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Posts posted by DarkWolf6052

  1. Silence told me to ban you.



    1. You lied about donating to xG for Paid Moderator.

    2. In lying about it, you said you donated 100 dollars, and said Silence said you can have "xG:M" as/in your name.

    3. You were bitching continuously on the server complaining how bad xG was, and to save your money.




    Earlier, you had a thread posted about you impersonating staff, with wearing xG:A tags. This was impersonation of @@Cristo



    Counter-Strike: Source

    In-Game Name:

    Onward To The Edge

    Offender's Steam ID:


    Rules Broken:

    impersonated Cristo



    You can see clearly he is impersonating Cristo. @@DarkWolf6052 @@Forest @@Rhododendron @@Cristo @@Gkoo


    Thanks to @@CyanNovaa for evedence. At the bottom of the score board and the avatars match up so. do what you want Divleaders-Managers-Co's


    In which, you replied with this:


    +1. Please permanently ban me. Most of the admins here are fucking power hungry losers. Also, I guarantee hub will never get fixed. All the money you donate to the server won't make a difference. Fixing a plugin shouldn't take more than a week at most. Silence obviously doesn't care enough about the community to he off his ass and work on it. P


    As for the people who I have befriended here, thanks for everything . You know who you are.




    After that, you made a thread in Hellos and Goodbyes, reading...


    Please permanently ban me. Most of the admins here are fucking power hungry losers. Also, I guarantee hub will NEVER get fixed. All the money you donate to the server won't make a difference. Fixing a plugin shouldn't take more than a week at most. Silence obviously doesn't care enough about the community to get off lazy his ass and work on it.


    As for the people who I have befriended here, thanks for everything . You know who you are. @@Neef @@TheKingBaby @@Sea_Panthers




    You're acting immature about this entire thing.




    Extra information


    His previous aliases. Had to log here cause I think you unadded/blocked me. Big surprise.




    You were banned in the past by @@orangejuice @@HighSociety and myself[Weird double ban glitch, like was mentioned with Silence] Xeno Gamers


    Grow the fuck up.




  2. Do want to point out Silence responded to this thread.


    Alright, although the steps were skipped, I feel that any previous offenders that have offended offensively within the past x amount of time should be exempt from said rules. Someone who spams is put on the radar for most of the staff and when they act up they are punished immediately, and that makes sense to me. If he was doing this to new players constantly, that is an issue, but for someone who has a history of spamming and DarkWolf not dealing with his crap early on, it seems that it's more justified then anything.

    Push for change in the handbook for frequent offenders. Then threads like this can die down.

    -1 for abuse

  3. @@Hidingmaster it went through the system it state he was mute but didnt work. no where in that demo did it say he was gagged. Leged you saw it go through so it should have work it might have been a little glitch. but if darkwolf did then he would have to ungag him also. which he didnt. he said it 2 times and thats not spamming so it shouldnt have been a gag then he said it 2 more times once again not spaming and you kick him. that abuse im sorry to say. @@Hidingmaster @@IAmLegend

    And since its tells you instantly that he was gagged, dark should have known that it didn't work since it never showed up.

    Not all of us immediately watch chat after we gag someone because Hosties is supposed to do what you type.

  4. So it's pretty obvious that dark didn't follow the set procedure for spam, which I would assume everyone can agree with that.


    Not a huge deal... normally. But dark has been warned numerous times, as well as forest telling all staff members last month to make sure they follow the set procedures.


    Also, I confronted him shortly after Jacob posted this thread and asked dark if he was sure he warned him. He said yes, and I let him know I went through the demo and didn't see him warn or gag Jacob. He then tried to say he must have typed it and it didn't work... But if he was gagged how would he have continued spamming? That would involve dark typing !ungag at some point. In other words its an excuse and dark knows that. It wouldn't have bothered me had he told me the truth, but lying to another DM isn't right, nor is lying on this thread right either.

    If you disconnect from the server and reconnect after being gagged, you'll be ungagged. I was thinking that's what he was doing. I wasn't lying. I did type the /gag command, but apparently it didn't go through. I know my keyboard has been doing that fucked up key thing; where it erases everything after I type A, as @@John. That might have been what it was, cause its been doing a lot of that recently. [ Problems with Keyboard on CS:S ]. If the /gag command actually did go through like it was supposed to, then it would have gagged him, which was the first step. After he spammed it again[4 times is spam, and it was not spaced enough not to qualify as spam.] I had thought maybe he disconnected/reconnected to avoid a gag. It was either that or some other admin ungagged him, but knowing Jacob, he would have disconnected/reconnected to avoid the gag. I understand since the gag didn't go through it was like skipping a step, but in my defense, I typed it in a /gag command, and did hit enter, but it didn't go through, which was unnoticed.

  5. Okay this has been open for over a month, and been fairly inactive. You may make a brand new Member Submission using Applications if you want to make a new one.

    Make sure you get active on the servers and Teamspeak if you want to reach the required 10 vouches to get in.

    -Dis furfag be closin' ur thread

  6. So I have had this problem:




    how 2 fix?

    Google doesn't work!

    I have the same problem, I don't think its a problem actually. It seems like its the new coloring for Teamspeak.

  7. Well it would have to be this. Here's a quick attempt at an example of the MOTD edit:


    Last Request

    A T may choose to rebel on LR, but it must be his first choice of LR, and after choosing to rebel, he is not permitted to choose an LR option from the !lr menu.


    Maybe make it so you can't rebel on LR unless its your first choice, and after choosing to LR, you're stuck as a rebel, and can be slain if you choose another LR.


    @@Hidingmaster @@Gkoo

  8. We really need hub. I've played on other Jailbreak servers to look around and see how they get so populated. The top 3 other ones I went to had a store system with hats, models, trails, ect. Our Jailbreak, as of right now without hub, is Counter Strike Source with a Jailbreak map and a warden plugin. I really hate rushing something but we've been waiting for so long and sooner or later we'll lose a huge amount of players, which would lose potential money. Hub would get us to earning money a whole lot faster. @@Rhododendron