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Everything posted by Vector

  1. @@MineCrack You seem to look like you're bugging him. Regardless of minecrack's attitude, he has every right to be upset. Do you really need to say yiff every 2 seconds for people to realize you're a furry? shoving it down people's throat that you're a furry or anything for that matter is annoying as hell. Now warrior, if you have a problem with Minecrack you know the drill, make a valid thread with the proof. if you are really having problems with Minecrack then get better proof, not something that makes you look worse. -1
  2. you have to be 14 to join sorry. @@MuffinMonster
  3. Vector

    Down With Forest

    God, why don't you two just fuck already.
  4. i fucking knew you would reply to this. i just fucking knew.
  5. @@Bell now we can abuse together! also congrats yall
  6. did you even read my other posts or did you just decide to skip over it?
  7. First of all you have no proof at all. second of all you post in the wrong area Third of all you trolled on the island delfino map when @@HaplessIdiot which at the time we had to mute you Another thing you seem to lie, is that i never said that you were a faggot with no life. so go ahead and spread bull shit while your at it. I banned you for 5 mins for trolling as i turned into a pyro and on the nintendo 64 map we had a really shitty map with much areas locked down. he then proceeds to make comments about it saying something like "oh you finally killed me" which i replied with oh so you're good at video games. he then proceeded to say you mad? you mad? and yes i did get up set. i kicked him and then proceeds to come back and do it again. i banned him for 5 mins then comes back and tells me he made this thread and proceeds to ignore what i was saying to him, telling him he posted in the wrong thread and everything overall this "admin abuse" thread is nothing but ludicrous @@MuffinMonster
  8. because he is nice to people in that once division it's automatically okay for everyone else? he's a disturbance ranging from breaking rules all the way to disrespect. Just because he is "mature" in minecraft doesn't mean he is any better anywhere else.
  9. he seems nice when ever i see him on, is currently ranked #1 on the nintendo server so that pretty much shows how active he is, i would reconmend him in joining @@MuffinMonster +1
  10. mature? look at this member protest i made awhile ago. when he left it was peaceful it's only a matter of time before he goes back to shit posting. MagicalPurple
  11. i didn't hear about this put from what i read, you mass freekilled and put it on video then expect us to just forgive you ? lol what a joke. wait longer and MAYBE you will get a chance to get unbanned but for now -1
  12. @@Rhododendron @@Chrono @@DeathGod @@Bleed @@Warriorsfury Tagging Gmod staff
  13. You people actually read? do you even sparknotes?
  14. +1 good guy, nice, is very active on CSS, both minigames and JB, knows the rules of JB and is also pretty active on Gmod A:9 M:9
  15. You sold your soul and rights the moment you signed up for an account. We all did, We all have to follow rules, now follow them.
  16. Vector

    Guess What XG???>(:

  17. and no fucks were given that day. Still, later rainbow, hope you find a community that's good for you.