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Everything posted by diabeetus

  1. He was punished, I banned him myself. Just looking at the ban logs could have told you that... Superkiller made the thread because I wasn't sure on exactly how long the ban length was for avoiding a ban, just in case I was wrong and so the ban could be edited to the proper amount based on higher-ups and the community's opinion.
  2. I think he should be permed. He narrowly avoided getting permed several months back for advertising on Jailbreak, which is another major crime, but was given some slack due to his activity. Apple did this on purpose, he fully knew that what he was doing was avoiding a ban (which warrants a heavy punishment) but did it anyway. If you actually look at the chat logs I provided, he makes no attempt to apologize or say that he was unaware that he was avoiding a ban. He clearly knew what he was doing, but did it anyway. Just so people can actually see some proof of what I'm claiming, I will post the chat logs where he clearly admits to avoiding a ban by using his other account. +1 to both accounts being permed.
  3. diabeetus

    twerk legend?

    I saw it the whole thing, including the failed wall twerk. I wanted to kill myself...
  4. how the fuck did I miss this lol. +1, here are the chat logs where he admits to avoiding the ban by using his other account, someone can #close my ban request. https://xenogamers.com/attachments/5317/
  5. #requestingclose I didn't see the other ban request that was already up, feel free to close this whenever.
  6. Division: Counter-Strike: Source In-Game Name: Apple Offender's Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:36921236 and STEAM_0:1:25608709 Rules Broken: Avoiding a ban Evidence: So earlier today kbshooter banned apple for disrespect/trolling (you can look at ban logs if you want) and apple decided to use his brother's account to avoid his ban. I believe the punishment for avoiding a ban is a perm, but I wasn't entirely sure so I just banned him for a week, knowing that the ban could just be edited if I was wrong. Apple really should be permed from servers, he is almost always a nuisance when he's on. He has a long track record of getting banned (trolling, advertising, etc) and this should be the last straw in my opinion. Links to both profiles: Steam Community :: Bart http://steamcommunity.com/id/kryster/ Here are his chat logs where he admits to avoiding a ban by using his other steam account:[attach]5316[/ATTACH] Staff present for this: @@kbshooter2 @@GanjaMonster @@Superkiller67. Higher-Ups: @@DarkWolf6052 @@Gkoo @@Hidingmaster @@Forest @@serbiansnaga
  7. The steam group wasn' the problem, it was the fact that he had convinced himself that he was a member. Hidingmaster and I asked him multiple times what his forum account was (which he didn't tell us) which led to Hidingmaster kicking him after several attempts/warnings and Hidingmaster telling me to ban him if he came back in-game with tags on. I decided to give him a second chance, but it took about 30 minutes of arguing (mostly me telling him that he had never even made an application to get into xG) to get it through to him that he wasn't in xG. The fact that I had to argue with him endlessly that he wasn't in xG and that he continued to persist that he was and straight out refused to take off tags shows that he doesn't display the maturity to have member status.
  8. I'm almost certain that Mythic has Downs
    1. xGShadowSpy


      I wouldn't be suprised
  9. So there's a problem with this: But not this: Seems legit. Try thinking before you post every once and a while, it might do you some good. Nice gravedig too. #Requestingclose @@Forest @@serbiansnaga
  10. Pretty much couldn't have explained the situation any better myself. -1 for essentially the same reasons. A: 5/10 M: 4/10
  11. I personally apologize for my recent inactivity, the last couple of weeks have been kinda crazy for me (major home renovations just started, school is only a few weeks away, yada yada yada) and I haven't always been able to find the time to go on and play Jailbreak. I've been trying to get on more but I will definitely try to get on and stay on the earlier hours of the day and during the afternoon.
  12. -1 for both ideas +1 for perm IP ban
  13. diabeetus


    y u heff to be med?
  14. diabeetus


    my abortion = h--u--b Silence is hiding the truth, trust no one. #1776isuponus
  15. diabeetus


    What you said (I advise all CT's to GO rebel hunting) is not a tarp. I myself have said "go" in the middle of a sentence to see if the T's are paying attention. People just need to pay more attention and actually listen to the warden every once and a while, and @@GanjaMonster I'd like to see your reasoning for calling this a tarp. EDIT: Just throwing this out there, you don't necessarily have to give a specific time to do orders by. If T's are taking forever to do orders, it's just delaying and they can be killed for it.
  16. How about this, bring in bombs using in-game credits, and I will make sure that Half-Life 2: Episode 3 comes out within the next century. Trust me, Gaben and I go waaaaaaay back.
  17. +0, You only have 16 hours total played, and that's not really enough to become a member. Just get more active and you should be fine.
  18. -1. If this had waited a while then I might have +1'd, but it simply hasn't been long enough time in my opinion. Yes, you seem mature, and from what I can tell you understand the motd, however it has been less than a week since you were un-server banned. Don't be greedy with your ability to protest your ban, the fact that you were even given a second chance from a punishment that should have been permanent is gracious. When you made this thread, you had only been teambanned for 4-5 days, and if you can't take less than a week of punishment without making a ban protest, then you really don't deserve to be unbanned imo. If you had just waited a couple of weeks I probably would have +1'd.
  19. @@Rhododendron what in the name of fuck is this...
  20. aaaand shoutbox is gone