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Posts posted by DarkWolf6052

  1. Further Information:

    I am good going and
    will not abuse my admin


    Applying as a member doesn't get you moderator/administrator powers. You can later apply if you're a member, if you meet the requirements, or buy Paid Moderator/Administrator, but you need to be a member.

    +/- 0. I haven't seen you before, get more active, I might change my mind about you. Make sure you're also active on Teamspeak 3 [voice.xenogamers.com]

    M: ???/10

    A: ???/10

  2. Does this sound any better?


    Players who leave XenoGamers for the following reasons are eligible to re-join the clan within a maximum of two weeks. Any Member Submissions posted afterwards will be automatically rejected. (Any other form of leaving is eligible to re-apply at any time)


    1. Joining a new clan/community

    2. Joining in on a "Bandwagon"

    3. Leaving under the assumption that xG is "dying" or anything related

    +1 I think this would be a great idea. With this idea, they could rejoin if they left under the reason of maybe a family problem, personal-at-home problem, work, school, ect, even after the 2-week period.

    I think if they left for the reasons you listed; finding a new clan; leaving with bandwagon; leaving cause of xG dying; then they shouldn't be allowed back in after the 2-week period.


    -Dat furfag DarkWolf6052

  3. the very last part of the thread for that plugin says

    try the jihad mod instead


    EDIT: bomb_damage_explode 0

    try changing this.

    The bomb_damage_explode, if turned on, makes it so if you get shot even once, your bomb explodes.

    I actually ran a test on the large bomb, made it extremely OP, and its like a nuke xD Made it a little lower, but uh.

    The JIHAD Mod we tried; @@GanjaMonster helped with it. It would keep saying buy time exceeded, or only one person can have it, even after I changed the config for it to allow 10 Ts to have the bomb, and give it 1000 seconds to buy.


    With the bomb_damage_explode, someone mass freekilled last night, and I checked logs, it didn't show who did it cause all 4 Ts had bombs, as soon as they got shot, they exploded.

  4. @@Bleed It was the Suicide Bomb plugin, [CS:S] Suicide Bomb - AlliedModders

    Here's the current config I had set for it,


    >bomb_plugin_enabled 0
    bomb_enabled_t 1
    bomb_enabled_ct 0
    bomb_1_price 7500
    bomb_1_damage 1500
    bomb_1_radius 100
    bomb_1_time 0
    bomb_2_price 15000
    bomb_2_damage 2000
    bomb_2_radius 150
    bomb_2_time 2
    bomb_3_price 25000
    bomb_3_damage 2500
    bomb_3_radius 250
    bomb_3_time 0
    bomb_damage_explode 0


    I'm considering setting it back to default, but I don't want it too underpowered or overpowered. Still though, there's no option to let it show in the killfeed as an actual "kill" like the old plugin we had with hub. It used to say "<name> killed <name> with env_explosion, but this one just shows the deaths as suicides and in console "world" damage.

  5. Tested adding models on the Test server, for some reason it turns us into error models.

    I'm trying to work on the bomb plugin, it's got its own problems, it worked the first map I added it, then suddenly stopped doing damage next map. The bombs still exploded, and large was over powered as FUCK the first time, but I think I fixed that.

    Only problem with this bomb plugin I added is it doesn't register as a kill, and there isn't an option to do that with, so basically the kill feed shows the T and CT(s) dying.

  6. It's easy. All we need to do is set a date that. Once it reaches that date we will no longer accept any ban protests for an intentional mass freekill. I feel it should be this way already but, how fair is to leave him banned when we unban others who do the same.

    I have a date. How about today.

    You want to date me? Aww shucks <3

    @@DarkWolf6052 @@Gkoo Need input here. It's not fair to deny Eden a reduced ban when we do it for others.

    I don't think, at least for now, he should be given another chance. He knew what he was doing, he thought it would be funny to do, and he thought he would do it and later get unbanned.


  7. Ok so turns out the creator of ba_jail_future_beta 'Kirby' added me to steam friends and explained all the rebelling abilities around the map. I would now say its actually more T sided than CT if anything...


    There are numerous guns lying around the map and a couple secret teleports within the cells.


    I actually recomend uploading this map too, ask me on steam for further information I don't want to openly give out too many map secrets.

    Look on the map list xD

  8. Leoben was added tonight, got removed, cause it crashed the server.


    I'll add ba_jail_outer_space tonight to test.


    Alyatis sucked. Sorry, but little rebelling availability.


    ba_jail_future_beta Has missing textures galore. Could be a good map, but has some weird features that a CT could easily camp.

  9. Map was added. I want you guys to test it after it loads completely. Tell me if there are any problems, such as

    Broken spawn points.[spawning in incorrect areas]

    Server lag when on the map.[Not FPS, if you guys lag on this map]

    Broken physics after/while playing on this map.

  10. Stop being one sided guys. If you were to be slain for an unjust reason, you would be pretty upset and most likely say something out of sheer anger. Albeit it's not something that should be practised, but it does happen occasionally from our players, and Moderators/Administrators should account for that before gagging so abruptly.


    Come on, cut the guy some slack. He was just slain out of the blue without a single warning, and then found out that the slay was completely unjustified, interrupting what could have been a fine round of Wardening. Is that not more than enough reason to have a couple of words slip out due to frustration and anger toward the Staff Member who dealt the slay?


    As John said, if you are completely sure that what happened justifies a slay, then do it. But if you aren't 100% sure, then ask first. You can't be 80% sure, you can't be 90% sure, you have to be 100%, lest you end up free slaying. This was a display of power abuse, even if just minor, however; it doesn't warrant anything other than a talking to. @@Kirigaya_Kazuto Don't let it happen again mate, make sure to follow rules/regulations when dealing with Admin Commands to keep these sort of situations to a minimum; and @@Halfbaked realize that our Staff isn't perfect. Mistakes will happen, so before you end up cussing a storm or somethin', just keep that in mind.


    - Dat guy, Forest

    Ten points from Gryffindor then.

    But yeah, didn't mean to sound one sided in my post, I was making a quick reply, had a car break down today.

    Yes, it was abuse, and I will be talking to him about it, but this shouldn't warrant a ban/demotion. It's a minor offense.