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Everything posted by Vector

  1. Vector


    very hot, and a lot of sodomy by this big red guy he really likes me.
  2. Vector


    don't forget i gave them bibles.
  3. Vector


    m8 i'll fukin reck you kurt cobain lookalike 16 year old bitch faggot. lets go
  4. Vector


    mane how come you didn't kill yourself with yo long blonde emo faggot hair cut bitch nigga
  5. Vector


    why the fuck are you still here?
  6. Vector

    Best Songs

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iqPT26AH940 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B1PX93CzHds http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6FbVYVwRtKs http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zir7NinMcX0
  7. isn't using scripts cheating? lul @@Rhododendron tagging silence cause i have no idea whats up with the Nuclear dawn division? do they even have a DL?
  8. @@MuffinMonster @@Brian what you niggers think?
  9. Vector


    Found Darkwolf, more like DEADwolf HUEHUEHUEHUEHUEHUE @@DarkWolf6052 Found Gkoo, RIP @@Gkoo Here's Jesus like the slut he is @@Hidingmaster
  10. i'm not even going to respond to this. Again rainbow if you wanna continue talking about this just come to me on teamspeak, i would love to continue this.
  11. How are you trying to help Kona? you are telling him how he is a shit mod and doesn't do anything, if anyone's brain isn't straight it's yours. You clearly do think you are better than everyone because you always comment on other people's performance, thinking they are a shit mod or they don't do they're job, yet when you were mod you didn't do much. We have had this damn discussion before rainbow and clearly that didn't get through your skull. Also How in the holy hell acting as if i'm better than anyone? I'm just so sick of you judging everyone's performance. Like remember that thread you made not to long ago about the Staff award? Now isn't that sending a message? Who gives you the right to deem whos best staff and who isn't? (although ganja is a damn good mod)? It's the egotistical shit that i'm fed up with. And you clearly don't know me and understand what respect is, first of all this is a video game community not some company or factory. I like the people i like and thats that, i guess you could say i respect all staff members who earned their positions. Also @@Forest Now is best of time of any to say what i said and if you don't think so i'm sorry, Rainbow if you really wanna discuss this then add me on steam or talk to me on teamspeak because i'll stop here only cause Forest is getting annoyed. You british mofo forest
  12. This is about HEX not fucking kona, jesus christ. if you are having such a hard time with kona take it up in another god damn thread. Why are you insulting the staff when you should look at yourself, stop acting as if you are this high and mighty kid. Ever since you have gotten mod you have been nothing but a cocky kid and still continue to do it even after you left. Stop acting as if you were better than us, you yourself take everything someone says to heart, now you are saying this isn't disrespect yet when other people you don't like it is. I hate you, i really fucking hate you rainbow dashie. now that my immaturity has gotten the best of me i'm gonna answer this ban request. +1 Hex, jesus christ come on dude, i don't have a problem with you personally but you gotta watch what you say, there is already another thread on him and i feel like action should really be taken and have some sort of input from out DMs and DL. I want to give Hex one final warning, we all can get really pissy (just look at what i wrote before), i want to see hex have some sort of slap on the wrist and if he doesn't shape up then we ban him for awhile, i'm only being generous because i feel hex is just going through some rough patch with everyone in the clan and should cool off. TLDR: Fuck you rainbow, Hex gets one more chance.
  13. Fucking this. Chrono put it perfectly even if he is autistic. Love you chronononono
  14. Vector

    RIP Breaking Bad

    It's okay. we'll get through this together.
  15. i was gone after he did it again you British son of a bitch
  16. +1 hex, i warned you and gagged you actually, i don't really care for the racism but i told you to stop. Also keep this on Hex, If you feel TehWitch (Wat <--- was her user name in game) has a terrible attitude and you feel like you can't handle and or feel should be server banned, then make another ban request thread. @@Hidingmaster @@John @@Gkoo @@DarkWolf6052 Tagging DMs and DL,