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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by Reflex

  1. You clearly don't know who you're talking to, so let me clue you in: I am the danger. A guy opens his door and gets shot, and you think that of me? No! I am the one who knocks! - Walter White WALTER " HEISENBERG" WHITE !
  2. Reflex

    Reflex got vacced

    sry guys i never meant to... i just sucked bad IM ALSO GOING TO KILL MYSELF
  3. sounds pretty sweet. to avoid problems, i'd make the T's face away.
  4. +1 I have seen him on many times and he is mature , follows MOTD.
  5. Considering you just joined xG a day ago or so , you might want to get to know people and then apply.
  6. +1 active and mature, follows motd and has been in xg before as well as being staff
  7. Reflex

    computer question

    i don't think i ever get that high...max mine would go is like 80
  8. +1 active player on jb and scrim , knows motd and is mature
  9. yay :p , welcome back and gratz on those that been promoted
  10. yay :p , welcome back and gratz on those that been promoted
  11. +1 from me and my home boy jerome . active in css and plays scrim and jb a lot and is mature. also follows motd
  12. +1 very active in TTT, mature and follows motd
  13. The point where the hale thinks he cannot catch the scout, hale can cap it. Hale also has the option to use rage if it could.
  14. Reflex

    takibo cheating

    speedlimit, this is an on client pug
  15. ice him , be a real rimdog and point your gun sideways
  16. you should seek help if this problem continues, maybe talk to your parents or something
  17. Reflex

    xG Template

    im pretty sure theres an option to change to whichever color you desire on your own.
  18. +1 active and mature , good player
  19. Reflex


    thats why i dropped out hell no gawd, you aint got no girl , the only girl you got is yo boy tyrone.
  20. +1 He follows motd and is active on tf2 + css .
  21. Reflex

    New PC questions

    damn dawg, 1000 is a lot for a good computer . anyways , tyrone here looking for some pleasure ( msg me ).
  22. efficient classes of interest are pyro, heavy, demoman , engineer , soldier
  23. NO!!! :( Maybe you can hop on servers when you have time. Anyways, take care and be safe.
  24. hi im reflex nice to meeet you tree, rimdog for life.