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Everything posted by diabeetus

  1. you were gone? huheuehuehuehueheuheuheuehue
  2. ur a stank ass broke nigga who cant even suk dick. gtfo out and rip in peace stank nig. +1 for server unban, +1 for perm CT ban.
  3. diabeetus

    hello xg members

    wawa is love, wawa is life.
  4. +1 for 1 week server ban and a month CT ban.
  5. Here's a link to the ban in case anyone else wants to see: Xeno Gamers. Unless you have any hard proof to suggest that you only freekilled 2 T's, then we can't really just take your word for it. You were banned on June 6th, which isn't exactly a year ago lol. I'm going to stay at a 0 until @@Hidingmaster (the staff member who banned you) can shed some light on the incident.
  6. diabeetus

    XenoGamers Lottery

    Name: Diabeetus Donation: $10
  7. First things first, your steam ID is wrong (which isn't really a big deal at all). But I'm going to have to -1 and #requestclose for a couple of reasons. The biggest problem here is that you are not above 14 years old, which is the required minimum age to join xG. It doesn't really help you that I find you very immature and somewhat annoying, and that you don't have a ton of time played on the servers. Your knowledge of the motd could be questioned as well. @@John @@Gkoo @@Forest @@Hidingmaster @@DarkWolf6052 please close this as the applicant is too young.
  8. >getting PS3 when PS4 is coming out soon >lel Yeah my PS3 is pretty much broken, so I guess I'm either going to have to get it for teh xbacks or just wait for it to come out on PS4. (submerging it in water for a whole week probably wasn't a good idea) FOR THOSE WHO ARE STUPID, THAT WAS SARCASM.
  9. Hardly. !smite actually has a practical use for maintaining the server, it's just an alternative to !slay. !cash on the other hand, has really no practical use for managing our servers. I can't really think of many situations where you would need to set/reset someone's in-game cash, just like I can't really think of a situation where a staff member would need to trigger a timebomb on someone. The whole "it only disrupts 1 to 2 rounds" excuse is terrible, as other forms of abuse (ex: !slay @all, cats hitting !smite @all binds) only disrupt 1 round of Jailbreak as well. By that logic we might as well stop banning mass freekillers, as they only disrupted 1 round of Jailbreak too. He has abused in the past, a lot of people in this thread seem to be forgetting that. Hellafun13 - Counter-Strike: Source While I don't think that this warrants a full demotion to member/nonmember, there definately should be some form of punishment for this.
  10. Will monopoly money be accepted?
  11. Forest you drive me insane sometimes...
  12. Once again, +1. Like I said last time, Forest has explicitly told me (and several other staff members, including DM's) not to ever use !cash @all, even if it's some kind of special day. Unless Forest or Silence made an exception this one time and gave hellafun permission to do this (which I doubt), then this is definite abuse of the !cash command.
  13. This is xG making *full-blown AIDS
  14. I'm abusive? Pffft, you should see Forest. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=StN0SvSdtfs I originally uploaded this as private and it took a second for it to update @meganramen @megarobin @@Kirara @stopchangingyournameeverytenminutes
  15. Ok. Pointless thread is pointless? It's not like this could have just been an announcement on the steam group.
  16. I think that we already established that the Gx tags are clearly just fake. He hasn't even worn them in nearly two one* (misread date, thought it said september 2 instead of september 12). week.
  17. Try submerging your desktop in water for at least 24 hours. Usually works for me.
  19. While I don't think it's explicitly outlined in the motd, if a warday is called at all it counts, no matter how short or long it may last. I've seen other staff enforce it like this and that's how I'd enforce it, but I'd like to see what other people think. Keep in mind that the motd does say that anything not in the motd is illegal unless 3 or more admins say otherwise, and since this isn't stated in the motd I would say that the warday counted.
  20. Last time I checked, Jailbreak is supposed to about having fun with some friends, not seeing who is the best player or whoever has the most frags by the end of the round. Jailbreak is a gametype in CS:S that requires little skill or experience with CS:S to play. 1-3 readings of the motd + a pretty basic understanding of how CS:S works and you're pretty much set. It's not like bhop or surf, where you have to learn how to do it even on just the most basic level. If you want to take it to a more competitive level, go ahead, but don't force something like that on everyone else.