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Everything posted by MineCrack

  1. Though if he's as bad as you guys make it seem, then shouldn't he have been banned more than he has already? Of course, but it comes down to fear of banning him. We know he would come on and argue it, and without proof it's hard to justify it. Now that we have plenty of it we can prove that he doesn't deserve to play here. The proof is basically him coming out of armory late (I do that all the time, it's nothing game changing). Him saying "I'm baiting I'm baiting" isn't necessarily trolling. Maybe if you were his friend that wouldn't phase you. Him running through the T once he realized he was leading them to armory is stupid, just slay him or team ban him? If he gun planted you slay him and or teamban him. If he's breaking a lot of CT rules then perm CT ban him, it's not right to continue to let someone break rules once their un CT banned.
  2. His member protest resulted to not be useful, it was closed on request of the person who made it because it they didn't have enough proof, and he knew that Dms couldnt act off that thread. A 1 day ban is a warning, for something like a week ban, but it's not really right to go from 1 day to perm. But it made him aware that at we didn't appreciate his attitude on the servers. I don't know how much you've had the chance to play with him on the server, but it's the same attitude every time. I wouldn't have made this had I thought a week ban would solve the problem. Though if he's as bad as you guys make it seem, then shouldn't he have been banned more than he has already?
  3. Though if he's as bad as you guys make it seem, then shouldn't he have been banned more than he has already?
  4. If he's such a problem he should've been permed by now. Bans snowball.
  5. Mine craft is pretty boring now, you can't really do anything to get us on.
  6. For the longest time, lol. It was established that a Basic MoTD would substitute the MoTD ingame on CS:S Jailbreak. If you type 'motd' ingame, that will pop up :p Ohh.. I don't read rules though.
  7. How long has that been available? I haven't read the rules in over a year. This
  8. And thus, the birth of the Basic MoTD Rules. It satisfies both parties; those who just want to gist of what's going on and what to do, and those who want indepth details and regulations. In regards to what I said earlier, I'm just telling it like it is. Moderating isn't supposed to be fun. That's not a perk you [anyone in general] should be thinking of when accepting a Staff position. That's all I'm saying, lol The birth of what? I suggested a basic motd several times but it would just be me writing my own rules.
  9. All the "top" servers have a general rule list and usually a simple bullet list for team rules. What really scares players away is the novel of rules. Generally if you don't act like a asshat on other servers you don't need to read the rules which will actually attract players to continue to play(and eventually read the rules). I won't name other servers but CSS with a jailbreak map works fine with the right rules.
  10. Jailbreak is stale someone revamp it ples.
  11. :( Good luck stay safe.
  12. Any of the older staff who say they enjoy jailbreak are lying through their teeth. It's so dull and boring at this point, I only find it enjoyable when friends are on. With all the little kids, furries, and bronies who play now give jailbreak a daycare atmosphere(which makes it so much harder to even be on the server).
  13. no mega. Who's Mega? You until you became obsessed with yuno. #old
  14. @@Rhododendron pwetty pwes? He's a nice guy, it's not like he's capable of doing some psychotic activity to the servers.
  15. MineCrack


    Those maps get boring after a while. I can't stand playing both of those anymore.
  16. You should do what the majority of people who got bored with jailbreak did. Play league.
  17. This isn't arguing. I'm just trying to find out information that may, or may not alter my decision on this thread. Now how exactly did warrior piss off/disrespect people? That's a bit vague and there is nothing to support it really other than your word.
  18. I don't see how warrior would troll before he was even in xG? He was harassed frequently because of his voice, diminishing almost all possibilities to troll. i mean in the minecraft division dude But you said before he was even in xG. You should be more specific, also how did he troll in the MC div? If anything Superkiller is a troll. He griefed the servers MULTIPLE times.
  19. you can never trust quote At least your penis is MUCH bigger now. Too bad it won't fit :(.
  20. I don't see how warrior would troll before he was even in xG? He was harassed frequently because of his voice, diminishing almost all possibilities to troll.