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Everything posted by MineCrack

  1. MineCrack


    Post a picture of something scary. Dinner time!
  2. xG is not dying we're just going through a rough time. Mods/Admins will take their spots in management eventually, but you can never replace the person.
  3. A club penguin/runescape division? Silence does NOT want to run a daycare.
  4. Pimpin' a hoe maxin n loadin chilin drinkin a kooaid nahmean? hit me up i put a ho on SPOT if thy dnt do theri job k man.
  5. Everyone give him attention. He hasn't gotten his attention lately.
  6. Pretty sure your day ban is near over.
  7. MineCrack


    I say week CT bans for gun planting. If it's intentional I'm strict on that, it shows you have no respect for the community nor server we're running. Just as a mass freekiller would.
  8. From what I've seen, these are the only suspects. Demi0s - Steam Community :: 4Back siKH - Steam Community :: Error GateKeeper - Steam Community :: Eazy 122Jimbo - Steam Community :: 122jimbo Oreo has a few of them added, I wonder why. Anyways don't add them or communicate.
  9. He has 33 posts. He is the most annoying piece of shit I ever met. D: +1 W: Although he is annoying *I cringe typing this* he knows the rules and has no reason not to, nor abuse. He should definitely become a moderator, he is on a lot and is always bitching about rule breakers. I play different games but it ends up me being the only one on and I feel as if I'm not doing my job unless I go check. M: 8/10 A: 9/10
  10. +1 yes oh yes *the tentacles went deep down my gaping asshole* oohhh fUCK YEAH
  11. Pretty much you're leave :l Anyways good luck with any in real life business.
  12. Actually shrimp is pretty good, but beef is probably my favorite. I've been on shrimp for a while so I'm voting for that.
  13. Right. Plis one he cool guy soo cool D: -1 W: Inmature and disrespects. Can't take a friendly scrim and rage quits most of the time, then spams chat about how he isn't "trying." Honestly, he has a temper and it will burst easily. I honestly don't think you're ready. M: 6/10 A: 8/10
  14. @OP You made no sense at all... Elaborate? It's like rambo (from the movie) trying to elaborate at the end.
  15. MineCrack

    CS:GO Admins

    Someone should buy me cs:go You get my everlasting friendship and signature space.
  16. MineCrack

    CS:GO Admins

    Don't have the money for cs:go atm. I was on for a hour every day during the beta though..
  17. Should only say in console. Also if someone was killed if they were a rebel or had a gun.
  18. Not everyone is getting ddosed, just because your Internet goes out doesn't mean you're being attacked. Though, higher ups are in danger an do are the scrim faggots from the hell raiser situation. Stay strong though guys, they only win if we fear them and give up!
  19. Good luck man, just don't squirm, so you bleed a lot instead of a lot. Yes, there will be blood shed.:moon:
  20. He's from the holy lands of Jerusalem. He has received the lamb of the lord. He has been circumcised. He's a jew.
  21. MineCrack


    zapper, me, and death god got raped by one person on our camping spot. DISCUS
  22. You were pretty cool to hang out with, bye. :( There goes another great xG member.
  23. You guys are dumb to take this thread seriously. Not even DRUNK Tiberia would take this seriously.