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Everything posted by Vector

  1. Vector

    League Flairs!

    take this, you're going to need it
  2. +1 is a nice kid and is a lot of fun to play with on the servers. @@Origins @@Lawliet @@Theneva @@MuffinMonster
  3. take me. @@TurdWig @@DeathGod @@Forest
  4. @@Chrono what is the meaning of this?!
  5. Vector


    just when things were finally looking up for xG
  6. seems like a nice fellow, had to direct him on how to make a submission but he is cool. i also told him to take the tags off of his name so in the steam ID. don't mark him down for impersonation. +1 @@Origins @@Theneva @@MuffinMonster @@HaplessIdiot
  7. but that's not the point. its not the point that if everyone does it why does it matter. if he had a problem with it and you continued then there is clearly something wrong. however it was all for fun then it would be alright which it is most of the time. if you had a problem with him kicking you why didn't you bring it up? while it is aboose i don't think it's worthy of a demotion. more of a slap on the wrist. i don't know the story so i can't give full imput but here are my two cents.
  8. +1 10/10 WOULD BANG. also could the trade gaming history server get some love too? we would love to have this plugin.
  9. reloading your weapon that has infinite ammo on last CT is what is ruining xG. we need to purge anyone that does this, no second chances, no bull shit excuses, no bias friendship crap. if we ban them, then we save xG and possibly CSS it's self.
  10. @@Link! Is fuckin sexy looking
  11. fuck you brian this one was hard as fuck Vocaroo | Voice message @@diabeetus
  12. you have to be 14 to join @@MuffinMonster
  13. @@Brian is working on a warioware server right now. let's populate that shit first.
  14. so they are power hungry because they want to help out our server and wish to join the community and work their way to staff powers? you're an idiot.