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Posts posted by Colorparty

  1. Dear God I have seen the end and there is no return from the horrors of which i've seen. Even now it paints the walls of my mind, my soul, but there, there is worse...HOWEVER IF I POST THAT ONE I'M SURE TO BE BANNED SO I'LL JUST LEAVE YOU WITH THIS CANCER.





  2. [ATTACH=full]22056[/ATTACH] [attach=full]22066[/attach] [ATTACH=full]22057[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=full]22058[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=full]22059[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=full]22060[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=full]22061[/ATTACH]

    @Colorparty @Bach @Muzzle @Forest @Ghosty







    baybay come bak. u cun blaym it all on meeeeee.


    In all seriousness, sorry dude, if I was immature, called you a fag or the what not, it's just my kinda way of saying "I love you". But, yea, hopefully I didn't do anything to upset ya. But, goodluck with whatever you do I suppose, I hope you stay around though.



  4. Here we go. I would of had more, but, sadly, my old comp's bookmarks were erased'n'shit due to fucking harddrive failures, hence the shit laptop i'm on. Rip my collection. Also 5 media per post, so, I don't wanna really spam either.








    Personal favorite.


  5. Don't know what the relation between you two is, but i'm just gonna give this my two cents, because, fuck it. I don't even know if that's the right Metaphor.


    You both seemed to take this a little, unprofessional, there's a line between criticism and disrespect. It may have been harsh, but, it wasn't like he was telling you to "Fuck off and die". He just has a problem with the way you do things, if that was 'Disrespect' then we should have a detailed line between what Criticism is in the Clan and what Disrespect is, because people have problems with they way things are done pretty much 86% of the time I would say. And most of it comes off like that. Or so that I see, people rarely say "I would appreciate it if you would be a little more concentrated on your duties.", they mostly just say "Do your fucking job". Because it's the internet and no one wants to pretend like they're at a social meeting for some sort of high branching marketing company.


    Demonic seemed handled the situation fine when you look over the whole 'Disrespect' aspect. It probably could have went alot worse. Though the whole thing was a bit over-dramatic Considering we have this post and all now which will most likely start some sort of mini flame war. It was obvious that you were both agitated and yet you just kept going at it, I don't know the situation, but, I feel like you guys should have just dropped it with in the first 10 strings of text. But for some reason it kept going on. Though it's probably not as easy as it sounds.


    I know I probably don't even have a place to talk in this, considering I don't really have a clue about this, and I only read over the Evidence once, so, sorry if for some reason I make myself look to be a jerk. But this whole thing seems like a personal dispute, not something worth reporting a player over, it may sound a bit rude, and for that, sorry, but, if this was OK. We'd have ALOT more reports going around.


    TL;DR. a31.media.tumblr.com_9a132a730dfa7dc85c557e159a374545_tumblr_mz3gnqcEbp1rthg23o3_250.gif.8fbe74846c7774665b03004f8e4013db.gif

  6. It was a cold, lonely day. Just another numb feeling for iggy's psyche. He was particularly lonely. He could not help but lust for one thing: Salt shoved in his butt. He could only get this from one person. He knew he would have to get bad at League to summon some salt from @Barmithian Iggy started to join the anime channel and ask to play league with them, often mentioning being a kid now. They were mildly annoyed. They finally broke and played a game with Iggy. He was ecstatic. The game was the worst that was ever played. Constant feeding came from Iggy. Barm lost his salt by the end of the match. Iggy approached him, casually taking his jeans off, and bent over to show barm his bouncing, round butt. "Take it out on this," Iggy suggested to him. He started to rub barm's Morton Jar seductively and gently kissed him on the neck. "Let it loose." Next, Iggy spat into his hands and caressed the blessed salt club, and stroked it to get it lubed up. He slid his salt into his backdoor, grunting at its size. Barm started to madly curse at Iggy, all while pounding his sweet butt with tender care. He sped up and it quickly became sweaty and heated. The leaking butt fluid was dripping on the carpet. It soaked in, leaving a mark forever to tell the tale of this salt. Barm flipped Iggy over and started violently blasting his gaping beef n' fixin holster. Blood started to drip with the fluid. The pain only made it better. After what seemed like an eternity, Barm pulled out, and salt was shot all over Iggy's stomache, and they were both satisfied. It was done, and it was over. Barm leaned in and whispered, "Karafuru means colorful in Japanease," and walked out of the room. Iggy cupped up all the salt and gulped it down like a bulldog eating oatmeal. He was finally like the rest of the clan.




  7. I'll try not to SLAUGHTER this due to me being gone for so lone I shouldn't even be able to do this.


    There isn't much to say that hasn't been said already. Bach's a cool dude, he's one of the only people I can maintain a conversation with. The list is actually smaller than you might think RIP so. I don't think I really know anyone who 'dislikes' him, but i've been gone for so long.






  8. No one is actually going to post a True thing about themselves and/or Experience they had, so fuck it, I guess I have to step up to the damned plate. If you had any respect for me, that will be all gone with in these next 2 minutes.


    One time, I was petting my cat, normally mind you, just on the back. He's purring and all that good shit and he's loving the hell out of it. So he falls to the floor, at the time, I thought it was adorable. At the time though. 000.1 Seconds afterwards I see a fucking disgustingly red erect Cat Sausage™ and it's already too late, there is no God, nor hell below in this moment, for I have already arrived at my destination. And that Destination is a personal hell designed for me in which this cat decides to blow his load all over the place and scars my 10 year old mind. All I could fucking do was go up to my mother and simply murmur "M-...Mom I think...I think the Cat's spraying..." even though I knew it was just some sort of strange delusional cover up for what had just destroyed my love for any cat ever. And this is my story of why I kind of prefer Dogs.


    That very cat stills comes up to me and paws at me for love and all I can do is this. ai.imgur.com_VGVy5b5.gif.d2a83183eb3eaca625f265d0b604be44.gif


    TL;DR - Cats love me.

  9. I apologize on behalf of banning you for an hour, some other guy continuously kept rejoining and insulting the staff, I thought it was you. I couldn't find your profile in the 2000 Stumpy's there are on steam. But you were saying exactly what the other person was saying so I instantly assumed it was you who was the person constantly switching names. I reacted too swiftly and went to conclusions. Butyoushouldntdisrespectstaffstill</3