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Everything posted by Reflex

  1. Reflex


    you must not abandon rimdog!
  2. IGN: reflex Have a mic: yes Is you mic quality good: yes Are you a new spawn: yes Do you live in the USA : yes If not where : N/A On a scale from 1-10 how much #autismswag do you have: 10 What can you bring to the group: i suck , i just got this game and i played with exotic turkey crackers
  3. i think the old one looks better
  4. +1 He's a cool guy and scrims with us a lot. Very helpful person and is also active.
  5. there honestly SHOULD be lwc , however, we need a lockpick plugin. In some servers, they have shears where you right click on chest and you have a 1/10th chance to break open the chest. I think if you fail, you lose 1 heart.
  6. dont consider this is gravedig, but if you spam that in the servers, everyone will leave . you should just put up the link as announcement every 1 hour or so also, votifier can also help
  7. this is suppose to be in the trading section. also, 4 weapons is 2 scraps which is about 10 cents , along with your decal tool, it is only 50 cents. that is 9.40 dollars short? PS: you will be lucky if you even get 30 cents out of that, but just pointing that out its not worth over 10 dollars.
  8. Reflex

    My pets :P

    lol bees, they are gerbils .
  9. I have seen you with another clan tag yesterday which tells me you created another clan.
  10. I checked it out and it seems pretty fun. You should play with us in TF2 when it comes out , Haa-dron :D . Brian said xG is going to be having a server for that.
  11. That sucks :/ , hopefully it get fixed fast and see you soon.
  12. ;( It was fun playing with you in scrims . Best of luck and take care and you can PM or email me about the situation if you want.
  13. guessing a number 1- a miillion
  14. i thought u were black man
  15. I can help set it up and can we name the league rimdog league because he already have a scrim group. Steam Community :: Group :: rimdog
  16. :( i almost fell for dis and thought you were leaving. anyways, have fun on your little trip
  17. Reflex

    Bring this back!

    :D lol the old one beats the one we have now anyday +1
  18. Good game and great comeback, must of been frustrating when down 5 in the beginning.
  19. Reflex

    Pub Maps

    +1 and remove some of the other useless maps that no one knows.
  20. Wow man, everytime I'm on JB, I always see that stupid spray. Who is so obsessed with that shit ? Honestly...take your fetish somewhere else.
  21. eh says your non member, but I'm pretty sure you were accepted. Anyways, welcome to xG :)
  22. Reflex

    Selling unsual!

    how did you manage to get another one ? you unboxed it I assume? you only had one the other day :s
  23. Wow, I knew there was something fishy when he just came into the scrim channel and introduced himself. Yeah, I witnessed Snipes disconnect from it yesterday which is kind of weird considering this question: how in the world did he get his IP? ( maybe from the calls?)
  24. man, you were right all along. she he was some canadian pedo trying to get along with our scrims just to get pictures from deo ;)