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  1. Winner
    Kyoko reacted to Forest in Mods+ What's Your Favorite Ban Experience?   
    You're going back on the CT ban list since your most recent Ban Protests were not accepted, just saying. However, I won't take your powers away, nor remove your Membership as this was a mistake from our Staff. Unless Gkoo had a valid reason to unban you, you're staying CT banned.
  2. Agree
    Kyoko got a reaction from DrLee in Mods+ What's Your Favorite Ban Experience?   
    Don;t lie about this stuff. The fact that it's been years adn you were unabnned twice illegaly. You could be insta demoted and kicked out.
  3. Agree
    Kyoko got a reaction from MrJeeblez in Mods+ What's Your Favorite Ban Experience?   
    Don;t lie about this stuff. The fact that it's been years adn you were unabnned twice illegaly. You could be insta demoted and kicked out.
  4. Like
    Kyoko got a reaction from jubens45 in Mods+ What's Your Favorite Ban Experience?   
    @@diabeetus I think you banned edenpbe for massing right. IT was the fastest ban i've ever seen
  5. Agree
    Kyoko reacted to Gawd in Mods+ What's Your Favorite Ban Experience?   
    Is this a serious post..? You just admitted to being wrongly unbanned.. twice.
  6. Drunk
    Kyoko got a reaction from DrLee in Xg Videos?   
    The fuck is YT
  7. Drunk
    Kyoko got a reaction from Tsuchikure in Xg Videos?   
    The fuck is YT
  8. Agree
    Kyoko reacted to Gkoo in Xg Videos?   
    Just edit them please. Edit to the interesting parts. I don't like videos of non-edited jailbreak. Might as well just play jb.
  9. F!$k Off
    Kyoko got a reaction from Voly in Volt - League Of Legends   
    +1 dis nigga, is too active. Too good. Must be Plat 1
  10. Winner
    Kyoko got a reaction from DrLee in Jewmadd > Audible?   
    Audible left the clan. And Jewmad had probably the best tekkit server That we've had. He has A LOT of experience. And Jewmad did have family problems at the time of his leave of absence. And a DL dosn't need to be very active. They just need to support the server. Being active does help though
  11. F!$k Off
    Kyoko reacted to xGShadowSpy in Gold Is Shit   
    Gold is poo? More like league is poo:loldidntread:
  12. Agree
    Kyoko got a reaction from Audible_Savage in Heres My Rant On The "new And Improved Servers"   
    If we can get a foothold at all On any popular modpack that would be fine as well. If we do get one other server(which won't happen till mc is super popular)
    Spoutcraft could be populated as well. But as i am now thinking, we need a way to craft the custom items. As right now it just looks cool. And if you have to buy them well. That works but being able to make them would just give that much more enjoyment. Atleast in my mind
  13. F!$k Off
    Kyoko reacted to Hidingmaster in It's Hot.   
    Oh hi. Its 68. Had to find my jacket since it's so cold outside.
  14. Agree
    Kyoko reacted to ThePenguin in Starbound Division/server: Can This Be A Thing?   
    Sorry to say, but i can't see this happening since we're already struggling with css and gmod, plus theres not much of a server to be had with starbound, especially this early in its development where it updates so often
  15. Creative
    Kyoko got a reaction from Otonashi in Making An Xg Song   
    Lee's is my guy
    I'm rollin' with my nigga, ShadowSpy
    Jubens can suck on my cock tonight
    Some baddie Tiger just burned my rice
    Let's go Jeeblez!
    Now don't you give Cristo a gun
    And don't tell Cookie she's a lesbian tho she is
    And don't give blowjobs for a dollar in the vent cell, y'know
    That's not cool
    Let's go Jeeblez
    What the fuck were those orders, Could you repeat them please?
    Could I switch cell mates, Mine smells like cheese
    I really want a last request,
    and at the wardens behest
    I'll follow all the orders,
    I wont ever stay in my quarters,
    The only people who stay in their cells are fattys
    They really are baddis
    Well fuck, i actually got a good rhythm for this, send me the full thing and I'll see what i can do
  16. Agree
    Kyoko got a reaction from Plausible_Cabba in Making An Xg Song   
    yo yo my name's plausible
    I'm runin the imposible
    you think you got what it takes
    then ill make sure to poke yo face
    I aint got the time to deal yo,
    this is our story yo,
    lets stop all des gimmicks,
    and chek des cool kids out
  17. Drunk
    Kyoko got a reaction from Charles in Making An Xg Song   
    Lee's is my guy
    I'm rollin' with my nigga, ShadowSpy
    Jubens can suck on my cock tonight
    Some baddie Tiger just burned my rice
    Let's go Jeeblez!
    Now don't you give Cristo a gun
    And don't tell Cookie she's a lesbian tho she is
    And don't give blowjobs for a dollar in the vent cell, y'know
    That's not cool
    Let's go Jeeblez
    What the fuck were those orders, Could you repeat them please?
    Could I switch cell mates, Mine smells like cheese
    I really want a last request,
    and at the wardens behest
    I'll follow all the orders,
    I wont ever stay in my quarters,
    The only people who stay in their cells are fattys
    They really are baddis
    Well fuck, i actually got a good rhythm for this, send me the full thing and I'll see what i can do
  18. Smelly
    Kyoko got a reaction from Charles in Making An Xg Song   
    yo yo my name's plausible
    I'm runin the imposible
    you think you got what it takes
    then ill make sure to poke yo face
    I aint got the time to deal yo,
    this is our story yo,
    lets stop all des gimmicks,
    and chek des cool kids out
  19. Winner
    Kyoko got a reaction from DCook in Making An Xg Song   
    Lee's is my guy
    I'm rollin' with my nigga, ShadowSpy
    Jubens can suck on my cock tonight
    Some baddie Tiger just burned my rice
    Let's go Jeeblez!
    Now don't you give Cristo a gun
    And don't tell Cookie she's a lesbian tho she is
    And don't give blowjobs for a dollar in the vent cell, y'know
    That's not cool
    Let's go Jeeblez
    What the fuck were those orders, Could you repeat them please?
    Could I switch cell mates, Mine smells like cheese
    I really want a last request,
    and at the wardens behest
    I'll follow all the orders,
    I wont ever stay in my quarters,
    The only people who stay in their cells are fattys
    They really are baddis
    Well fuck, i actually got a good rhythm for this, send me the full thing and I'll see what i can do
  20. Agree
    Kyoko got a reaction from DCook in Speedlimit - Counter-strike: Source   
    I am pretty sure this would count as a slay, a ban is just far too much, the ban reason is unreasonable, i would +1
  21. Agree
    Kyoko got a reaction from Yu_Narukami in Speedlimit - Counter-strike: Source   
    I am pretty sure this would count as a slay, a ban is just far too much, the ban reason is unreasonable, i would +1
  22. Smelly
    Kyoko reacted to Warriorsfury in What Are The Things That Are Flawed In Xg Gaming?   
    Please explain to me why we need MORE staff. You're just silly... (I would call you stupid but I don't want to get banned)
    You need better, more mature, less ignorant, less divided staff.
    The servers need to be more unique.
    The servers need to have UPPER ADMINISTRATION WITH SERVER POWERS who are ACTIVE and scared of dealing with things.
    You also need staff who can see through problems and fucking solve them without taking 10 years of complaining to someone els.
    You need staff who wont spread useless rumors/drama around the clan.
    Pretty much, it should be to the point where if ALL the staff were put in one room, they wouldn't argue or say anything disrespectful for a whole 10 hours without problem. They should also all try to put in something to contribute to the server.
    P.S: start demoting people please?

  23. Smelly
    Kyoko got a reaction from ForestFire in I Aint No Pussy.   
  24. Smelly
    Kyoko got a reaction from MrJeeblez in I Aint No Pussy.   
  25. Like
    Kyoko got a reaction from Superkiller67 in Superkiller67   
    +1 3gay5me