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Everything posted by MineCrack

  1. Division: Minecraft In-Game Name: silenceheaven Offender's Steam ID: N/A Rules Broken: Do not grief. Evidence: Self explanatory my fellow xG members... Crucify him.
  2. Teemo is the bane of my existence. That is all.
  3. -1 laughed about it in chat box after.
  4. I was hoping bryce would seduce you.
  5. MineCrack


    I'm saving up money for the new call of duty it's going to be good.
  6. Only one who isn't in xG is Bryce. Mind checking before you post? Lel. Bees isn't in xG. Whoops. When did he leave? o.o
  7. They're putting all the top fraggers on team one, instead of spreading them around to equal the teams. false. if that were true i would be on team 1 over byrce bees and minecrack for sure. jk lelelelellelelelel The sense that made.
  8. Only one who isn't in xG is Bryce. Mind checking before you post?
  9. Okay when I get home I'll edit OP.
  10. Sure. Just talk to him.
  11. Okay.. So I'm making another thread to have this event organized etc etc.. After intense sexual edging between me and Archer from HG, he proposed a 15v15 with 3 teams of 5. He proposed this since there are so many people from HG who would like to scrim. As we know there is an abundance of players who will be willing to scrim so I have made this thread for members to apply/group up with other members. There will be two more teams as I have already made one. It's mainly a friendly event so don't worry if you're awful at CS:S, in the end it's just for fun. The teams, which will be updated as people apply: Team #1- 1. Bryce 2. MineCrack 3. Gawd 4. Bees 5. excisioN Team #2- Pending... Team #3- Pending... Date of Event: August 31, 2013 (Saturday) (NOTE THIS IS FOR A CS:S 5v5 SCRIMMAGE IF YOU HAVEN'T CAUGHT ON)
  12. Change of plans. Since HG has so many people who wants to scrim it will be a 15v15 3 teams of 5. So if you want to play just say, there will be plenty of spots. If you want to make a premade team instead of me just messaging whoever is on do so. Event will be on the 31st (a saturday)
  13. Once upon a time, there was a forest. This forest was not like any other forest though, this forest played CS:S. With all the combined energy from the trees the forest became a very ineffective co-leader for a clan known as XenoGamers. This forest continued to reign over the clan until one day. The end.
  14. Your opinion is meaningless and clearly haven't scrimmed with any of us. No offence :) I've seen you before, you're the asshole on Teamspeak. Clearly haven't and how am I an asshole? I sit in password protected rooms.
  15. Obviously darkwolf was offended and your attitude is awful. If he was offended he should have told me to stop, and right after I was kicked I removed that bind all I needed was a warning. The only reason that i made this into an abuse thread was because once I returned to the game after being kicked I asked him why he didn't warn me in team, all, and admin chat and i received no response. All I wanted was him to acknowledge that he did it and now this has been blown way out of proportion. Why should he need to warn you? You know exactly what you're doing and you do it so often.
  16. It means you should have noticed Jacob's disrespect/spamming. Thanks to warrior for presenting his chat logs giving a perfect example. Honestly if you're going to "argue" with me at least answer to my other remarks. Your arguments are awful. Sorry mate None of what i did was intentional spamming and its not disrespect if nobody gets offended by it Obviously darkwolf was offended and your attitude is awful.
  17. When did I ever mention anything about my personal qualifications and standards of you doing your job? OH WAIT! I didn't. What I meant should be self explanatory. I don't have a personal disliking for you, when have I been disrespectful towards you? It's nice to know you have a disliking for me. I on the other hand, don't have a disliking for you which is the reason why I haven't carried over anything from the forums in game because I myself, can hold a mature argument. What insults? Stay OT babe. What you meant should be self explanatory. .? So you think I don't do my job as a DM. I consider that rude, especially when it doesn't have anything to do with the topic here. It means you should have noticed Jacob's disrespect/spamming. Thanks to warrior for presenting his chat logs giving a perfect example. Honestly if you're going to "argue" with me at least answer to my other remarks. Your arguments are awful. Sorry mate
  18. Your opinion is meaningless and clearly haven't scrimmed with any of us. No offence :)
  19. #DemoteDarkWOLF!!!! He kicked instead of mute/gag for a repeat offender! What a bad person!
  20. When did I ever mention anything about my personal qualifications and standards of you doing your job? OH WAIT! I didn't. What I meant should be self explanatory. I don't have a personal disliking for you, when have I been disrespectful towards you? It's nice to know you have a disliking for me. I on the other hand, don't have a disliking for you which is the reason why I haven't carried over anything from the forums in game because I myself, can hold a mature argument. What insults? Stay OT babe.