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  1. Agree
    MinerTeddy reacted to Warriorsfury in Bullseyex - Counter-strike   
    Wait longer.
  2. F!$k Off
    MinerTeddy reacted to lilbleed in Bullseyex - Counter-strike   
    +1 The first time I met bullseye I honestly thought he was the biggest fuckboi ever. He use to be toxic af since squeakers can trigger him. On the last ban protest someone told him to change his attitude which I think he has done. Bullseye isn't toxic at all anymore and his attitude has changed A LOT. He was banned over 2 months ago and I think he should be unbanned and given another chance.
    (Sorry for the bad spelling my phone is retarded....Inb4 bad spelling ratings).
  3. Not Funny
    MinerTeddy reacted to lilbleed in Unity   
    +1 I've seen you on before and I think you would be a great addition to xg. (Unlike @Charles jump into a ceiling fan)
  4. Bad Spelling
    MinerTeddy reacted to TotallyNotGryfo in X_ar - Counter-strike   
    Why can't u just play on the account that isn't banned?
  5. Bad Spelling
    MinerTeddy reacted to Firewolf in X_ar - Counter-strike   
    You were telling me in game that you had used the Icy account to get on after the ban so I notified higher ups... I dont see why you would need to be un-banned since you literally asked me not to tell anyone for using it Icy. Also as Griffons said why cant you just use your main account?
  6. Bad Spelling
    MinerTeddy reacted to Owl in Minigames Beta Test Night!   
    servers live boys
  7. Bad Spelling
    MinerTeddy reacted to Owl in Minigames Beta Test Night!   
    and its over! thanks to everyone who played. should be ready and released shortly.
  8. Bad Spelling
    MinerTeddy reacted to Firewolf in Albogang   
    Hes on a good amount of time, knows rules
  9. Bad Spelling
    MinerTeddy reacted to albogang in Albogang   
    In-Game Name:

    Syrix Active Division:

    Counter-Strike Previously a Member in xG:

    No Steam ID:

    Steam Community :: Syrix Banned:

    No Active on Teamspeak:

    Yes Time Active on Servers:

    Mostly everyday unless I'm busy. Age:

    14 Reasons for Joining:

    I would like to be part of the XG members because I have a strong bond with the server. I love playing jailbreak on CS: GO everyday occasionally. Most of my friends are XG members too! And I want to be a part of a strong clan. Also, I'm very active on CS: GO on the hours of 12:00 am - 7:00 pm. Hopefully this is asuccessful response to the action of joining XG.
    Thanks - Syrix
  10. Funny
    MinerTeddy got a reaction from SniperNoSniping in Complex   
    My mm rank is Automated Teller Machine?
  11. Bad Spelling
    MinerTeddy reacted to Warriorsfury in Minigames Beta Test Night!   
    How long will it be going? I werk Wednesday :c
  12. Bad Spelling
    MinerTeddy reacted to TotallyNotGryfo in Promotions And Demotions #151   
    So, is there no real promo demo this week or r they just being lazy?
  13. Boring
    MinerTeddy reacted to Pepper in Minigames Beta Test Night!   
  14. Bad Spelling
    MinerTeddy reacted to Owl in Minigames Beta Test Night!   
    It's fast! It's fun! It's minigames!!!!1111@3@#1
    This Wednesday (June 29th) at 3:30 PST, I'll be unlocking minigames for everyone. Stop by!
    I'm in need of some beta testers as the server nears it's completion point.
    There is about 60~ maps with a good mix of multigames/random minigames/courses. The server will be featuring the in-beta hub (no, you probably won't be able to buy anything) our own custom RTD that replicates CS:S (isn't broken, but no promises), and some unique map gamemodes (rocket jump, hide and seek).
    It'll be locked up again after Wednesday, so don't miss it. :) The official release should be within the upcoming weeks.
  15. Bad Spelling
    MinerTeddy reacted to mrbush in Mrbush   
    In-Game Name:

    mr bush or box⌐╦╦═─ Active Division:

    Team Fortress 2 Previously a Member in xG:

    Yes Steam ID:

    123354645453423423414 Banned:

    No Active on Teamspeak:

    Yes Time Active on Servers:

    3 hours Age:

    27 Reasons for Joining:

    so i can fell like a member of something in my life
  16. Bad Spelling
    MinerTeddy reacted to TotallyNotGryfo in Matsi - Counter-strike   
    I'm going to add my input. I think you would be a moderate staff member, but your attitude and behavior toward members of this community are horrible. From what I can tell(I have asked multiple members of the tf2 divisions, not just bello and others mentioned in this thread) you don't let things drop and you constantly argue with higher ups. After you were demoted from tf2, you immediately came to csgo div. once I saw you had become active, I called, in ts, that you would want staff. My problem with all of that is that you never tried to go back to tf2 and play on that div. after you were demoted you said it was crap and I think you said that because u were demoted. The whole point I'm trying to make is that you act like a baby when you don't get your way, and when u were demoted, you didn't even try to gain that back or even apologize to the people you wronged. You, then, came to people that you haven't wronged yet for the sole reason just to get staff. You do not care about the division and you just want to( I believe) run it in bellos and other tf2 high ups that you got staff in csgo.
    I do not believe that bleed and lithium want someone like you, that causes so much drama, a part of the csgo div staff. I am not going to speak for them, they can decide themselves, but I think this is the way that they are leaning.
    I am voting -1 because of the sole reason you cause to much drama and that I feel you do not care about the division.
  17. Bad Spelling
    MinerTeddy got a reaction from TotallyNotGryfo in What Is A Unfair Lr?   
    "A unfair" hehexd -1 badspelling
  18. Bad Spelling
    MinerTeddy got a reaction from Hidingmaster in What Is A Unfair Lr?   
    "A unfair" hehexd -1 badspelling
  19. Bad Spelling
    MinerTeddy got a reaction from jaygoki in What Is A Unfair Lr?   
    "A unfair" hehexd -1 badspelling
  20. Bad Spelling
    MinerTeddy reacted to lilbleed in The Penguin / A \_anager - Counter-strike   
    +1 looks 20 years older then he actually is in tinychat
  21. Bad Spelling
    MinerTeddy reacted to Owl in Complex   
    You have been accepted to join Xeno Gamers!
    To begin your membership, familiarize yourself with our rules listed here. This is highly important and knowing these rules will keep you safe from bans!
    Want to get Moderator?
    There are a few ways to earn admin!
    1. Be active on TeamSpeak! To download TeamSpeak click here and then click 'Download Here' and download the appropriate client for your OS. Then just install, follow the 'Easy Setup' guide, and finally, click 'Connections' and 'Connect' and enter 'voice.xenogamers.com' in the 'Server Address' field.
    2. Be active on the forums! This is one of the best ways to get your voice heard in Xeno Gamers!
    3. Be active on the servers! This shows that you are committed to the clan!
    For a server list, click here.
    Come check out our staff list to see who is who on the servers, click here or here.

  22. Bad Spelling
    MinerTeddy reacted to Complex in Crypt ♛ - Counter-strike   
    he is soundboarding like ''bomb has been planted'' and just songs in overall
  23. Bad Spelling
    MinerTeddy reacted to xGShadowSpy in Crypt ♛ - Counter-strike   
    Request close, no evidence and hes reported to have left. Will keep an eye on him if i see him on servers. @Complex just curious but is it soundboards/music or just screaming in the mic?
  24. Bad Spelling
    MinerTeddy reacted to Complex in Crypt ♛ - Counter-strike   

    Counter-Strike In-Game Name:

    Crypt ♛ Offender's Steam ID:

    Steam Community :: Crypt ♛ Rules Broken:

    Mic spamming multiple songs Ban Type:

    Communications Ban Evidence:

    I dont really have any proof, but if a admin comes on he keeps spamming songs whenever we are playing.
  25. Bad Spelling
    MinerTeddy reacted to Complex in Crypt ♛ - Counter-strike   
    He left and he stopped because i said i reported him.