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Everything posted by diabeetus

  1. that's from the updated motd, so whoever tazed you should have been slayed. God fucking dammit meganramen. I give up.
  2. swagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswag
  3. Then restrict perma-banning from people who pay for staff membership until they prove that they can handle the responsibility and maturity that it takes to be a full mod/admin. Seriously, the people who got mod (not PM, full mod) earned it through some way or another, whether it was through hard work and an application, or whether they showed the proper qualities and were promoted by higher-ups. It almost seems like you think that people are just promoted willy-nilly with no real good reason as to why they were promoted. They got their position for a reason, not just because someone said "You know what'd be funny, let's give this random dude mod." You are basically telling every mod out there that if a serious problem arises that they have to go to someone else and ask them for help instead of proving themselves worthy of even having a staff position and handling the problem himself. I'm also glad that a major change like this happened without the CS:S community being notified whatsoever.
  4. +1 Cool guy, wardens well. Is a good rebel. A: 7/10 M: 8/10 @@Forest is this good?
  5. diabeetus

    Game Deal stuff

    This needed a reply?
  6. +1. Even if there were more admins than mods, and the admins were much more active than the mods, it still makes no sense to take away a mod's ability to perm ban someone if necessary. I don't understand how anyone thought that this was a good idea.
  7. Ok, then who was involved in this award? You can't just say that you did and not provide any other names lel.
  8. reported for excessive faggotry.
  9. I'm a pretty talented MS Paint artist myself, and I (being the kind and generous soul I am) have decided to allow you peasants to lend my talents for just a small cost. The cost of each masterpiece will vary depending on the level of detail you desire, however I must inform you that I only accept Reichmarks (I will be willing to barter as well). Here is one of the many examples of my art, a rendition of the mona lisa: Contact me if you are interested.
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3j4t185wl-0
  11. Fuck I didn't even see this thread. Time to win this shit.
  12. Because there's no evidence to support he's double-clanning. First things first, has anyone here heard of a clan abbreviated to the letters Gx, spelled identically to how Jubens is spelling it in his name? Because I haven't. Secondly, Jubens is in only 6 Steam Groups, none of which appear to be called Gx (link to Jubens' steam groups: Steam Community :: Group List). Thirdly, Jubens has worn the Gx tag several times in the past, but only on sporadic occasions. In about the past month, Jubens has only been using the Gx fake tags for about 5 hours of total play time (Link to Jubens' past aliases w/ matching play time: Rankings | Xeno Gamers).
  13. So if you knew that the Gx tag is clearly just xG backwards, why would you even make the claim that he's double clanning? Seems like you're just trying to manipulate others' decisions.
  14. He literally just -1'd him, I don't see how that's being his butt-buddy.
  15. I don't really see how spamming admin chat is a reason to -1.... Anyways -1. Too bad. Whitetext is cool right? + 1 Mature, active, knows the motd well. Has been playing on the server for a long time and is fun to play with. Very smelly though. A: 9/10 M: 7/10
  16. Will normal staff (Mods, Admins) get special banners/titles as well?
  17. wat ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° ) cancer.