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Everything posted by diabeetus

  1. -1, you've been banned 7 times in the past month by SMAC for bhop scripts. You don't seem to know the motd very well either. A: 7/10 M: 5/10
  2. -1. I honestly don't know where to start. You have done so much more than anyone in recent memory has after getting permed that just makes it impossible in my mind to unban you. First things first, we have [anti-xG], a group you created yourself after getting kicked out that was created specifically with the intention of attacking and taking xG out. A group that still to this day is up, a group which you also made no attempt to apologize for or take down. Next are the myriad of offenses stemming from [WD], which on several occasions attempted to recruit people from our community and which also plagiarized several times, basically copy-pasta'ing our stuff and using it on your site without our permission. You advertised your own clan and TS server on our TS server blatantly. Honestly, I could go on and on and on, but I think we get the picture. The constant stuff that you did dug you into a hole that you can't ever possibly hope to get out of in my mind, you should stay banned.
  3. -1 for abuse +1 for iRpx's perm IP-ban oh yeah and he apparently threatened @FrankBritish's life on TS yesterday, he said he was going to cut off his head (he never specified which one though).
  4. has a vent in big cage (in the outside area) that leads to the armory, a vent that runs underneath soccer, and a secret area with a couple of guns inside library. ba_jail_outer_space also has a vent in the greenhouse area which leads to the cell block, and a secret area in the cafeteria that has a pistol inside ba_jail_future_beta has a vent in main cell block which has a deagle inside and leads to armory, and a vent in locker room that has a pistol inside of it. I will admit these maps aren't the best for rebelling, but it isn't like they're impossible to rebel on. I feel that there is a good balance on most of these maps between the T's ability to rebel and the CT's ability to keep control of the T's. I'll also check out those other maps for sure.
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iMl6pOXgYG0 Now that the mood is set, let's talk about adding some new maps to Jailbreak. I have tested all of these maps, and they all have several valid warday areas, several map games, and just feel like they would be fun to play on. Also, I'd like to request that we remove iPlay, Blaxx and the crappy electric_razor_beta2 map from the server rotation (unless the fixed version of electric_razor_beta2 is going to be put in). Ba_jail_alyatis_v1_a (Counter-Strike: Source > Maps > Jail Break) - GAMEBANANA (Ba_jail_alyatis_v1_a) ba_jail_outer_space (Counter-Strike: Source > Maps > Jail Break) - GAMEBANANA (ba_jail_outer_space) ba_jail_future_beta (Counter-Strike: Source > Maps > Jail Break) - GAMEBANANA (ba_jail_future_beta) ba_jail_leoben (Counter-Strike: Source > Maps > Jail Break) - GAMEBANANA (ba_jail_leoben) Tagging higher-ups: @@Hidingmaster @@Gkoo @@DarkWolf6052 @@HighSociety @@Rhododendron
  6. I'd like to see some evidence to support that the people that roflmao killed were in fact freekills, I'll leave my full input later but I'm teetering between a +1 and a 0 for now. If you don't even know if any T's were really freekilled, then there wasn't really a reason to ban him as he could have only freekilled 1 or even no people (unless you're absolutely certain 2 or more T's were killed).
  7. They aren't the same thing, however this is really the most minor kind of tarp that could happen in my opinion, and it isn't even close to being slay worthy on its own. There would be a problem if the warden started killing people for being at the bottom of cell ramp instead of cell stairs and vice versa. If a T genuinely cannot understand warden's orders because he says ramp instead of stairs, then that T should probably just quit playing CS:S in general.
  8. wtf is with the background
  9. I apologize for what happened, I did it as a joke and I thought you were fine about it since it appeared that everyone else was laughing. It was just a joke, and I'm sorry that you didn't see it as I did. Once again, I apologize. To express my aplogies, click this link, I think it'll cheer you right up: www.pornhub.com/midgetpoopdoublepenetration.avi
  10. For a second I didn't know who this was... Stop changing your name without telling me queerio.
  12. So you're telling me that after his brother was banned from the server, that applejack came into the server with the exact same name essentially admitting to avoiding a ban literally seconds later? My argument wasn't hinging on the "gg" or the "Hacks for the win", it was the fact that he repeatedly said "It's my account", especially after I asked him why he was avoiding a ban. If it really was someone else, he would have most likely immediately questioned what I was talking about, instead of replying with "It's my account, gg". If someone was about to get banned and they knew it, don't you'd think they would make at least some kind of attempt to stop said ban from happening? All I have to say is that you all are a bunch of crybaby niggers... I'll admit that his choices afterwards were childish and questionable but knowing how some of you deal with "disrespect" he prolly shouldn't even have gotten banned in the first place. and megarobin has no life... rating my post within 2 seconds of me posting it.... gg find something to do instead of spamming f5 Wow, racist white text is racist
  13. So you're telling me that after his brother was banned from the server, that applejack came into the server with the exact same name essentially admitting to avoiding a ban literally seconds later? My argument wasn't hinging on the "gg" or the "Hacks for the win", it was the fact that he repeatedly said "It's my account", especially after I asked him why he was avoiding a ban. If it really was someone else, he would have most likely immediately questioned what I was talking about, instead of replying with "It's my account, gg". If someone was about to get banned and they knew it, don't you'd think they would make at least some kind of attempt to stop said ban from happening?
  14. No, because how do you know that its another account? You don't know, It doesn't matter if my vote counts or not, if you guys perm him, you guys are showing a bad example of being mature. If you actually looked at the chat logs, you would have seen that he says "Hacks for the win" (as he was supposed to be banned, but was somehow on the server) then "jk it's my account". He then later says (after I question him about avoiding a ban) "my account, gg". That sure looks like that he knew that his brother's account had been banned and that by using his account, that he could get back on the server, which is called avoiding a ban. Being young isn't an excuse when he was fully aware of what he was doing. If you look at both of the accounts, both of them have the exact same name last name (pasek, indicating that they're at least related) and that on apple's brother's account, apple (using the original account) left a comment saying that "we brothers" (which could indicate that they're brothers). There's just overwhelming proof that Apple used a second account to avoid his ban, and not really any to indicate otherwise. The correct punishment for this is a perm ban, doing any less after giving apple a second chance after advertising on our servers would be idiotic. Links to both accounts: Steam Community :: [̲̅$̲̅(̲̅ιοο̲̅)̲̅$̲̅] and Steam Community :: Bart
  15. Use Ike and I will set your wii on fire.
  16. If you think that this is not your job you should not be DM. Life is full of idiots that you need to deal with. You can stop trying to sound philosophical, you're not too good at it.
  17. When did I say I hate you? HATE CRIMES http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y_9ZmiuyF7M 0:13
  18. if another staff member could get on Jailbreak that'd be great