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  1. Agree
    Kyoko got a reaction from SonicRainbow in Astera xgm - Counter-Strike: Source   
    I do not deny i did freeslayed him. I didn't hear him say jumping was restricted and he killed me. I did not gag him for arguing with me about the freeslay, I gaged him for dissrespect. I said I was sorry it was an accident but then after i say that, he says "Wow new mod freeslayed me, What a fucking idiot" I count it as disrespect so i gaged him.
  2. Winner
    Kyoko reacted to Matsi in xShadowSpyx - Counter-Strike: Source   
    +1 shorten ban to 15 years.... Everyone deserves a seventh chance!!!
    BTW you made me sad... I thought you(shadowspy) got banned :cry:
  3. Winner
    Kyoko got a reaction from iRpx in xShadowSpyx - Counter-Strike: Source   
    -1 He was a troll and jsut because someone says they've "turned a new leaf" dosnt mean shit unless they prove it. It hasnt been nearly long enough to even consider shortening the ban. and as @@Warriorsfury said. He clearly knew how deep of a hole he was digging. All he did was make us as a clan look like trolls and a bunch of faggots. I do not want him unbanned at all
  4. Agree
    Kyoko reacted to Hidingmaster in Its been fun...   
    You can stop trying to sound philosophical, you're not too good at it.
    I'm not o_O
    It is literally his job >_>
    Its literally not my job.
    Let me help you with your philosophical epiphany.
    My job:
    Enforce the rules without bias.
    Help people with their questions.
    Handle relevant situations on the forums.
    Make the server fun, not one that is so strict it loses the fun aspect.
    Use my big boy logic to determine what things deserve my attention and what things I should argue over.
    Laugh at posts that try and tell me I'm doing my job wrong, especially when those authors are hypocrites.
  5. Dislike
    Kyoko reacted to Forest in John Wilks Boothe - Counter-Strike: Source   
    This. This right here. What are you people, 12 years old? I expect much more from xG Members as well as Staff Members when dealing with situations like this. I'm serious, the attitude being shown in this thread is shit awful. Grow up.
    Now, in regards to this Abuse. Unless there was something happening earlier, there was no reason to gag Rpx. Just because someone replies "whatever kid" does not give you the means to gag them. How is that, in any way, carrying on an "argument"? It isn't. It's simply saying "alright, fine, I'll stop, but I'm still mad about it" and is a completely reasonable reaction. After gagging him for no legitimate reason, he proceeded to get further upset (as yes, it was unjustifiable) and was then kicked for pointing it out.
    His attitude on TeamSpeak before/after is irrelevant to this thread, so stop bringing it up. Rpx deserves as much respect as any other player who is treated unjustly ingame. You know who you are, and I better not see this sort of behaviour again.
    Honestly, I'm seeing so many blind and rash reactions to this it's not even funny, both from Members and Staff Members. Great, Rpx was wrong, does that mean he should be unjustly gagged/kicked? No, not in the slightest.
    @@iRpx lose the aggressive behaviour, attitude, and start treating people with respect. If someone is harassing you or disrespecting you, be the bigger man and notify a Higher-Up or just ignore them. If no change is made, it will most likely result in a forum ban. You have been warned. To all of you who insist on feeding the fire by mentioning things that are irrelevant for the sole purpose of knocking someone down, grow the fuck up.
    @@John Don't abuse your power because someone is annoying you, because judging by these screenshots, it looks like you acted out in anger/frustration. Rpx did not continue the argument, he only made a comment which is not on the grounds of a gag, let alone a kick when he questioned why he was gagged. Remember, it is expected of our Staff that they remain unbiased at all times.
    TL;DR - ...

    #Closing this shit-fest of a thread.

    ~ Forgotten in the Lost Woods
  6. Agree
    Kyoko reacted to Warriorsfury in John Wilks Boothe - Counter-Strike: Source   
    You give us enough proof to forum ban you.
    At least we got something good out of this.
  7. Smelly
    Kyoko reacted to iRpx in John Wilks Boothe - Counter-Strike: Source   
    wow do you eat fucking rocks kid, what is optistic?
    lol look at this kid trying to be an internet bully @@Shadow1226
    Nope, almost everyone in xG does not like you, you never show you change and you keep at it again, do us all a favor , go shove a fistful of rock salt up your ass.
    Sorry, I'm not gay like you, I don't like things in my ass
  8. Smelly
    Kyoko reacted to iRpx in John Wilks Boothe - Counter-Strike: Source   
    shadow you weren't even in the server, not sure what you think you're doing
    I was retard, I was in there with them, so stfu retard. lol god you are a bigger optistic retard than I was.
    wow do you eat fucking rocks kid, what is optistic?
    lol look at this kid trying to be an internet bully @@Shadow1226
  9. Like
    Kyoko got a reaction from xGShadowSpy in John Wilks Boothe - Counter-Strike: Source   
    From what i hear you were harrasing john a lot either over TS3 chat or Steam Chat.

    shadow you weren't even in the server, not sure what you think you're doing
    He is a member of the clan and therefore can give his input.
    now for my input.
    -1 You were harrassing John via TeamSpeak3 chat. While i was not there if you continue to argue about something after being told to drop it is a valid kick. Your slay was valid as well.
  10. Bad Spelling
    Kyoko got a reaction from Princess_Celest in buy me new keyboard ples   
    But am poor
  11. F!$k Off
    Kyoko reacted to John in Inactivity   
    Stop having a life.
  12. Like
    Kyoko reacted to xGShadowSpy in Inactivity   
    Gonna be the new daddio
  13. Agree
    Kyoko got a reaction from Eden in Leotekk - Counter-Strike: Source   
    +1 is a huge faggot. Loves Dick in His butt
    A 9/10
  14. Bad Spelling
    Kyoko got a reaction from MrAwesome104 in buy me new keyboard ples   
    But am poor
  15. Winner
    Kyoko reacted to DeathGod in buy me new keyboard ples   
  16. Agree
    Kyoko got a reaction from Leotekk in Leotekk - Counter-Strike: Source   
    +1 is a huge faggot. Loves Dick in His butt
    A 9/10
  17. F!$k Off
    Kyoko reacted to MrAwesome104 in Its been fun...   
    When you join xG you agreed to the tearms and conditions of giving your soul to Silence.
  18. Agree
    Kyoko got a reaction from Tsuchikure in Intentional freekilling as a joke   
    As long as the T is fine with it, it dosnt matter but, tell us mods and admins and we will hand out the ban if necessary
  19. Agree
    Kyoko got a reaction from Dudeeman123 in xG| Epix #monobrow   
    Whats a MegaRobin?
  20. Disagree
    Kyoko reacted to Warriorsfury in Its been fun...   
    If you think that this is not your job you should not be DM. Life is full of idiots that you need to deal with.
  21. Agree
    Kyoko got a reaction from Tsuchikure in Apple - Counter-Strike: Source   
  22. Agree
    Kyoko got a reaction from diabeetus in Apple - Counter-Strike: Source   
  23. Optimistic
    Kyoko got a reaction from Princess_Celest in xG| Epix #monobrow   
    Whats a MegaRobin?
  24. Useful
    Kyoko got a reaction from SpermytheCat in Not Destroyer (Hub)   
    you can mute him client side.
    1 goto playerlist
    2 click his name
    3 click mute
    4 Done :D
  25. Winner
    Kyoko got a reaction from SonicRainbow in Not Destroyer (Hub)   
    you can mute him client side.
    1 goto playerlist
    2 click his name
    3 click mute
    4 Done :D