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Everything posted by Vector

  1. @@Forest can be the lead singer http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3j4t185wl-0 or we could do http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-KzcE9-5cpU
  2. Why would anyone want a minecraft account that probably has the name dickfaggot or something. Also who doesmt have minecraft already? Still. Ill give you 2 internets for it. I cant go any higher than that. I gotta make a profit mate.
  3. -1 completely immature. Whenever something bad happens to him he goes on a tantrum and starts insulting people (me inluded). You take the game incredibly seriously and result in verbal assaults when things dont go your way. you also like to insult other players because of their voices (mephone's brother is an example) you and other players did this for awhile untill I had to finally take action. You just need to relax and think about what you do and say before you do it because it looks incredibly poor of you. A: 9 M: 3
  4. @@Rhododendron @@MuffinMonster @@Brian +1
  5. Vector

    Free Game

    LOL all you gotta do is make another account and vote and you can get the other game. now i have both civ 5 and mafia 2
  6. @@Bleed close pls because lack of proof and chrononononononononoonononononon explained it well
  7. @@Bleed Close because of no proof and chornor explained it well
  8. it seems you were permed server banned for the reason "breaking rules" by admin @@Sep0h sep0h hasn't quit and is generally a good admin, i'm assuming you massed then left but we'll need his input. http://puu.sh/4OM8D.png
  9. brb, buying a digital copy of battlefront 2 because my disk broke. fucking amazing game.
  10. Vector

    xG Nostalgia Thread!

    Dr.Strangelove Hub When warrior was treated worse than abraham Abraham
  11. Vector

    Free Game

    i submitted my vote and made an account but when i get my verification email to get my code, it just tells me i haven't voted..
  12. that doesn't change that this is another clan you're in...infact it seems you are the LEADER of another clan.
  13. -1 first of all you're atrocious as CT and warden, second you fight with many of the people on the server, and i saw this http://puu.sh/4NXqy.png <---- dark void CLAN Garry's mod server. you're gonna have to leave your friends' clan if you wanna join here. it's not to say you can't play on their servers, just represent our community and spread the world, how are we gonna get more members if you say i'm in xG but don't represent/have other people's tags on. This is nothing against you, just mature a bit more and just read the rules more, good luck M:4 A:8
  14. Even the DL of TF2 knows what you must do, The Silence is like this guy who tries to drown something (CSS DIV) and we ultimately get up for a second to get some air only to get our heads back in the water.
  15. @@Hellafun13 @@serbiansnaga i checked bans and hella banned him from server and serbian permed CT banned
  16. +1 cool guy But srsly really nice guy who makes the servers a lot of fun +1 M: 7 A: 8
  17. @@Forest @@DarkWolf6052 @@Hidingmaster @@Gkoo @@Ryuko Can you please just close this? It's been resolved and now it's becoming nothing more than a flame war just end it already jesus.
  18. don't bring up other shit especially GG, keep this on yourself, ignore what audible said, it's your thread though i do agree it's pretty much been resolved. (and i like how you didn't comment on minecrack's request to close it)
  19. can you not live without jailbreak for a week..? i mean this thread is completely pointless and it only further shows how immature you are. i'm reading through all your comments and apparently no -1 is valid because you say so. all of these admins have perfectly fine -1 reasons and no need to attack other players so Suck it up and wait a week, go play on gmod server or something to past the time.