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Everything posted by diabeetus

  1. You're changing your argument to fit the situation around you, and frankly it's quite funny. Your first post links directly to the motd, where you correctly claim that the motd at no point states that the warden must give 5 seconds (or any time-table as you state) for T's to do orders. Your first several posts all make the argument that since it's not in the motd explicitly it's not a rule. I think my argument is quite sound, you might want to re-evaluate yours and at least try and stay somewhat consistent. I'm not going to pointlessly respond to any more of your replies and further the derailment of this thread.
  2. lol so when people are being rude to you, the best way to continue the situation is to be rude right back to them? I can't imagine that going wrong at all. Like I've said, the fact that you gave people time to do orders is not hypocritical, however the fact that you've been saying throughout this thread (and the video now that I think about it) is that T's should have been doing orders right away, as in right after cells opened. You giving T's time to do orders, but then turning around and saying that your orders specifically stated that T's should have been doing orders right away is hypocritical. If you think that someone saying "DO YOU HABLO ESPANOL" if offensive, then you should probably just lock yourself in your room and totally isolate yourself, because there is a lot of worse ways you could be heckled, and I don't think you would be able to handle it. Just saying, the rules regarding the warden giving a repeat are very clear, megarobin is just a derp. edit: the "ampersand didn't repeat so he deserved to get slayed anyways" is completely relevant and holds true to the situation. I've given several examples showing that the slay would still be valid, and I can't comprehend why you are not capable of understanding something as trivial as this.
  3. Considering 3 T's died wandering around their cell and an admin had no idea why T's were being killed, I would venture to say that you did create some confusion. Your completely assholian and condescending attitude throughout this little escapade is not going to help you get anything out of this thread, all it's doing is making you look like even more of a derp. Once again, you giving leeway when T's were supposed to be doing orders immediately is basically allowing the T's to detour/delay, so your logic just makes you look like a hypocrite. If I were to slay you for baiting, but you mass freekilled as well without actually baiting any T's, does my slay suddenly become invalid just because you didn't break the rule I thought you did?
  4. No one did say repeat, but it does say in the motd that "Warden must repeat orders, and they must be clear when asked.". If warden doesn't repeat orders, I will pretty much always remind them to repeat or the T's in-game will hound the warden like a bunch of rabid tiger sharks for a repeat if the warden forgets to repeat. If the warden doesn't repeat their orders and it leads to deaths due to confusion among the T's, I would imagine that it would warrant a slay 100% of the time.
  5. Anything (from a simple freegag to a freeslay to slaying @all) is still considered admin abuse, no matter how insignificant said abuse may seem. The whole purpose of these threads is to report any and all abuse seen by players and to evaluate whether or not the abusive admin should be demoted or not as a consequence of his actions. Don't interpret this as support for the idea that Cristo freeslayed, because I think that Cristo's slay was valid, just not entirely for the exact reason why he said so in the video. The fact that Cristo slayed you (ambersand) does not negate the fact that you broke another rule other than causing a confusing situation with your orders. The motd requires that warden must repeat his original orders at least once, no if's, and's or but's, which you failed to do. While Cristo's reasoning to slay you might have been semi-invalid, the slay itself was still valid as you did break another rule. If you're going to argue that T's should have been doing orders immediately, then why are you also trying to support yourself by saying that you gave them an excess amount of time to do orders? If you're going to take the more hardline approach and say that T's should have been doing orders immediately after cells opened, you essentially allowed T's to rebel by giving them 5-6 seconds to complete orders, which by your own logic would be considered detouring or delaying as T's were supposed to be doing orders immediately. Additionally, I can't see anywhere in the video an instance of you being mocked by cristo. Also, if a CT breaks a rule because of faulty/invalid orders coming from the warden, both the warden and the CT that broke rules will be punished, as it's the warden's fault for giving unclear orders which lead to rulebreaking. -1.
  6. Considering that it's still in alpha testing it's going to be incredibly difficult to maintain the servers as the game is going to prone to constant updates/patches and due to rampant bugs and glitches that will only be even more frequent due to this being open-world. I doubt that this is really going anywhere, I've seen half a dozen DayZ ripoffs come and go within the last 6 months, despite many of them having huge potential. There's also a good chance that this game will get steamrolled when DayZ standalone comes out (which could be very soon). There's going to be a very large amount of work put into this with relatively little payoff for a long time. In my opinion we should focus our funding towards maintaining and improving our currently successful servers and divisions, not trying to expand into what could very easily turn into a money pit.
  7. yay another open-world survival zombie apocalypse game! How original! I can't imagine this division being anything but successful, just as the DayZ and WarZ divisions were.
  8. ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ ʀᴀɪsᴇ ᴜʀ ᴅᴏɴɢᴇʀs ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽/
  9. And the award for best forum posts of the century goes to (drumroll please): everyone on this thread who posted a shitty gif, in some collective yet incredibly pathetic attempt to convey some form of humor. These are some of the most insightful and thought-provoking posts I've ever seen. I'm glad to see that yet another thread has been quickly derailed in a matter of minutes, Congratulations! 0 as I honestly couldn't care less whether or not he gets unbanned.
  10. Are they really, I never would have thought of that. +1 Your sarcasm detectors should be going off right about now
  11. didn't even really notice tbh...
  12. diabeetus


    that's going to be pretty hard to do. heuhuehehuehuehueuheuhjeuheuheuheuheuehuehuheuehuheuhehuehueh
  13. just when we started to agree on some things...
  14. -1 You horribly misrepresented our community and were punished accordingly for doing so. These bans are put in place with the intention of lasting forever, and that's how they should stay in my opinion. No unbanning because the OP wrote some cliche sob story about how he/she realizes about how wrong they were and how they now realize that what they did was wrong, and that all they want is to just be unbanned from servers so they can interact with us once again. You should have known that what you were doing was wrong when the thought of even doing something like that crossed your mind and immediately have decided against it. I really see absolutely no reason to unban you.
  15. It hasn't been a full month since you left xG, you can't reapply until November 1st. Requesting close @@DarkWolf6052 @@Forest @@Rena.
  16. I made a forum account just so I could see if he was a member or not (since they require you to have an account to view profile pages for whatever reason) but it does appear that whitewarrior is still in prestige gaming from what I can tell. His last forum post was a while ago, but I don't see any posts regarding him leaving the clan (prestige gaming) so once again it appears that whitewarrior is currently double-clanning. @@Whitewarrior23 @@Forest @@serbiansnaga @@Rhododendron @@DarkWolf6052 Great job on being a faithful friend and fellow clan member though! -pics below- this is his member page: [MEDIA=imgur]J69UKCa[/MEDIA] these are his most recent posts: [MEDIA=imgur]J69UKCa[/MEDIA] this is his member application to prestige gaming, which was approved: [MEDIA=imgur]J69UKCa[/MEDIA]
  17. good one brah, u so funny.
  18. diabeetus


    Wow I've never permed so many people in one sitting before.
  19. requesting close, minimum age is 14 @@DarkWolf6052 @@Rena
  20. danny devito is my idol