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Everything posted by MineCrack

  1. Won't be as active since school is starting, I will be on during the weekends and some weekdays depending at what house I'm at. Cya
  2. Not everyone is good at surfing/sliderace, so people will get bored and leave. Just stick to servers everyone can enjoy.
  3. Why do you guys even care about post count?
  4. give me a time and place, and ill be there ^_^ LMAO Your house, the USUAL time ;).
  5. I'll give you a blowjob.
  6. I don't join the server just to get shit on people. People in Teamspeak telling me that someone is breaking rules, I get on and check. He never said you did. Sounds like a guilty conscience to me.
  7. Something cheap, fuel efficient, and swaggering.
  8. you could build in your own individual plot. free of pvp and retarded ness. you can also add people to your plot so they can build too. It still won't have all the perks/protection towny provides.
  9. +0 I don't see why you would get yourself into a situation like this.
  10. Towny. I enjoy building, and PVP always causes conflict in the clan.
  11. The solution is simple. Cut. Cut with Serbian.