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Reputation Activity

  1. Optimistic
    Kyoko got a reaction from Hellafun13 in Leaving on Vacation for a week starting at 6:00 AM today.   
    Hella you nigger you will take me with you, as i cannot stand to let you leave alone. I your loyal girlfriend shall accompany you on this journey.
  2. Winner
    Kyoko reacted to Necromancer in school starting blah blah   
    Make sure you annoy your teachers :P
  3. Informative
    Kyoko got a reaction from Tsuchikure in Professor Genesis's Classroom   
    My name is Astrea and I'm a huge derp.
  4. Winner
    Kyoko got a reaction from iRpx in xShadowSpyx - Counter-Strike: Source   
    -1 He was a troll and jsut because someone says they've "turned a new leaf" dosnt mean shit unless they prove it. It hasnt been nearly long enough to even consider shortening the ban. and as @@Warriorsfury said. He clearly knew how deep of a hole he was digging. All he did was make us as a clan look like trolls and a bunch of faggots. I do not want him unbanned at all
  5. Like
    Kyoko got a reaction from Nymph in Professor Genesis's Classroom   
    I am with @@Nymph and @@Yuno_Gasai
  6. Winner
    Kyoko got a reaction from Princess_Celest in Putting that prize money to use   
    It was a dark and stormy night, I was on my way back from the strippers club. Knowing how long it would take to walk home by road i decided to take a daring move and run through Forest. The last time i was here was many years ago when Forest came to save me from my depression. The trees could speak and walk, just like the Ents in Lord Of The Rings. I learned all i could from Forest. How to keep warm with out a fire, how to speak the language of the forest and how kill the forest. As i was walking through that very forest drunk as hell. I decided to light a match and smoke. After i lit it i just through the match away, Being the pyrotechnic that I am, i just continued lighting the matches and eventually made a torch out of matches and sticks. When i was about halfway through a bear attacked me. But it twas no ordinary bear, It was a Badass bear who wanted me dead. Dropping the flaming homosexual torch i ran from the bear and started a Forest Fire. I looked back behind me and saw the flames, scared, I ran away hoping that the bear got caught up in the flames. But the flames not only got the bear, they caught up to me and almost killed me. But a tree fell right behind me taking the brunt of the flames leaving me to escape. To this very day i still cry myself to sleep at night over Forest.
    ~R.I.P Forest from 1916-2013
  7. Agree
    Kyoko got a reaction from Warriorsfury in DarkWolf6052 xG:F:DM - Counter-Strike: Source   
    Everything that surrounds Darkwolf escalates to un-comprehendable levels
  8. Agree
    Kyoko got a reaction from Jacob in DarkWolf6052 xG:F:DM - Counter-Strike: Source   
    Everything that surrounds Darkwolf escalates to un-comprehendable levels
  9. Winner
    Kyoko reacted to Gawd in DarkWolf6052 xG:F:DM - Counter-Strike: Source   
    Alright, finally I'm home from my trip. I would like to start out by saying that it's a little bit ridiculous that you guys are voting downs on each others post just because you disagree.
    If you want your opinion to be taken seriously, as all should, at least show an attempt to be unbiased in what you are saying.
    Now, let's look at the facts of what happened. Jacob started saying things that clearly offended Darkwolf and as seen, he was kicked. There are several things to consider:

    Why was the punishment given?
    Was it justified?
    Was the proper process used in giving the punishment?

    1. The punishment was given, as said by Darkwolf, because of spamming. There are people who are arguing a disrespect case which, regardless of whether it is true or not, does not matter. The reason given for the punishment was spamming.
    2. As far as I can see there are not any clear guidelines among spamming directly listed in rules, but the accepted reasoning has been if the 3 of the same text is posted right away, it can be considered as spam. I have seen Darkwolf himself acknowledge and use this rule. There are special cases, but as far as I can see from the text, there are fairly long intervals between each posting. The most I see are two lines put together. I personally can't count this as spamming at all, but if it is, he should be gagged.
    3. The simple answer is no. A gag should always be given before a kick. It seems to me that Jacob struck a nerve and Darkwolf kicked him right away.
    Jacob is in no way in the right here, he was purposely edging Darkwolf on and has a previous history of trolling. But regardless of his history, everyone is entitled to the same level of treatment. Division managers should, in my opinion, keep their emotions in check especially when admining and provide an unbiased moderation of the server.
  10. Agree
    Kyoko got a reaction from SuperMaddud in DarkWolf6052 xG:F:DM - Counter-Strike: Source   
    i'm not breaking the rules i mess around

    You're one to talk lol
    Messing around can break rules kid.
  11. Agree
    Kyoko reacted to SuperMaddud in DarkWolf6052 xG:F:DM - Counter-Strike: Source   
    nobody can explain it. Im confused too. Everything in xG is escalated to shit.
  12. Disagree
    Kyoko got a reaction from xGShadowSpy in DarkWolf6052 xG:F:DM - Counter-Strike: Source   
    i'm not breaking the rules i mess around

    You're one to talk lol
    Messing around can break rules kid.
  13. Disagree
    Kyoko got a reaction from xGShadowSpy in DarkWolf6052 xG:F:DM - Counter-Strike: Source   
    @@Matsi pretty much sums up everything.
    Honestly he skipped a step. Are you really going to demote him over a fucking step. I've done that multiple times where !gag fucks up. I understand we have rules and guidelines for a reason and 4 offences as small as a skipped step. does that really add up to something demoteable? Maybe 4 wrongfull bans but skipped steps?
    I'm not -1ing or +1ing here. Just think. Is this maybe blown out of porportion?
  14. Agree
    Kyoko got a reaction from MineCrack in xG vs HG scrimmage   
    I'll be a sub if needed
  15. Funny
    Kyoko reacted to Genesis in DarkWolf6052 xG:F:DM - Counter-Strike: Source   
  16. Disagree
    Kyoko got a reaction from xGShadowSpy in DarkWolf6052 xG:F:DM - Counter-Strike: Source   
    it will say in console if you were gagged. -1 no proof should be closed unless propper proof is given
  17. Informative
    Kyoko got a reaction from Tsuchikure in Staff Activity   
    I try to be on daily. I tend to be on the night shifts and get off css at around 12:10 AM.
  18. Not Funny
    Kyoko got a reaction from MrAwesome104 in Professor Genesis's Classroom   
    Oh Mrawesome did you not here about the war waged to end Chrono's life? Chrono was too fat and the blade couldnt go deep enough.so he is still alive today.
  19. Agree
    Kyoko reacted to Cloud in Staff Activity   
    cs:s is headed right where cs:go is at this point
  20. Funny
    Kyoko reacted to Gkoo in good time smokin' last night   
    we have a badass over here...
  21. Dislike
    Kyoko got a reaction from Tsuchikure in [xG] MrAwesome104 - Counter-Strike: Source   
    uhm ima just tag the dms here @@DarkWolf6052 @@Hidingmaster @@Gkoo
  22. Agree
    Kyoko got a reaction from Tsuchikure in Back from the dead. Vanilla Grape   
    Whats a mega? Welcome back bb
  23. Agree
    Kyoko reacted to Forest in MagicalPurple   
    Alright, after discussing recent events as well as attitude problems with Purple, it has been decided that he will remain a Member of xG. This is the first Member Protest I've seen regarding this player, and as such it will be an eye-opener.
    It has been made apparent that Purple is constantly harassed both in forums and ingame, which is without a doubt a contributing factor in his attitude. However; given that it is something that can be dealt with in a calm manner (either ignoring or notifying a Higher-Up), it is not a tolerable means of lashing out on forums or threatening to leave xG. Should another occurrence of this happen, expulsion from XenoGamers will be considered and more than likely dealt.
    I will also note that harassing members of the community is not something that should be practised. If you don't like someone, there is no reason you cannot just avoid them or simply ignore them. Should I hear that anyone is consistently harassing Purple (and vice-versa) again, consequences will be dealt, possibly to both parties.
    Grow up people, we expect more from our Members, and especially our Staff Members. If you are being harassed or disrespected by someone, notify a Higher-Up. There is no reason to further escalate it by stooping to the offender's level. Doing that will only result in a shit-storm that won't benefit anyone such as this. Contact me if Purple's attitude has gone out of check, and @@Cloud , fix that attitude. I don't want to see you griefing the hell out of people in such a hostile manner for stating their opinion.
    ~ Forgotten in the Lost Woods
  24. Agree
    Kyoko got a reaction from Priggles in Pokémon X & Y Discussion   
    Even if it does turn out like that, I'll be content, I really like foxes
    I might get it. Depends on if I have a job or not to get a 3Ds
  25. Agree
    Kyoko reacted to diabeetus in Staff Inactivity   
    Hub is (hopefully) being released within the next few weeks, which should bring in a lot more players/staff wo have gotten bored of playing jailbreak all the time. Personally, I think we should try to find some people that are enthusiastic about the server and are also able to handle staff positions, instead of just quickly promoting lots of people to admin while only a few are promoted to mod. I'm seeing a lot of staff members as of recently who seem to be tired of having staff responsibility, which isn't a good sign.