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Everything posted by MineCrack

  1. Another shit storm thread, inspired by duplolas. Isn't it clear who's starting problems now, and twisting stories?
  2. Demo or get out. Sounds like rage, when you're mad you don't think straight.
  3. +1 Active, naked, and knows motd. He deserves mod if he stops using hldj.
  4. I can help aegean cum cum cum.
  5. Are you fucking kidding me? Might as well ban me. On lego people were running to disco close together and I got 4 usp kills with maybe 6 rounds. This is completely possible. Unless his screen is shaking and twitching horribly then it might just be legit. As for me i'm fucking sick and I have to do a report today so hopefully you guys can come to sense. Also try to look up other bans.
  6. Good luck man, hope you can sort out everything and come back.
  7. @Aegean! Are we not allowed to make memes about you any more.
  8. Please state what division this is for and server he does this on.
  9. Who can make the best meme of Aegean!
  10. He does do this, not rating this though.
  11. Looked up the steam ID. @@Duplolas
  12. Wasn't there but atleast some Ts would move. This sounds fishy and we will have to wait until who ever teambanned you gets their say.
  13. dun get lifted nigga get his creds!
  14. Trails and what they look like: Like shit. I never found ANY of them appealing.
  15. o dam nigga need his creds nahmean.
  16. I'm on a lot when i'm at home. I can manage it.
  17. MineCrack


    -1 OP probably mass fked on to many servers. You broke the rules, you are not different from anyone who mass fked then left.
  18. After thinking about it, most of the abusers are gone.
  19. LoZ. I got tired of xbox360, pretty much quit it when I got my gaming PC for christmas/monies in my steam wallet.
  20. God no. People slay in rage without questioning the situation. I do see mods/admins bait and I can't punish them. Rules are rules, if someone intentionally baits I will teamban for 3 hours. Accidental is a slay. Of course they're the afk mods/admins.. Can't you just use some common sense and go spec if you're going to go afk. People use to kick others for abuse, and I've been free slayed by butthurt mods (which are no longer with us) and while looking for rebels, slayed for not being with Ts. In that particular situation there was one rebel left and it was one non rebelling T. +0 for the pros/cons. They can slay themselves because we're all big boys and girls. If not, disciplinary action should be taken.
  21. God no. People slay in rage without questioning the situation. I do see mods/admins bait and I can't punish them. Rules are rules, if someone intentionally baits I will teamban for 3 hours. Accidental is a slay. Of course they're the afk mods/admins.. Can't you just use some common sense and go spec if you're going to go afk. People use to kick others for abuse, and I've been free slayed by butthurt mods (which are no longer with us) and while looking for rebels, slayed for not being with Ts. In that particular situation there was one rebel left and it was one non rebelling T. +0 for the pros/cons.
  22. It won't take long for him to get banned again.