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Everything posted by Vector

  1. should of finished dark rp first you fucker
  2. +1. now perm him cause Jericho said so.
  3. He has taken zero initiative in contacting me on Steam, or even a PM on the forum. I appreciate the thread, but I am extremely unsure about giving you access since your schedule seems spastic and very unpredictable. then why is he DL in the first place...who do you think will do any better? speak up.
  4. To Save xG http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=okmi0mCNJ8g
  5. i'm gonna be gone for 11 days.
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nwv61Uu1fdA
  7. At first i didn't have an opinion but as you seem to be just another child in the wave of annoying brats. Because YOU fucked up apparently EVERYONE is in the wrong. Just acknowledge what you did was wrong instead of acting like a god damn child. I have been on the server with you and at times you are fine but there are times where i just want to leave because you become very obnoxious. grow the fuck up.
  8. Vector

    The HUGE CS:GO Update

    this looks sick! maybe its time to actually play CS:GO thanks for the heads up Ebic
  9. Because of this i'm going to +1 this. at first i didn't have an opinion but as you seem to be just another child in the wave of annoying brats. Because YOU fucked up apparently EVERYONE is in the wrong. Just acknowledge what you did was wrong instead of acting like a god damn child. I have been on the server with you and at times you are fine but there are times where i just want to leave because you become very obnoxious. Again +1 and grow the fuck up.
  10. Vector

    Payday 2

    I actually NEVER had it on the cross walk till now, odd, still i'm doing firestarter on overkill getting like 600k in spending cash when it's all done.
  11. Vector

    Payday 2

    9 hours, Rep 26 Watchdogs on overkill, Really easy however they added an area with the driver being on the otherside of a fucking crosswalk that is a death trap.
  12. All evidence shows him breaking rules, i can't really comment on whether he should be permed or not because i haven't seen him on the server, but hiding i have a question http://puu.sh/40f9W.png <--- in this image what do you mean mass? mass free kill, mass free shoot, mass nade, or mass bait? if you could clear this up it would give us a better idea of what kind of a person he is. I also have another question for the 6 hour ban he got for freekills, snakeboy also put emphasis on a lot of them @@snakeboyeric if you could remember how many people he freekilled eric that would also give us another look at michael's performance. http://puu.sh/40fis.png
  13. isn't hcm audible? @@Audible_Savage
  14. Vector

    Payday 2

    mother fucker didn't tag me. i have it.
  15. Perm CTt ban is kind of harsh for free killing 3 people at 5'o clock in the morning. And the free kill was more of a tarp accident. It wasn't like I smoked them when they came out of their cells, :p. Thanks for the +1 though regardless. you still left which means it's a perm SERVER ban, don't get greedy, just make another ban protest in about a month or 2 and i will +1 for a shorten ct ban.
  16. love you man. sad you didn't get to perm ban me :/
  17. I'm not questioning his ability to lead the CSS division, but since he has (as to my knowledge) never worked with a server before, he would probably want to work on a test server/entirely new server. Its much better to wipe a server that isnt important than to wipe the most populated server. what i ment by leadership was his actually knowledge of the servers, poncher himself is eager to actually have the powers so he can work on the server, i'm sure he will do just fine, we will have to wait until that time if he acdtually getss them i suppose
  18. Just so you know, he has to actually learn how to operate the server (For example, i had to create a gun game server) Having server access doesnt help if you dont know what to do with it. *expanding on what i meant with i had to create a gun game server. I was given FTP to the server, then i created it. I wasnt given complete access until afterwards poncher has enough experience to lead the CSS division which was why he was made DL, also how is one to learn to operate a server when he doesn't have the tools to do them? i suppose you could create your own server as a test but at the same time this is much more convenient.
  19. #GanjaStopBeingPoor
  20. you know minigames, surf, and all the other CSS servers are apart of the CSS division right? Granted JB is the most populated and has the most rule breakers, being on other xG CSS servers doesn't mean we aren't active. and what minecrack and gawd said, JB has become so stale and boring that it demotivates staff to go on. a lot of people have ventured to other divisions, for example i have been playing more TF2 and Gmod. When silence gives poncher powers and actually listens to us then maybe we can get things going again. but, with the things are looking like right now i doubt it.