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Everything posted by MineCrack

  1. Ugly, I can get silence to pay Kruma a small fee for some of the best maps.
  2. Someone is good at the game and is accused of aimbotting. I was there, I don't think he was aimbotting/triggertting.
  3. MineCrack

    JB Mods

    Also, I play a lot so don't get mad if I don't catch something >:l. When I'm into the game I can't really see everything, as said before.
  4. MineCrack

    JB Mods

    If we didn't see it we can't do anything. Wanted to bring that up first because people are under the impression we can, or if that person admits to breaking the rule! Second off, we don't feel like sitting in spec 24/7 watching everyone. We like to play the game and do anything possible to help you guys if you complain in admin chat I personally would ask around, as well as others I see on.. Also, we go afk a lot, personally I do but sometimes I put the afk tag on...
  5. Woops, I thought he was buying the server because of the shit leadership running it.
  6. Definitely, needs a caring owner who can relate to the players. Also know how to work with plugins (I can do if you buy it and need help).
  7. In other words MineCraft needs populating, the server is fine right now though, has plugins etc.
  8. MineCraft is never populated because it got boring. Gmod TTT is always full during the day and throughout most of the night. Then the regulars stay on and that repeat itself. (Fastest growing division right now). Also the the roleplayer server usually has 10 people on last time I check, slide race is usually populated by friends etc.
  9. MineCrack

    New Dance!

    It's... The perfect seizure.
  10. +1 yes yes mister big dick yes yes Active and fun to play with on the gmod server!
  11. Well I was hit by the hurricane and my power went out for 2 days and nights but got it back early. Live behind a hospital so if I didn't I would still be out, also cable+internet came 1 hr ago.
  12. Also if you didn't know he threatens this on the forums every other week. He's lying and acts fine in teamspeak as if he isn't about to end his life and everything his parents work for. Suicide is selfish as I've said before. He lying basically saying he will end his own life. For what? His "dad." Honestly it's bullshit, the police won't just come to your house on a child abuse report and leave, obviously they look deeper into it. Also, if your dad is so abusive why do you have a computer and CS:S, not just that but multiple CS:S accounts (you've been vac'd before). It really doesn't add up DuckiiJr. I also see you complain about your dad not letting you use the computer, sounds like a classic case of spoiled brat with a bed time of 10 o' clock. I see you get off around that time, and you play all day normally. Honestly, people in this community who are not 12 and know suicide is not right (both point of views are not right, but some people don't view it as selfish and it is 100% selfish) know you need to stop and or leave. We are not here to baby you, read your suicide threads, and we're definitely not here to give you attention. XenoGamers.org is a gaming community with multiple well populated division. I don't think anyone who came here and applied, had the intent of giving emotional support for someone who makes suicide threads. Although, it is okay give emotional support here since it's the forums, but you make threads about it every other week. Honestly. http://supportforums.net/ http://www.supportforums.net/forumdisplay.php?fid=50 Have fun, you will get attention there and emotional support, take your shit and leave.
  13. Funny thing is you haven't been in this community long or don't know the situation Using big text for ignorant people like warrior. Silence told me to do it or he would log into my forum account. Attention whore or not? Suicide is selfish and although you may have the view of it being okay, you're only 12-13 you wouldn't know much about it.
  14. +1 I pimp roxy on MG to duke.
  15. +1 cute voice turns me on sexy voice turns me on knows rules sexy voice should be mod.
  16. D: -1 W: You constantly make suicide threads, you mic spam in teamspeak, and you do extreme favortism. I've seen you let people go on the server and tell them not to slay them selves for freekilling. Or not doing your job and telling people to stop complaining. Not to mention, you use to have admin, you then dropped it. You had moderator, but lost it for walls. Not to mention you jokes about it as if it was nothing nor worth you getting punished for. Now, you're applying again. Honestly, do you think you derserve yet another chance after all you've done? You broke rules you're supose to be enforcing and knew exactly what you're doing. A: 8/10 M: 4/10
  17. MineCrack


    So basically I was on for 1 hr, and people simply made up their own rules. Disregarding the motd and making up their own personal "gun check freeze." Can a broadcast plugin for reading the motd be shout every 10 minutes? It's quite pestering because literally no one knows the motd except the regulars from cs:s. @@silence @@Starbuck
  18. NoBalls to do it. You keep saying you will, do it.
  19. MineCrack

    Last CT.

    Deal with it. That's not how last CT is going to pan out every round.
  20. Kill that stupid bunny.
  21. MineCrack


    Thank you for something unoriginal and not funny anymore.