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Everything posted by MineCrack

  1. Problems will arise on maps with doors that tk, which is the majority of the maps. The general population of jailbreak is very immature, along with no self control tk'ing will be chaos.
  2. MineCrack

    League of xG Tourney!

    @@Deodate Best teemo na. Pls Pls
  3. You didn't piss me off, I just don't like you. I have no problem with you though, +0 as of right now.
  4. If death god is away, you can take his spot. (He's moving on the 30th, I don't really know whatsup).
  5. You have to announce that you are Rebel Hunting if it is under the assumption that there is a Rebel. @@xShadowSpyx You don't need to announce it if you are 100% sure there is a Rebel because you physically saw them. Remember that this rule is in effect so that CTs aren't just running around solely on assumptions. They need a logical reason to look, but they don't need a reason to chase down a Rebel they physically saw. I don't even know I hear so much shit :/.
  6. You don't have to say rebel hunting anymore at all.
  7. Oh, okay. @@Matsi I was on my iPad, thanks for your consideration though.
  8. MineCrack


    I've seen Fuzz act like a moron on other servers. I haven't really spoken to cloud, though when I did he was mic spamming in warrior's channel & yelling at Aubri. Not to mention blacklisted me for being a "racist faggot."
  9. Are you being serious right now?
  10. Yes I do.. Sometimes I close them without thinking when I wake up though, which shouldn't be a problem.
  11. I rather a random message me on team speak in oppose to a random come into the channel to interrupt a conversation. There's not much of a difference. As of right now, you're driving away an older member that's actually good away from the community. That's worded strange lol Well I'm sorry for giving people admin that have zero business having it. This was brought up in staff discussion as an issue and I am merely doing what I feel is the right thing. I'm gone for a bit so I can't respond to any further messages. What exactly are you expecting admins to do? This all seems irrational as they do their job when needed & asked so I don't see the problem... I'll also be away at school so I won't be able to respond.
  12. Yes, because the first thing someone a random is going to do is scroll to the bottom and know exactly who to message. Might as well write a script to spam everyone on the server. I rather a random message me on team speak in oppose to a random come into the channel to interrupt a conversation. There's not much of a difference. As of right now, you're driving away an older member that's actually good away from the community.
  13. So what if they're in a password protected room? They can still do their job since you can message people on ts.
  14. You can stop trying to sound philosophical, you're not too good at it. How is he trying to sound philosophical?
  15. Mind uploading the files to a picture sharing site, preferably imgur? Thanks.
  16. I was worried for a second, I wouldn't have someone to have pointless arguments on the forums with...
  17. Just to elaborate, it's not really simplified if you only get small bits and fundamental parts of the actual motd. It's simply the basic rules, if you want to actually have a simplified motd, you need to condense everything. Not just having the basics. When the newcomers on the server first join, they're going to read this basic motd then get themselves into trouble. Regardless they'll end up reading the full motd making the basic motd pointless(other than getting them into trouble). Just my view on the "simplified" motd.
  18. That isn't simplified. That's basic. It might be officially titled a basic motd, but its still simplified. Same meaning, different way to say it. Wrong.
  19. That isn't simplified. That's basic.
  20. MineCrack


    Good luck my nigga, do well.
  21. MineCrack


    Ohh..... Okay.........
  22. Out of curiosity, why would you -1 him because you don't see him on when you play jailbreak?