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Posts posted by DarkWolf6052

  1. In total of what I saw, he killed 4+ Ts. I gave the order to stack up on my spray. The majority of the Ts that were killed[i was watching with a scope] still had their feet and part of their bodies on the spray,[basically standing half on, half off, my spray.] which technically counts as being on my spray. A couple weren't, but still 3 were killed.

    I say it should stay at a week.

  2. Some maps use ramps, some use stairs. In all honesty, I think it's not too much of a tarp. Some people don't switch from map to map to say stairs or ramps.

    Aren't they all basically a ramp?

    I mean, put little dents in a ramp, its stairs. Smooth out the stairs, its a ramp.

  3. If you physically see the rebel, you don't have to say "Rebel hunting". You can chase after him. But, if you're going to go rebel hunting/continue rebel hunting AFTER killing the T you saw and chased, you must say you are rebel hunting.

  4. If I had to count how many threads there were like these, with people going inactive, well I cant count that high.

    Good luck.

    Oh wait.


    I will castrate the next Member who does this crap again with a splintering branch, I swear. Good luck on landing that job mate, don't worry about activity! Life > xG (don't kill me Silence)


  5. I think it's fine how it is, it's a simplified version that clearly states there is a full list on a different webpage. If people don't take the time then to read everything then it won't change when we remove the simplified one.


  6. Firstly, both accounts should receive a lengthened ban for ban evasion.

    Secondly, I'm currently neutral on permanently banning him. He's been a player for a while, but he tends to get on others nerves. He should, however, no doubt receive punishment for attempting to evade a ban.

    @@Hidingmaster @@Gkoo Until the co leaders give a little input on a permanent ban, do you agree both his accounts should get a ban? Because if his first account is unbanned while the other is still banned, its still technically evading a ban.


    -Dat furfag DarkWolf6052