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Everything posted by MineCrack

  1. You annoy me. Your voice annoys me. Does it matter? Do you really hate me that much When did I say I hate you?
  2. You annoy me. Your voice annoys me. Does it matter?
  3. +1 to perm from the scrim incident alone. P.s. it was way more than 20 mins.
  4. is this in the morning or evening? if morning, it's a no-go. also any time after about 11:00PM EST. Evening 8pm est.
  5. team 3... @@Warriorsfury @@DeathGod @@Fair_Sirs @@Audible_Savage @@shadowspy Can we agree on dis?
  6. MineCrack


    @@DeathGod clearly won.
  7. MineCrack

    twerk legend?

    Can your bf twerk just as well? ;)
  8. Because we have an incredible amount of biased Members/Players. For that matter, why was anyone else unbanned for intentionally mass freekilling? Who knows. Point is; don't say things like "Well, this guy got unbanned, so I should too". That sort of reasoning gets old really fast, and it won't get you unbanned any sooner, let alone at all. It is not a valid means of reasoning or excuse to do stupid shit. I swear to god, if I have to, I'm going to start closing every Ban Protest (that involves intentional mass freekilling) immediately because of sheer stupidity. If you're going to Mass Freekill intentionally, own up to it, don't make up an excuse, don't use that reasoning, and be ready to wait a long time to get unbanned. No one gets special treatment, nor should they. Reban me pls. Just to be fair, you know?
  9. He received so many +1's because he is very like able, well known, and apparently a really good guy.
  10. So did trinindol? your point is? What do you mean what my point is? Did you not read my fucking post? Should I even waste time replying to you any further?
  11. You mass freekilled because someone told you no balls.
  12. You mass free killed because someone said no balls in a video game to you. +1 EDIT: Before someone takes what I said seriously, -1. You mass free killed for a very shitty reason. Stay banned pls.
  13. Wrong section. Though, so kindly you asked, my opinion is that you should very well kill yourself IRL. Though opinions don't really matter, now do they?
  14. Why would you get that type of perception? I'm not.
  15. MineCrack


    Marlon Brando anyone?
  16. Not reading the thread as there is no need to, if I state something already stated too bad. There is no point of a simple motd if there is rules for absolutely everything in the normal motd. Yes they get the gist but that won't really assist them on CT, and we all know new players run to CT.
  17. Gawd has replaced my bb gur future baby mama Segway. I will organize the other two teams after school tomorrow unless I go out with people. If you have a proposed premade team, please let me know. If not I will just split up players on my opinion of their skill level.
  18. -1 to both. A free day in which you crouch spam around a map is absolutely awful. A day in which you judge someone's ability to crouch spam would just end up in favoritism out the ass.
  19. Was it intentional? If it wasn't please explain how you accidentally free nade people.