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  1. Disagree
    Kyoko reacted to Rhododendron in Nomulous - Team Fortress 2   
    Alright I've talked to @Nomulous and he has promised to not do it again.
    ~ Closed
  2. Informative
    Kyoko reacted to Chrono in Wardening 101   
    Insert my long post here. (Will edit when I get home. Basically gonna be adding my perspective as one of the hardest wardens to rebel against as well as a pretty damn good rebel. So I'll be giving tips on how to avoid it and also how to control the ts as a nazi easily but still letting some fun in.)
    Edit: Due to the influx of hours at work (summer, and grad nites starting, and me working them. so i have a fucked up schedule of life now.) this post edit of the real value has been delayed, my minimal free time is already set for a few games of ranked and maybe a competitive a day. other than that, time is a rare commodity. so if I am to give a tip right now, while it isn't for wardening, it's for you kids out here. Since most of you are kids, still in maybe even elementary school, but typically jr high or early high school, don't waste your time. enjoy the time you get to hang out with friends, and make what you can of life right now, live the "yolo" or "rolo" life and experience different things (try talking to a real human girl IRL) and make sure you have fun, because even though I am young (only 20) with work and school going right now, I have spent a total of 2 hours with my girlfriend the last month, and that was the 2 hours before my grad nite shift last night. prior to that, we were basically in-separable. When the time comes that you are working and other priorities take over, you are going to wish you lived your life a little more. another example of such, I wish I had tried in high school so that I would not have been "grounded" all the time, and been able to hang out with friends, also so I could have gone to a real school instead of Community College, I basically trapped myself for a few years trying to get classes and balance life at the same time.
  3. Agree
    Kyoko reacted to speedlimit56kb in Deathrun Server?   
    I think a DR server isn't fit for us on css right now; like chrono said, we used to have which only us members populated when we wanted to have fun. Of course id be willing to give it a try to see if it can make a difference, which i highly doubt, but then again you never know.
  4. Agree
    Kyoko reacted to Forest in Deathrun Server?   
    As with any other Server and any other suggestion for one, you need to have Members or Players to back it up lest history repeat itself. More emphasis should be on the Servers that are actually striving as mentioned above, not adding more to the current list. As it is, our CS:S Division is already lacking in terms of activity.
    Adding more Servers would just result in regulars pooling to another Server, thus killing the Server they had been regulars on previously. It's a vicious cycle :coffee:
  5. F!$k Off
    Kyoko got a reaction from Genesis in History Behind Your Ign   
    Current Name: Madoka Magica, Kyoko is best girl, you say otherwise and i will come and take your soul gem @Genesis
    Old Name- Kirito, SAO Fanboy.
    MC Name- Nach0nick: I like Nachos
  6. Agree
    Kyoko reacted to Warriorsfury in Wildstar Thread!   
    Honestly at this rate every game is going to have its own division.
  7. Winner
    Kyoko reacted to Forest in More Players   
    You'd have to talk to Silence in regards to Steam Group access. Although he may not be so eager to give it seeing as a portion of those who do get access seem to fuck with everything, not naming anyone in particular.
    Try hosting a tournament sort of event?
    Maybe have a sculpture building contest? (with appropriate judges and prizes for 1st place or 1st/2nd/3rd)
    Talk with the Com-Leads and ask for permission to have another "Coming-Of-Age" event in which all ages are permitted to post a Member Submission for MineCraft Division during the duration of the event?
  8. Agree
    Kyoko reacted to Charles in Competition Time   
  9. Agree
    Kyoko reacted to KendrickLlama in Competition Time   
    All I want is a damn pet
  10. Winner
    Kyoko reacted to ThePenguin in Competition Time   
    pls give donater privileges ty

  11. Agree
    Kyoko got a reaction from DCook in Dcock/abria/cookie - Minecraft   
    +1 stoopid
  12. Not Funny
    Kyoko got a reaction from John_Madden in Inactivity Kind Of?   
    good luck with these familly issues. #newclofxGMeezles2014
  13. Agree
    Kyoko got a reaction from MrJeeblez in The F*ck You Thread   
    Fuck You @Yu_Narukami @Tsuchikure
  14. Winner
    Kyoko reacted to Forest in Yeah...   
    Because they also happen to make up a pretty big part of the internet community. Not to mention we aren't some clan/community that puts restrictions on its type(s) of Members (not that we should) :coffee:
  15. Winner
    Kyoko reacted to BenJammin in Im Back   
    sorry guys, ive been grounded for the last like month or so so i havent been on. im not dead so ill start being active again
  16. Like
    Kyoko reacted to Warriorsfury in Xenogamers Dayz Standalone   
    Why don't we get our own DayZ server :DDDD
    Nobutsrs i'll probs join in dunno doe.
  17. Winner
    Kyoko got a reaction from Stence in Welcome To The Winner Thread Faggots :d   
  18. Not Funny
    Kyoko got a reaction from Tsuchikure in What Is This.   
    cs:s died. we cut our losses. @Tsuchikure
  19. Winner
    Kyoko got a reaction from Temptedguy in Welcome To The Winner Thread Faggots :d   
  20. Winner
    Kyoko got a reaction from Temptedguy in Welcome To The Winner Thread Faggots :d   
    @Tsuchikure @ThePenguin @Bleed
  21. Winner
    Kyoko got a reaction from John_Madden in Welcome To The Winner Thread Faggots :d   
  22. F!$k Off
    Kyoko reacted to Tsuchikure in Welcome To The Winner Thread Faggots :d   
    @ThePenguin @Bleed @Origins @Kyoko
  23. Disagree
    Kyoko got a reaction from Tsuchikure in Starting Playing Yesterday, Give Me Tips And Guidance!   
  24. Sad
    Kyoko got a reaction from Forest in Goat Sim Giveaway   
    Ther once was a brit named Forest. He was so british that he was kicked of of britain land. He comes here to Americant and accidently gets on teh wrong plane to the Adirondacks. So he ends up in California to find our friend based @Chrono and beds with him. But once more Forest is a brit, very british so after 2 weeks of consistent " Chroonoo teeeeaaa tiiiime" and "blimey" Chrono ties up Forest and starts the wood burning stove, and slowly chpping bits and pieces of forest of till he has lost all of his limbs. Criying and dieing Forest is thrown into the flames. Later that night it was said that Forest found mother nature who had loved all brits and sent an Earthquake to California to wreck havoc on based @Chrono
  25. F!$k Off
    Kyoko got a reaction from MrJeeblez in Ratings Game   