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Everything posted by MineCrack

  1. -1 I see you break rules.
  2. @Aegean! Noscope battle me for credits? best 3 out of 5.
  3. Imagine Rambo with Paid Admin. The kid screams into his mic on a daily basis until asked to stop. Then he goes around ranting like a spoiled brat.
  4. @@Segway @OHMAIGAWD Can we do a rematch against A$AP with segway if he plays?
  5. Dun lifted and stretched my tweenie asshole by billymays and the diggernicks.
  6. MineCrack

    !hub help

    That would be an issue on your end. Try linking/relinking your forum accs (people have problems when they're not linked). Also go to your escape menu/options/multiplayer/then to advance and make sure "disable html MOTDs" is not checked off.
  7. -1 W: This has nothing to do with admin abuse. Just you being butthurt, this would go under a ban request under CT. Maybe a day CT ban possibly? If proof is uploaded and all sides of the story are shown. Also incase you don't know, it could've been a misunderstanding. So don't jump to conclusions.
  8. MineCrack

    Sub Clans

    It's not for subclans. It's your ingame tag that you set in options.
  9. MineCrack

    Sub Clans

    Atleast a rank score board for the subclans. It's kind of pointless right now.
  10. MineCrack

    Sub Clans

    So we have the subclan plugin which is complicated to link unless you're explained to the fullest detail. Maybe but more life into this plugin by adding a ranking system and ingame invites? This would add competition and more fun in jailbreak. Also perks for the gang. The perk system should use the hub points and you need to donate them to your gang. Maybe at a certain amount you can buy a perk like maybe a small health boost or speed for a lot of points. And sell then back for half price as usual. A donation plugin also and manager. As of right now the current subclan plugin shows steam IDs. Maybe their current name and how many points they've donated? Also with perks only for Ts maybe? Since CTs already start with guns it's their favor. ALSO IN PERKS I DONT MEAN SPAWN WITH AWPs. Just incase someone gets the wrong idea. @@Starbuck @@silence
  11. Honestly I +1 to be nice and he's a good guy. He should be permed unless he does the challenge, he broke the rules. He knew very well what he was injecting. Also just came to the realization to my rude comments. Haven't slept in 2 days so disregard please.
  12. +1 Are you fucking kidding me? Yes he walled. But he didn't lie nor threaten to DDoS. Not only that but he wasn't on for maybe 2 hours a day and only scrimmed like rain. From my perspective, DuckiiJr is pretty bad at css. And people constantly harass him for that when he scrims. He's an ex mod now and he was a great mod. He's been here for the longest time now. He doesn't talk trash to anyone unlike other people who hacked that we know. Slipery got a second chance by watching a video. Heck, I'll watch ANY video to get unbanned and give full commentary on it. People who -1 and who liked DuckiiJr before are just doing it because people who don't like him tell them to. Honestly, DuckiiJr has learned his lesson. He's not the type of guy to repeat offences. And for the love of god he can be permed from the scrim servers, he hasn't hacked on JB.
  13. Also, am I the only one who senses the threatening message in the picture? "No further/additional/future xG secrets revealed." "No further threats against servers, members, and or players." "I'll be a good kid and play nice." Seems as if he doesn't get unbanned he might take action.
  14. Before you +1 or -1 think about what he's been banned for. Mass freekilling in jailbreak then leaving. Releasing all of our personal which yes, if you want to be a nosey admin like brian said, he can check your information on the forums and in ts3. But as an admin that's not his job. Threatening to DDoS anyone that has done him "wrong." Though, he has done such much more right over wrong. But it doesn't matter, what he did wrong definitely earned him a perm banned. He did donate a crazy amount of money, and was one of the best admins ingame. He also helped people with issues dealing with ingame textures/models which was a huge problem. He took the time out to help slipery I believe by uploaded all of the jb maps to his ftp. He created a meme generator for xG. He created a tool in vb for xG which I never checked yet. He ran the facebook and actually got people to like it. He ran several subclans including xT/CTF subclans. >inb4 bad grammar. Just food for thought before you call him a "fucking faggot" and -1 him. You can't act like he didn't do anything for the clan. And when he threatened, he didn't actually do anything. He might of actually had some real life issues but if he went through with the threat that's a whole other story. Honestly, not doing second thoughts on my first answer but he should be unbanned ingame on forums without being able to join xG without doing the omelet challenge. ALSO DONT USE MICK'S LOGIC! FOR IT IS HORRIBLE!
  15. We're retarded for doing our job. Well, good bye you won't be missed. All you contributed to this community was the sheer encouragement of mass freekilling as a CT. No matter how many times an admin/mod call a freeday, you refuse and continue to tell CTs to kill them and or kill them yourself.
  16. He donated a crazy amount of money, and was one of the best admins. A week later he then releases all of our IPs which leads to our personal information then said he'll get away to upload it again. Then he made alternatives. +0 I can't really +1 him because what he did was wrong. -1 is just focusing on that one situation.
  17. You derserve to be in xG bro. You disrespect 11 year olds, mic spam, and disrespect admins.
  18. There goes the only successful paid mod.
  19. MineCrack


    Also why would you want someone banned because you got into an argument.
  20. MineCrack


    For 1, the convo in pics is to small. Stop being lazy and post it here. I'm just going off what you said.
  21. MineCrack


    So basically he maybe said something in anger and you furthered to provoke him? -1