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Everything posted by Vector

  1. It's not hard to detect someone who uses aimbot, and it's sure as hell not hard to detect someone who uses an auto air-blast as there are 2 functions. Complete airblast and "legit" airblast Complete is when he doesn't need to see, look, nor do anything of the sort to air blast the projectile with little worry of dieing "legit" is a feature to make it go under the radar which auto air blasts however you must physically look/aim the cursor in the area of the projectile. These two common feature of LmaoBox are used on most dodgeball servers because they are generally hard to detect and the ones that are, are usually deemed "incredibly good" or "the best air blast pyro" I also don't understand why people can't google these things because there are multiple users who vocally use Lmaobox and even give tutorials and demonstrations on each of the features (i'm not going to linked them for fear of ban) You also must pay $20 for lmaobox premium because the free version is vac banned. However on the other end, it's good to have a user use it and demonstrate all of the hacker capabilities as well as point out which features to look out for. I'm neutral so i don't give a shit. do what you kids gotta do.
  2. No it won't, stop overreacting. Also, i don't know who "these people are" and the "constant complaints" come from, but because the same 3 people complain about it, doesn't mean it should be removed. What about hyrule? people bitch and moan about how large it is and how the teleporter spawns both teams in the same position. People will complain about anything they don't like. from my experience, people really love cyberpunk and were happy to see it back.
  3. nah -1 he got mad at me for no reason then proceeded to say i was a reason he left Xg even though i dont know what i did M:3 A:??
  4. Vector


    Guys, lets be super real for a moment. it's only minecraft, who cares?
  5. this was made in 1 day at 12 AM and after that we uploaded it onto the tf2 discussion so we had no way of contacting him, also i'm sure the others contacted him. Relax.
  6. @metalslug53 forgot to mention that map advertisements for other servers are fine. For example, on neon heights it advertises their server because the map maker made it for neon heights. However, the map is extremely popular with people and it just reeally gives credit to the map maker. This sort of advertisement is fine
  7. Map advertisements are fine. We should of specified it in the rule book. forgot about that
  8. Vector


    Man i ain't reading that shit.
  9. because @Ohstopyou and other said they would leave xG if i got moderator, if i got DM i think they would commit sudoku. idk brah. why are you still community leader if you don't want to be. u fuck
  10. Just perm anyone who does any sort of lenny face or varient. that will solve the problem!
  11. That's why he posted it in general so people from other servers can post their rules for jailbreak for example?
  12. Because i know the rules better than you kids and this is from silence. He told me and scootaloo to do it. I don't see why it's a big deal, why can't i help give rules? always a damn problem
  13. oh my god lmao. You are source banned meaning you are banned from ALL xG servers including TGH. Also i'm bringing up TGH because you were dispenser blocking on there breaking the rules when there were no admins on, when there were no admins on the server at the time either, So who knows how many times you have done this before. I also think you are actively being this dumb because no one can be this stupid lmao.
  14. Are you also blind? Look at the post above yours, you killed someone. Also, you put it there twice. You have done this multiple times and you even went off on kids who did it, i'm pointing out how much of a hypocrite you are. You KNOW the rules and you KNOW the consequenses for breaking them. Want to explain why you were dispenser blocking on TGH on purpose?
  15. Also, that screen shot proves absolutely nothing Here's proof of you building blocking here's the TGH chat logs of his: Xeno Gamers - Player Chat History
  16. lol total horse shit. You put the dispenser there, i told you to move it, you picked it up then proceeded to put it back down. here is the chat log Xeno Gamers - Recent Chat Log here's mine: Xeno Gamers - Player Chat History here's his: Xeno Gamers - Player Chat History ALSO, you proceeded to building block on TGH today, and used the excuse "but if they body block it's okay" Even though what he did was an accident. You also proceeded to insult everyone because of your own incompitence. You are so god damn stupid it actually hurts my brain, you have done this before on multiple occasions, you know the rules and now you're trying to spin it as if you're the victim and then lie about not doing? Lmao what a joke. I'm going to talk to Kbrazz about revoking your membership because you obviously don't get it here and have been a constant nusense. @Tekage was at tgh @Jpie112 was there with me
  17. That makes zero sense. How can we have proof of something that has happened 2 years ago? Also what makes you think rise didn't/doesn't care for xG? he was in xG for a long time and was an mod, admin, and DL at one point, so during this time he made the right call and just because he isn't in xG anymore doesn't mean he doesn't care anymore. With that logic moosty, we might as well unban cyanide for DDOSing us because we don't have the evidence anymore even though that was over 2 years ago. Goodbye xG (Rise - Tf2 DL) | Xeno Gamers
  18. If he threatened to DDOS than there should be no chance in unbanning. we have delt with people ddosing us and those communities are ultimately banned for their threats. We take these threats VERY seriously and it's not even just DDOS threats. because someone "matured" is no reason to unban someone in this sort of case. Also it isn't irrelevant. Something must of happened if all of a sudden in those years he just decides he wants to be unbanned.
  19. I actually agree with the furfag on this one. Why wait 2 years? Also 2 years is a long time why all of a sudden you want to be unbanned when you more then likely found another community?
  20. Keeping a 0 right now. A lot of these +1 are total horse shit. While he is really active, he is also not a very mature person Xeno Gamers - Player Chat History especially in some instances i have played with him. He also has some problems with donator use such. A: 9 M: 4
  21. Also looking through the thread, it seems you're just acting like a little shit when stickz was trying to bring up something he feels needs to be brought up. Are you just upset he's not responding to you? because your responses only make you look like a fool who doesn't add anything to the conversation. This thread is useless and a waste of time with no signs of abuse or anything near. @diabeetus @Hidingmaster @ThePenguin please close. @Stickz if you wish to respond then feel free to but at this moment in time there is really nothing to talk about.
  22. I don't understand, what's the abuse?
  23. Seananners was on our TTT server and RDMed. after the video went up, people went to go RDM on our server to please seananners,