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  1. Agree
    Forest got a reaction from xGShadowSpy in Sce_bitmare - Counter-strike   
    While it's great to see Members taking an active interest in supporting the Servers by catching rule breakers I do have to agree with what has been said in this thread.
    First off, it is incredibly unfair and disrespectful to continuously berate and insult the current Staff of the CS:GO Division in the manner of which you are exhibiting, especially provided that you have been consistently doing so for the past week or so and that you are in turn applying to be a Staff member. It's understandable that you may be upset with their activity, but as a reminder, people do have lives and people do have certain obligations to other things. As previously mentioned, this isn't a full-time job. They aren't being paid to do this, and by no means should they feel obligated to be on 24/7. For reasons such as this, it's why more Staff are being recruited but it does take time to select appropriate candidates. That being said, they cannot dish out punishments against rulebreakers for anything they did not personally witness, which brings me to my next point.
    If a Ban Request is going to be submitted, then it should include evidence that is either in the form of a screenshot or demo (depending on the severity of the rules being broken). You of all people should know that Xeno Gamers (those representing it) prides itself in being unbiased when dealing with rule breakers. Regardless of how many people "saw" it happen, our Staff cannot act on it without physical evidence, otherwise this opens up a case-by-case jurisdiction system that we do not need to be put in place (when dealing with mass freekillers and the like). The only exception to this is if a Staff member personally witnesses the perpetrator breaking rules. This isn't a case of trust, it's a case of what's fair and just.
    To conclude, the last thing I wanted to bring up, while irrelevant, is your attitude. I get that you want to see Xeno Gamers' Servers thrive and to punish rule breakers where necessary, but being at the throat of our Staff as well as replying in such a hostile tone such is the case with the following (highlighted in red):

    demonstrates that you aren't as co-operative as you could be, nor does it demonstrate that you are capable of replying in a calm or collected tone. I strongly suggest a change in this general attitude, because it really is starting to look like it's getting out of hand.
    To clarify, I personally have nothing against you, these are just things I've noticed as of recent and I thought it would be best to mention them. It's not my intention to start an argument or anything of the sort, and if there's anything that needs to be discussed feel free to message me at any time.
    -1 to the thread at hand due to a lack of evidence (as well as the request to have the thread closed from Narwhal himself)
    ~Closing with my British CL Powers.
  2. Informative
    Forest reacted to Makr6e6 in What's The Point Of Saying "praying For"?   
    I understand what you were referring to, and I'm by no means trying to argue. To clarify, my first post was just a comment on why some people react to it harshly and call it out. I also agree that the phrase has lost it's meaning, and social media has become this pissing contest of halo polishing. I'll leave it at that for now, since I don't really expect much discussion in these parts, aside from you.
    Thanks for replying and keeping it impersonal.
    I look forward to chatting with you again.
  3. Funny
    Forest reacted to BullseyeX in Bullseyex - Counter-strike   
    my computer is ahead one day
  4. Agree
    Forest got a reaction from ChickenPanda in What's The Point Of Saying "praying For"?   
    ^ What is this thread even.
    Just joking, it's always good to see any form of reconciliation. If only 90% of the arguments and disputes that happen here at xG were resolved in the same way.
    That being said, it's just a phrase that people use, simple as that. There isn't some deeper meaning to it for most. It's just the way that particular person chooses to say "I hope things get better for you". It may trigger some people (as is the case here) but it's far easier and more productive to just let it be, as there is literally no way you will get people to stop saying it openly. Besides, it isn't like it's a phrase used to jab at someone so much as it is a phrase of empathy. Don't see why it should be called out on :coffee:
  5. Funny
    Forest reacted to Tomahawk in Facebook Coverphoto Submissions   
    I still think this is the best one #this4april2016
  6. Like
    Forest got a reaction from Goblins in What's The Point Of Saying "praying For"?   
    ^ What is this thread even.
    Just joking, it's always good to see any form of reconciliation. If only 90% of the arguments and disputes that happen here at xG were resolved in the same way.
    That being said, it's just a phrase that people use, simple as that. There isn't some deeper meaning to it for most. It's just the way that particular person chooses to say "I hope things get better for you". It may trigger some people (as is the case here) but it's far easier and more productive to just let it be, as there is literally no way you will get people to stop saying it openly. Besides, it isn't like it's a phrase used to jab at someone so much as it is a phrase of empathy. Don't see why it should be called out on :coffee:
  7. Like
    Forest reacted to BullseyeX in Egn| Melon The Free Murderer - Counter-strike   

    Counter-Strike In-Game Name:

    EgN| Melon the Free Murderer Offender's Steam ID:

    STEAM_0:0:44554358 Rules Broken:

    Camping (Armory) Ban Type:

    Server Ban Evidence:

    Rules Breakers
  8. Like
    Forest reacted to BullseyeX in Gerald The Space Carrot - Counter-strike   

    Counter-Strike In-Game Name:

    GERALD THE SPACE CARROT Offender's Steam ID:

    STEAM_0:1:61955533 Rules Broken:

    Gun Spam Ban Type:

    Server Ban Evidence:

    Rules Breakers you can see it here along with one other person
  9. Agree
    Forest got a reaction from xGShadowSpy in Rules Breakers   
    Ample amount of rule breaking shown in the video. Would suggest punishment for the two rule breakers (the amount of a day or two really as they are minor rules being broken in my opinion). But I'd like to point out that, seeing as how this thread may be closed since it is in the wrong section, it's evidence nonetheless.
    @BullseyeX For future reference, be sure to fill out Ban Requests in the appropriate section so that they won't be dismissed as "invalid" since it is in the wrong section of the forums. Ban Request forms are in place to give Staff an easier time when apprehending or dispensing bans as they provide the player's name, their Steam ID, the rules being broken, and other miscellaneous things that this thread is lacking in. That being said, nice catch BullseyeX!
  10. Agree
    Forest got a reaction from Shadower in Teamspeak Help Channel   
    Problem is, most of xG's Staff don't ever use the Game lobbies for their intended purpose. A large chunk of our Members/Staff confine themselves in community rooms. Though I support this 100%, it'd be nice to see Staff in the appropriate channel for whatever Server they're in while moderating as it does make it easier for players to contact Staff if an issue arises.
  11. Like
    Forest got a reaction from BullseyeX in Rules Breakers   
    Ample amount of rule breaking shown in the video. Would suggest punishment for the two rule breakers (the amount of a day or two really as they are minor rules being broken in my opinion). But I'd like to point out that, seeing as how this thread may be closed since it is in the wrong section, it's evidence nonetheless.
    @BullseyeX For future reference, be sure to fill out Ban Requests in the appropriate section so that they won't be dismissed as "invalid" since it is in the wrong section of the forums. Ban Request forms are in place to give Staff an easier time when apprehending or dispensing bans as they provide the player's name, their Steam ID, the rules being broken, and other miscellaneous things that this thread is lacking in. That being said, nice catch BullseyeX!
  12. Like
    Forest got a reaction from BullseyeX in Teamspeak Help Channel   
    Problem is, most of xG's Staff don't ever use the Game lobbies for their intended purpose. A large chunk of our Members/Staff confine themselves in community rooms. Though I support this 100%, it'd be nice to see Staff in the appropriate channel for whatever Server they're in while moderating as it does make it easier for players to contact Staff if an issue arises.
  13. Agree
    Forest reacted to BullseyeX in Teamspeak Help Channel   
    I would like for there to be at least one or more help channels for people that need it in the server if there is a problem as it is faster and more efficient than going to the forums or searching for an admin/mod
  14. Informative
    Forest reacted to BullseyeX in Rules Breakers   
    The rules breakers in the video are named Gerald, and Melon the only reason i want to show you this is its not the first time and its really annoying to have people who don't give a shit play and do whatever, also i got banned for doing wrong i believe they should as well. Check it out here : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=imIZ5GCn-pI
  15. Like
    Forest reacted to LeToucan in Update Thread   

    Temporarily removed medkits to see if they're causing the knife animation crash.
    Re-added No Scope Battle
    Added bounties
    !bounty <name> <amount>
    Lasts through map changes
    Type !payout to get paid for bounties

  16. Like
    Forest got a reaction from jaygoki in Medkit And A Weirdish Suggestion?   
    Bounties, Casino, other miscellaneous things that were implemented in the past could give potential uses for it (assuming they still work or have plugins for them in CS:GO).
    Once the store is up and running on forums, I imagine 'credits' will once again become a commodity in Xeno Gamers that will be transferable between games and on forums to purchase customizable features on here.

    Then there's the dream of hub. Good ol' hub... [spoiler=Old Trails]

  17. Informative
    Forest reacted to Hamsterman23456 in New Special Day Request   
    @Forest It's basically a remove a rule day but you may only choose from a certain list of rules to remove. You may only remove 1 rule for that round, and No Freekilling would not be on the list of rules that you could remove because it would benefit the CTs. The rules that would be of selection would be of benefit of the Ts and very few rules that would be of CTs if removed.
  18. Like
    Forest reacted to Snackbar in Inactive Staff   
    For the record im in the middle of a major job switch as well as a major move. Higher ups were informed that my activity will resume after the first.
    Also, I got the job because I busted my fucking ass getting this place up and in good running shape when the csgo division came back to life in august. I did TONS of work getting it to the point where it runs itself pretty smoothly.
    Im never far, if anything needs done all you need to do is steam message me.
  19. Winner
    Forest got a reaction from Hamsterman23456 in New Special Day Request   
    Looks good on paper, though it does seem like a shit-storm ready to happen; that is, it could result in a lot of freekilling due to misunderstandings or contradictions with other rules that are set in place. It also looks like it would be a complete nightmare for Staff to moderate, especially since it involves the removal of a rule.
    Though this may just be because the examples you gave don't [personally] seem very 'fun' or because it's difficult to understand the gist of what you're suggesting with this. Could you perhaps reword it or elaborate in a more comprehensive way (though I'm fairly certain it's merely just 'removing a rule' from a specific MotD game)?
  20. Agree
    Forest reacted to Chrono in [xg] Majestic Narwhal - Counter-strike   
    dedicated to populating and tries his best to help inform staff of any issues that arise (be it rule breakers or confusing points) and is actively trying to make sure he has a complete understanding of the rules. activity is definitely one of the most active people right now.
    could probably work on understanding perception, you are a little quick to jump the gun on reporting some things like freekills to admin chat but in general it usually happens when you do think you got freekilled, for anyone to instantly call it. definitely you are open to criticism which is a good thing.
  21. Like
    Forest got a reaction from xGShadowSpy in Bullseyex - Counter-strike   
    It's more of 'do this action followed by this action', but in this instance if it's included in the sentence like "Face cells and then Gun Check freeze" it'll be treated the same as "Face cells and Gun Check freeze".
    It's also a very recent edit in regards to the whole "unless a direction is specified" rule, however the CS:GO Jailbreak rules are loosely based off of the late-CS:S Jailbreak rules in which a Gun Check freeze was written in the same particular way that it is now.
    That being said, I don't know how familiar the offending user is with the rules, but I feel that given that because the Guncheck rule was a little vague and has recently been edited to reflect the legitimate ruling, it does seem a little unfair to be punishing for up to a week. Though that's just my opinion.
  22. Like
    Forest got a reaction from BullseyeX in Bullseyex - Counter-strike   
    It's more of 'do this action followed by this action', but in this instance if it's included in the sentence like "Face cells and then Gun Check freeze" it'll be treated the same as "Face cells and Gun Check freeze".
    It's also a very recent edit in regards to the whole "unless a direction is specified" rule, however the CS:GO Jailbreak rules are loosely based off of the late-CS:S Jailbreak rules in which a Gun Check freeze was written in the same particular way that it is now.
    That being said, I don't know how familiar the offending user is with the rules, but I feel that given that because the Guncheck rule was a little vague and has recently been edited to reflect the legitimate ruling, it does seem a little unfair to be punishing for up to a week. Though that's just my opinion.
  23. Ding!
    Forest reacted to LeToucan in Bullseyex - Counter-strike   
    From Jailbreak Rules, last updated Wednesday at 12:18 AM. This doesn't necessarily mean that this was the revision that was made Wednesday.

    It definitely says unless another direction is specified.
    Like I've said before, I'm fine with accidental masses being a week ban. Unless anyone else says otherwise, I'm going to change it to a week tomorrow.
    @Chrono @Lithium @Snackbar
  24. Like
    Forest got a reaction from xGShadowSpy in New Special Day Request   
    Looks good on paper, though it does seem like a shit-storm ready to happen; that is, it could result in a lot of freekilling due to misunderstandings or contradictions with other rules that are set in place. It also looks like it would be a complete nightmare for Staff to moderate, especially since it involves the removal of a rule.
    Though this may just be because the examples you gave don't [personally] seem very 'fun' or because it's difficult to understand the gist of what you're suggesting with this. Could you perhaps reword it or elaborate in a more comprehensive way (though I'm fairly certain it's merely just 'removing a rule' from a specific MotD game)?
  25. Like
    Forest got a reaction from BullseyeX in Bullseyex - Counter-strike   
    While the ruling for "Guncheck Freeze" is that you are to be facing away, this does not over-rule the fact that you told Ts to face cells beforehand. Unless you specified a direction before the initial order, the Ts are to face the direction you gave.
    To clarify, if Ts are given a Guncheck Freeze order, then they are to be facing away from cells unless a direction was specified; in which case they are to be facing the direction that was specified (in this case, facing cells).
    The reason we don't allow this sort of thing is because it would be considered tarping (giving an order that contradicts itself) which is only to be done after 3 minutes have passed. That being said, seeing as this was an accidental case of misunderstanding the rules, I think the Higher-Ups should consider a shortened ban from permanent and that the rule be updated with the whole "unless a direction has been specified" since this isn't the first occurrence of this.