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  1. F!$k Off
    Kyoko reacted to Chrono in Ratings Game   
    Give me the credits, and I will give away 2 copies of goat simulator instead of 1.
  2. Informative
  3. Winner
    Kyoko got a reaction from DrLee in Starting Playing Yesterday, Give Me Tips And Guidance!   
    Ok this is what you shall do
    Buy Master Yi.Build AD/Crit
    Press R Q E W and get a penta kill
  4. Like
    Kyoko got a reaction from Gwoash in Starting Playing Yesterday, Give Me Tips And Guidance!   
    Ok this is what you shall do
    Buy Master Yi.Build AD/Crit
    Press R Q E W and get a penta kill
  5. Agree
    Kyoko reacted to Forest in Most Fun Champs For Urf?   
    If you're sadistic and like to see others suffer, Morgana.
  6. Winner
    Kyoko reacted to Forest in Goat Sim Giveaway   
    I hate you all
  7. Sad
    Kyoko got a reaction from Forest in Goat Sim Giveaway   
    Ther once was a brit named Forest. He was so british that he was kicked of of britain land. He comes here to Americant and accidently gets on teh wrong plane to the Adirondacks. So he ends up in California to find our friend based @Chrono and beds with him. But once more Forest is a brit, very british so after 2 weeks of consistent " Chroonoo teeeeaaa tiiiime" and "blimey" Chrono ties up Forest and starts the wood burning stove, and slowly chpping bits and pieces of forest of till he has lost all of his limbs. Criying and dieing Forest is thrown into the flames. Later that night it was said that Forest found mother nature who had loved all brits and sent an Earthquake to California to wreck havoc on based @Chrono
  8. Smelly
    Kyoko reacted to Muzzle in Goat Sim Giveaway   
    Are story begins with a forest way out in eastern Montana. A man called forest which is very ironic. Forest was had addiction to drinking coffee. If you ever walked by the man you can smell coca beans right off the bat. He sat in a little ditch with a wireless internet router and a desk along with a computer. He had family and friends but he ended up living the life in a forest just for the comparison. Forest the young man playing CS:S moderating a server. But suddenly a wild raccoon jumped out surprising him. As we all know Forest he had a cup of coffee in his left hand. The coffee spilt across his left jugular. He ran and screamed while the raccoon was tearing his legs. Forest eventually he died from blood loss and his rib cage became a raccoon nest. Forest then slowly started to sink in the ground throughout the years. But suddenly two Boy Scouts named Insane and Kendrick passed by his corpse. Sadly the boys were lost and they couldn't figure out CS:S. They downloaded TF2 and played hours and hours on and on. Suddenly Forests body started to shake and then quickly sank into the ground. He popped out of the ground into a tree. The boys frustrated at the game pushed the computer over and broke it. Forest was angry then he took out a pepper shaker. He grabbed Kendrick and lifted down his pants and peppered his anus. Insane running relentlessly trips over a lantern and scolding his face with third degree burns. The fire spread and and forest fire had began. Forest was scared he had run out of pepper to pepper is own anus. Kendrick, anus filled with pepper began to act like a fish out of water. Forest eventually caught on fire and the entire forest burnt down. Kendrick somehow survived and stored Forest's ashes in a jar. Forest now just a pile of ash was a great Father's Day present to his friends alcoholic dad. Happy ending! OKAY THIS CAME OUT OF THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART PLS READ
  9. Smelly
    Kyoko reacted to Charles in Goat Sim Giveaway   
    There once was a tranny named Forest, Forest was a Canadian.. It lived in the streets of Detroit. Everyday at 6:00 A.M. someone pooped flames onto Forest. Forest soon became enraged, so it called da "Po Po". Da "Po Po" said, "Forest, I'm afraid we can't help you." Forest asks, "Why?" They reply, "I'm sorry, but you are both Canadian, and a transvestite. We simply can't help because people will just have no respect for us." Da "Po Po" soon receives an anonymous report saying, "There has been a transvestite raping innocent 12 year olds. The victim's names were @Bleed and @DrLee." So da "Po Po" send out a warrant for the arrest of Forest. After countless minutes of searching, they find him raping @Warriorsfury in the ass. They soon light Forest ablaze and walk away.
    -The End
    Copyright © 2014 Hexx Tells Stories Inc.
  10. Smelly
    Kyoko got a reaction from diabeetus in Goat Sim Giveaway   
    Ther once was a brit named Forest. He was so british that he was kicked of of britain land. He comes here to Americant and accidently gets on teh wrong plane to the Adirondacks. So he ends up in California to find our friend based @Chrono and beds with him. But once more Forest is a brit, very british so after 2 weeks of consistent " Chroonoo teeeeaaa tiiiime" and "blimey" Chrono ties up Forest and starts the wood burning stove, and slowly chpping bits and pieces of forest of till he has lost all of his limbs. Criying and dieing Forest is thrown into the flames. Later that night it was said that Forest found mother nature who had loved all brits and sent an Earthquake to California to wreck havoc on based @Chrono
  11. Agree
    Kyoko got a reaction from Charles in Xg:m Hexx - Counter-strike: Source   
    Holy shit this thread. Almost as bad as the darkwolf threads. -1 for unban on that db guy (guy who was trolling under similar name). +1 for ribbit unban if not already
    might post later if i or someone else doesn't close this
  12. Smelly
    Kyoko got a reaction from Tsuchikure in Halp   
    I'm out of anime to fill my time with. As the winter season is ending and i have to wait a bit for the spring season to start up. Any recommendations for anime?

    @Tsuchikure if you say Boku no Pico i will send your soul to the everlasting hell fire known as hell.
    halp pls
  13. Smelly
    Kyoko reacted to Tsuchikure in Halp   
    boku no pico
  14. Winner
    Kyoko reacted to SuperMaddud in Halp   
    Maybe the minecraft anime where you help with the server you scrub <3
  15. Like
    Kyoko reacted to Forest in Oculus Rift And Facebook   
    Silence needs to fix le gifs on here. Click on for it to work.
  16. Disagree
    Kyoko got a reaction from jubens45 in Jubens45 - Counter-strike: Source   
    -1 kid trolls, argues with admins. Trolls... A LOT. kinda immature in way not enough swagger. Is a bitchboiiieee
    +/-0 idrc hes kinda cool. Knows rules as he knows how to break them heuheuhuehwa
  17. Disagree
    Kyoko got a reaction from xGShadowSpy in Jubens45 - Counter-strike: Source   
  18. Dislike
    Kyoko got a reaction from jubens45 in Jubens45 - Counter-strike: Source   
  19. Like
    Kyoko got a reaction from DeathGod in Jubens45 - Counter-strike: Source   
  20. Winner
    Kyoko reacted to GanjaMonster in [serious] Cs:s Division Disscussion   
    yea listen to the co leader he knows all ^
  21. Like
    Kyoko got a reaction from ForestFire in [xg] Forestfire   
    +1 he been around for awhile. He's been pretty good with the rules from what i've seen. He'll be calling me on when needed and stuffz. I Think he would be a fine addition to the staff.
  22. Like
    Kyoko got a reaction from TheAlphaWolf in Goodbye, This Was Fun, While It Lasted.   
    gl man, you were too damn cool. Love your voice btw
  23. Agree
    Kyoko got a reaction from Rfivealive555 in It's Time.   
    because the new xG is a bunch of butthurt faggots.
  24. Agree
    Kyoko got a reaction from ForestFire in It's Time.   
    because the new xG is a bunch of butthurt faggots.
  25. Agree
    Kyoko got a reaction from DeathGod in It's Time.   
    because the new xG is a bunch of butthurt faggots.