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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by Reflex

  1. i think signups are closed :(
  2. if this happens, the top 10 needs to be reset every month to make it equal for everyone.
  3. Best of luck to all teams participating.
  4. damn nice soldier hat :s, I always liked the steaming effect.
  5. Reflex


    have a fun and safe trip :D.
  6. Hope you can still hop on TF2 xG servers, it was fun playing with you in dustbowl :D. You can still stay in xG , as I'm pretty sure there aren't any highlander clans. There are highlander teams and you can be both in a team and xG the same time.
  7. You should get a mic, Wise guy :D . Forest, WiseGuy has applied and been accepted, but hasn't been added to the group . He also knows the rules quite well considering he was playing for months before applying :). Also , welcome to xG once again.
  8. Reflex

    Rage Quitters

    its always the reg ;)
  9. play some runescape with me >:D
  10. Reflex

    New Server

    this and a lot of people played it, maybe not 24/7 same map , but a map rotation. I think I may be able to get some of the older guys that used to play on it to come back.
  11. So , if you lose , you start over again? Doesn't sound too interesting if your collecting note pages
  12. :O didn't notice you gone Gentle , but welcome back.
  13. Looks really awesome so far :D , how did you make it?
  14. The YT and Reddit link is broken :( .
  15. Gratz to everyone that have been promoted , especially TF2 people :D . You guys deserved it.
  16. Reflex

    Scrim Team

    lmfao dude, this was a year ago
  17. I got the Galaxy SII and its pretty awesome, I would find it better than a iPhone.
  18. scrim on da beach bro
  19. Reflex


    +1 If he learned his lesson , then he won't hack again . Also, your an extreme derp. You owe me 47 levels.
  20. We should have shoutcasters during the event on the livestream :D.
  21. you should rebind the key to some other key and if that doesn't work, delete your flashlight.vtf in CS folders and replace it.
  22. Reflex

    Thread o' Facts

    -The average human will grow 2-5 pounds of lint in their bellybuttons during their lifespan. - If taken a closer look at an average humans armpits, there is tiny fungal organisms which looks like corn flakes growing which are called Lepifitus Nitrogenus ( named after a deadly chemical).
  23. Reflex

    Donation Code

    you re-enter the code since hub points are resetted. check your receipts