
  20. Decision: +1 Why: Nice guy for to every1 Maturity: Very mature 5 Activity: hes on often 4
  21. Duke

    New Jb Map

    can i has personal cell with bunny pictures D:? breakable toilet and sink but nothing but bunneh pictures!!!!
  22. i see what u did there also lol'd hard
  23. >trying to start new is that why you became a dick once you left xG and i see you troll every so often in game? i won't let the fact you were so dumb to try to "bann as many as i could before i got demoted" =/