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Everything posted by Duke

  1. Duke

    Zombie Apocalypse

    i would head to northern canada or russia. huge unpopulated areas where its cold. GG as serb said.
  2. Duke

    New Jb Map

    my suggestions were ignored </3
  3. Duke


    i was gonna do it for a day but chrono said an hour would be best!
  4. Duke


    you got banned for your retardtion of even saying that seriously? "it was a joke" bullshit dude you were serious.
  5. Duke


    i loled at the truth :3
  6. Member apps shouldnt up post count like random. :3
  7. If he were to be more respectful he would be one hell of a mod! +1
  8. Duke

    New Jb Map

    Shout out to secret keeps in xG would be nice :3
  9. Uhh your ban says other. i doudt its for freekilling one person. if you mass freekill and leave its a perm ban. but in all srsness we'll see what banning admin has to say first.
  10. Duke


    i wear w/e is comfortable :3 right now i have some DC's and ADIO's
  11. If he was being talked over he should have muted them but other then that this is a pointless thread $moker is a good CT. and even then he was being nice and still was repeating trying to make sure you hear the orders. -1
  12. Whats "haters"? :3 all srsness tho i have alot lul
  13. Duke

    admitions to mod

    I tell people who ask to have min of a 150 before they even think of applying
  14. in all honestly i only kill em if they are hella farther back then that.
  15. Duke

    admitions to mod

    i dont always spec, but when i do rule breakers are fucked?
  16. Be safe we defcon soon!!!!
  17. WAT Engrish prease? But in all seriousness. You don't deserve forgiveness from this community without even the hacking part of it you basicly trolled with the xG tag on, and raged if you didnt get your way. I'm sorry if your father is dying. But your father dying is NO excuse to be a trolling asshole to those who you claimed to be friends with. I've been having shitty problems in my life and have never taken them out on the servers. at best i actually played less till i was fine enough to play again.
  18. WAT? can this be translated to english for me? Dude you were making a post ifelt i had the right to post my opinion on, this "coolness' you speak of died when you didnt understand the words "No we are recording now stop msging me" after what like 10 times.Yelling at me and other mods for "not doing our job" Telling SGTBLU hes a bad mod and you are going toget him demoted etc etc etc etc etc etc... you seriously don't get when enough is enough. I say you just walk away you are perm banned on TS3 and CSS/TF2 on both of your accounts. Is it not time to give up?
  19. You've acted rude towards others the WHOLE time you were in xG. Please fuck off now.
  20. Duke

    admitions to mod

  21. Decision: +1 Why: Hes fun to play with. Maturity: Pretty mature 4 Activity: semi active. 3
  22. Duke


    -1 i have personally banned you TWICE for a week for freekilling people repeatedly. You shouldnt be perm ct banned imo. You clearly don't understand our servers rules.
  23. Decision:+1 Why: Chill guy on mainly at night with me and other night owls! Maturity: Mature 4 He's mature. Activity: He's active at night with me, VWK, Lone Wolf and DMTwired quite a bit. Activity 5