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Posts posted by DarkWolf6052

  1. how about all weapons ? just like Gun Game, every time the last CT gets a kill it switches to a different gun or they can pick up their own preferred weapon, i think this would add the variety that people

    >Gets kill with M4A1[next gun is UMP]

    >Gets UMP

    >Drops UMP

    >Picks up M4A1

    >Kills with M4A1

    >Gets UMP

    Infinite loop.

  2. cezl1Na.jpg.fbf9d51bbb64192be9d8641282dfbdc1.jpg




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    -Dis furfag be closin' ur thread


  3. Ehh.. I guess +1, but it's not always the fact that you fall into a trap. One place you can get Teamkilled is Race on Blackout. Someone hiding in there jumps through when you enter and you die. If you're not paying attention to your minimap, you're fucked and teamkilled

  4. Okay I'm way too tired and probably gonna be too lazy to do the same thing I just posted again.

    Check out the maps yourself and tell me if you think they look good. I already did one, everyone knows Leoben, so just need

    ba_jail_future_beta and ba_jail_outer_space. I can already say while Outer Space has a few.. neat features[some weird laser gun turret thing], the textures on this map are so broken. The map looks purple from the missing textures and it's all shiny.

  5. ba_jail_alyatis_v1_a I looked at, wasn't too thrilled for it.




    The armory consists of 10 AK-47s, 12 M4A1s, 32 Glocks, 24 Dual Elites, 40 Deagles, 6 Pump Shotguns, 8 Scouts, 1 AWP, 4 P90s, 4 Famas', and an HE grenade dispenser.




    There are 8 basic cells and 1 VIP cell. The cell button is outside the cell block, and doesn't re-close cells after being opened.

    Problems I've seen are no grenades, weapons, or vents in any cell.



    Big Cage:

    Vent inside big cage takes 19 right clicks to open, from there, 5 right clicks gets you into the armory through the other end. Clear class makes rebelling hard. This seems to be the only vent.



    Hidden spots:

    Only hidden spots I could find were inside the library, but I'm unsure how to open them. First one is under the platform with the stairs. There's a 1-way glass room with 3 smoke grenades and 2 Five-Sevens with 70 bullets each. The second one is under the middle sofa. There's a Five-Seven with 30 ammo, a smoke grenade, and an HE grenade.

    These I'm not sure how to open. Maybe @@Gkoo or @@snakeboyeric could load this into an editor and find buttons/triggers set to it?






    Soccer doesn't appear to be death soccer but I can't currently tell in a single player mode. It doesn't move much when I knife it, but if I push it by walking into it, it moves. There's a reset button next to the pool for the soccer ball. There are 8 bombs with flags for pairing Ts on teams.




    Pool isn't too special, just a pool with a little circle bench in the center of it.



    Spray Contest Wall:

    Spray contest wall. Derp.


    Knife Arena:

    Just a little boxing arena probably for knife fights, 1v100, etc.



    Basically, the same basketball used in ba_jail_blackops. Scoreboard, low gravity basketball court.




    Disco seems decent. There are only two songs for it. The songs for Disco are "I Need Your Love - Calvin Harris ft. Ellie Goulding", and "Get Lucky - Daft Punk" There's a nice lighting option that just dims the lights and has some other colorful lights spinning, ect.

    Bathroom in disco isn't really special, there's a condom dispenser on the wall. The middle stall has what looks like a vent, but isn't. I'm not sure what its supposed to be.




    Gun Toss/Shot4Shot:

    There are two areas for Gun Toss and Shot4Shot. Next to the Gun Toss is a vent[with climbable wall] that leads to the room above disco entrance.

    Jump Rope:

    There's a jump rope like the one in jb_vipinthemix_v1_2 that teleports you to the small playground nearby if you lose.




    Basic medic building. Only the beds heal, so its not like the medic on ba_jail_blackops.




    Will be posting for the next one, I'm tired as fuck and this is taking forever to do :l















  6. Alright, well I don't have server access yet. When I get that is up to @@Rhododendron

    I looked at this map and it looked great, its nicely sized, plenty of stuff to do. The only thing I don't like is the lack of vents in the cells. I saw one vent next to cells which is easy enough to get to. Everything else seemed fine. I remember first time joining CS:GO Jailbreak, this was the map. It was nice there, but looked a bit different with the CS:GO stuff.

  7. @@Rhododendron @@serbiansnaga @@thefalcon [banning admin, banned him for advertising]

    Not sure really what all to say here.


    From the old trolling you did back then, to the xG-hate clan you made, you stirred up a lot of shit between these clans.






    You bought a Teamspeak server and advertised your server on ours.


    Honestly, I'm currently at a +/-0 for unbanning. You caused a lot of shit back then.

  8. Replying to watch this thread.

    Well the first maps mentioned by Diabeetus look pretty good.


    ba_jail_leoben was one we had before. It was pretty good, but as mentioned, clear glass walls make it a bit harder to rebel. Plus there's only what, one vent that leads to another open place, which from there you have to sneak to get to the armory.[back of armory had a vent into it I believe]


    I have to run some errands so I'll finish up replying to this later when I get home.

    +1 to Leoben definitely.

  9. What if you type in !lr but don't pick an option? Do you still have an option to rebel?

    Typing LR isn't activating any LR. It brings up the menu, but doesn't initiate any "last request" option other than the menu. Choosing race actually DOES activate something.

    OP requested close, and has been resolved. Don't keep trying to go into insanely fine details to a single rule which is implied.


    -Dis furfag be closin' ur thread

  10. This map caused problems in the past. Silence denied another map that had the Cyanide logo on it. Doesn't this map belong to them?


    It was a good map, but due to it belonging to CN and they caused major problems in the past.

  11. Until it says "Shadowspy has chosen to do .... with ..." my LR didn't officially start, If you think I shouldnt do it I wont but as of right now theres not actually a rule against it. The rule is against doing an lr with someone then rebelling.

    Its basically telling the CTs you chose an LR and to get with you. I would consider it starting an LR.

    CTs have to be with Ts no matter what, even if it's not race

    I'm aware of that.

  12. I don't think it should be allowed. Choosing Race as an LR option shows up in chat to the CTs "<name> has chosen race, watch for where the start and end points are". This technically would initiate LR.

    Until it says "Shadowspy has chosen to do .... with ..." my LR didn't officially start, If you think I shouldnt do it I wont but as of right now theres not actually a rule against it. The rule is against doing an lr with someone then rebelling.

    Its basically telling the CTs you chose an LR and to get with you. I would consider it starting an LR.