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Everything posted by ChickenPanda

  1. +1 yasssss M: 9 A: haven't seen you a ton
  2. "I actually don't wanna work, I just wanna drink." -Bach everyday 2k14
    1. Bach


      I stand by my statement
  3. +1 only active Facebook member gg M: 11/10 A: poon/10
  4. Bye darling. Remember not to pump your own gas in oregon, they get salty.
  5. @Bach @kbraszzz He has two member subs open, close one plserino This is the other one Natsu - team fortress 2 | Xeno Gamers
  6. Name sounds familiar, I'll watch for ya for the next few weeks. c:
  7. I'll just leave this here. Definitely not me.
  8. Possible duo-clanning? Will stay neutral for now. @Bach @kbraszzz wat do
  9. I saw it last night. It was literally the best movie I've seen since like. Pacific Rim.
  10. -1 for now. You left bc you didnt get DM and idk what to think about it. I'm torn. you spam soundboards, I find you annoying, and I hated you for the ENTIRE time I was in xG. Change my mind, and you get a nice and easy +1 for me. M: 3/10 A: ??/10 (haven't seen you, but it's finals week so I'm inactive)
  11. NOTHING against Vector here, and the last thing I wanna do is start a shitstorm, but telling people to kill themselves is 100% unacceptable. If we're joking around in TS, that's totally fine imho. But randoms that come on the server? That's not okay at all. Vector's a REALLY cool dude, but this just isn't okay with me. He drove a personal friend of mine away from the servers and I'm gonna -1 for that main reason, he just drives people away from the server and isn't nice. Fantastic administrator, however, kind of not the most nicest person in the world. don't hate me :c
  12. +1, I think he's fun. A: 9 M: 8
  13. @Shadower would be best to explain. he explained the situation to me and I more or less decided the perm.
  14. We have an admin handbook, and I don't think we need a new one. I personally banned because he avoided mute and was being super rude to EVERY person on the server, cursing at everyone and such. You don't know about the bans and we have character limits on the bans, so I couldn't go too into detail. Our current handbook is fine, however, an updated one, I'd agree, would be nice. However, I think you taking shots at "unfair bans" was very unnecessary. The majority of our mods/admins do know what they're doing. Higher ups pls save us: @Rhododendron @Nomulous @Bach @kbraszzz
  15. Ohstopyou said stfu? Are you sure he didn't say he loves you? But in all seriousness, you don't need to be so rude about this. It was a ONE DAY ban, and you're so salty over it. Ohstop is arguably one of the best admins we have, and I have never gotten into a fight with the dude. -1 to this. it's only a day.
  16. close, new thread was made @kbraszzz @Bach @Nomulous
  17. Eh. That's very clearly tarping, and he didn't read the rules at all. I'd say to unban but perma team ban. Just my $0.02.
  18. +1, it was about a year ago, everyone deserves a second chance. I'd say let him back on and CT ban for a week, let him read the rules and such
  19. +1 i missed you bb C: A: none/10 M: autism/10
  20. I thought you were ditching us forever and I almost died inside. have a safe trip c:
  21. I probably hop on the most, and I've been inactive recently. I'll hop on DR a bit more, I know there's typically a lot of issues in there.