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Posts posted by DarkWolf6052

  1. I don't know why they're under my steam id but I would hope you'd know source bans isn't top notch. I have no reason to lie over the internet to a man who has relations with animals, you have my word those two bans dating back to '11 are not me. Please take under consideration (I don't care if you do) that all of those bans have a possible story behind it. Which could've been a misunderstanding, etc. Also in the last 5 months I have only been banned 5 times from CT.


    Please, I don't come on and intentionally freekill people I don't like.

    You start talking shit like that, then I sure hope you're prepared to be punished. This has NOTHING to do with him being a furry.

  2. Uhhhh.. Until the Division Managers or Leader have given their input (not likely to be soon), for the time being, this is how it will be (susceptible to change during a later date by the CS:S Higher-Ups);


    1. Terrorists near the Warday area are KoS?

    • No, this will not be enforced. If the Terrorist is simply near the Warday area without a gun and is not actively participating, then they will be slain (or killed, whichever comes first). If they have a gun out and are outside of the Warday area (excluding Armory), they may be killed.

    2. Counter-Terrorists shooting through doors?

    • To an extent. If a CT is shooting through the door, they better know that they are susceptible to being slain should they free kill someone without a gun. Note that this sort of situation is extremely rare, as the T who was killed may have come late (which warrants a slay on the CT) or the T had his gun holstered and was baiting a freekill (in which case, the T will be slain or may be killed). Further investigation by a Staff Member should happen to determine whether the kill was a free kill or if it was justified. CTs shooting through doors are putting themselves at risk by doing so, however it is allowed.

    As mentioned earlier, none of this information should be added to the MoTD Rules as it has always been like this since the last discussion of CTs shooting through doors.

    First rule I guess I agree with, the second one I think in some situations they should be allowed to shoot through the doors, since Ts can shoot through doors, but if they get shot from a distance and hit/kill someone from another area[heading toward armory, etc] and kill, it's unfair.

  3. @@Rhododendron @@serbiansnaga

    I'm just letting you know, his actual demotion reason was abuse, because of creating a vote to do ban @all. I was talking with Silence after reviewing the video recorded by another player of him doing it, and Silence asked what Serbian wanted to do, I went to him, asked him, and he said demote.


    Just pointing that out, I'm neutral on giving Aaron moderator at the moment.



    Thanks to @@SonicRainbow for the video

  4. Resolved, so closing.

    All the fun commands are restricted to the "z"-root flag, as well as a couple other commands that can be deemed overly abusive. Sorry, but we can't trust you guys with these commands cause you can't control yourselves when you have access. Using them on yourself is in no way helpful to the server, just gets in the way.


    -Dis furfag be closin' ur thread

  5. Bought the laptop off the shelf at Microcenter. The warranty was long expired[back in August 2012].

    I got a new HDD from a friend but it has Windows Vista Home Premium on it, and its locked. I can't get on it, can't install my copy of Windows 7 Professional due to it being registered to another computer.

    Currently I'm down to using my moms laptop, which has keyboard problems. and other problems because she likes to install toolbars that contain malware, adware, etc.

    The other thing I have is my phone but the Teamspeak 3 Android Beta is almost over, so that apparently won't be available after that. Kinda sucks.

    Anyway, yeah. I get my paycheck on Monday, so we'll have to see what my budget is at for a temporary computer.

  6. well you need to get a windows disc, either buy one/get one from MS for an unreasonable amount of money, or burn one yourself...

    My hard drive was making the same sound it does when being force shut off[Long pressing the power button until it shuts down immediately]. It was a rotating grinding noise. That's what worries me. But I'll look into it later.

  7. so... pop in the windows disc and repair or reinstall windows....gg


    Pretty sure the CS:S update yesterday broke SM/MMS so Jailbreak is dead and broken lol

    Don't have a disk for Windows. I downloaded Windows via the USB Windows Installation, and no longer have that information.

    I'm aware Jailbreak is having problems, every little while I get another email saying Unexpected Server Stop for EVERY server I have access to.

  8. Alright, so I'll come straight up and say it.

    My computer is fucked.

    Last night, my computer decided it would run fine for a little bit, then suddenly, blue screened. It tried to restart Windows, but then suddenly brought up a screen announcing that the HDD is inaccessible, and Windows couldn't boot.

    So I don't know what I'm doing about this. I was told I'm getting a new laptop, but that's at the end of November[Was supposed to be a birthday present].

    Anyway, yes, my activity will drop. It won't drop anywhere close to where Poncher is. I will try to find some way to be able to access at LEAST the FTP so I can take care of the servers, even though having Steam[other than on my Android] is not an option.

    Anyway, as far as I know, my job isn't going to be a problem. They only have me working once a week, which if that keeps up, I'll quit. The job sucks but if they're only working me one day a week, I'm not going to stay around.


    But yeah, I'll figure something out, my phone can't access an FTP, my laptop is dead. I'm reporting in from a MacBook at school right now.


    Apparently there were a few archived files found as being "corrupt" by Windows Disk Checker[bios]. One of them was a Garrys Mod file, one of the M9K Assault Rifles addons with the .gm format, the other was not as big a surprise to me.

    It read that the new optional program that comes with Teamspeak 3 was corrupt. OverWolf. It said the exe file was corrupt and sent corrupt files into System32, which were apparently beyond repairable.

    Aside from that, for some reason, when I tried to launch Steam, it lagged the fuck out of my computer. Guessing cause I ran Steam along with that Overwolf program.


    I'll work and see what I can do to get my laptop at least bootable, but I might be off CS:S for a little bit. Hopefully I can fix it enough, or find a replacement computer soon to do this. Sorry about my inactivity guys, let's hope I get this straightened out and running again.


    I got Teamspeak 3 beta on my phone until the end of September[The beta ends on the 30th] and Steam for my phone, but no games. Will work on the more important one, getting an FTP to access CS:S files so I can fix stuff if it breaks.


    Tagging the major ones who need to know this.

    @@Rhododendron @@serbiansnaga @@Forest @@John @@Hidingmaster @@Gkoo


    -Dat furfag DarkWolf6052