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Everything posted by ChickenPanda

  1. +1 love the dude. A: 10/10 M: 8/10
  2. man finals will be the death of me rip
  3. im gay im gay im gay im gay im gay im gay who am i? kbraszzz.
  4. My name is Snipes, I'm pretty gay. I wrote a song about you and you STILL leave jesus. We'll miss you, dude. Don't know where our source of retard will come from without you. Have a good life, man.
  5. I call everyone retard, you all know that. My buddy was on the bus, and he wasn't even sitting in a seat, just in the aisle. So I called to him with, "Hey retard!" He doesn't respond, so I yell it louder. He still doesn't respond, so I just walk up to him and tap him on the shoulder. I'm just like "Retard, why are you on this bus and why aren't you talking to us?" (he normally doesn't ride our bus) He turns around. It's not my friend. It's a kid with down syndrome.
  6. Figured this would happen. I don't think Bach can save our asses with the lovely Jpie this time. Have a good life, dude. We'll miss ya.
  7. I know I said this like a week ago but, I need to go inactive for a week or so. I was gonna tell you guys on TS earlier but I forgot. I'm going out to my sister's place for Thanksgiving, so I'm gonna be gone until like Saturday or Sunday. See you retards then. <3
  8. The issue with this is, those who cannot join the clan (already in another) will not have these perks. These kinds of people can be just as regular as a member, but still have nothing more than a person who's come on for the first time. I'd say -1 to this for now. Sure, it'd help the clan grow. But do we want to lose money just to make some members happy? xG is broke as it is.
  9. I don;t even know if this still should be open, considering he fucked up like 5 minutes after he got unbanned to make the protest. I'm going to say -1. Muzzle crossed a line this time, we could shorten his ban, but he needs to realize this is serious. With what some of the CLs told me, they take this very seriously because a former member got swatted. It's not cool, Muzzle. -1. Best of luck to you.
  10. To those of you who have become as addicted as I have, add my account. It's just ChickenPanda.
  11. +1 such a good dude. met him on hale last night. M: 10/10 A: 9/10 @kbraszzz Our teamspeak is voice.xenogamers.com btw c:
  12. This exactly. But see you in a bit dude. Don't go too far.
  13. +1, I've seen him on. wasn't an issue when I was on with him. seemed like a nice dude. M: 8/10 A: 9/10
  14. Grats guys. fantastic looking bunch. Sorry for being late, I honestly didn't even check promos until @Nomulous texted me saying grats I'll be more active soon, my grades are still down. Expect me to start being more active on Thursday or Friday c:
  15. grades. I don't have much time and I'm not supposed to be on my comp, so yeah. grades. won't be gone for long
  16. if you guys dont post your own I'll go on your fb and find them. I already have one of @Bach
  17. Messing around on teamspeak and we decided to make a baby pic thread. Your turn.
  18. I know you guys hate it, and I do acknowledge that. It was my idea, yeah, but clocktown has become more populated since we added it. Many of our newer regulars came for bhop, and if we remove it, you can imagine what will happen. Kb is working on fixing some parts of it, limiting snipers/pyros on each team and such. Hopefully the game will overall become less frustrating with the changes. I would rather not remove it for now, unless a LARGE majority of the server is against the plugin.
  19. @Kittylicious I request greatly we hear your side of this story.
  20. +1 I am in support of this 100%. Kitty "left" the clan, but still comes to our forums and servers. If TF2 is SUCH a terrible game, why are you still playing it? Financial issues are a huge issue, period. She knows he doesn't like it, similar to how @John_Madden doesn't like 9/11. I refrain from talking about 9/11 when he's around, and I wouldn't even think about making poor people jokes with Moosty. Not cool at all. She's been an issue for a long time now.