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Posts posted by LeToucan

  1. Ill show you guys how to really scrim


    - first come, last served.

    - scrim matches are played as a 32v32

    - first team to 1 round wins, win the match

    - when the round wins total to ½ the first half has ended and you will need to manually to switch teams to carry on the rest of the match

    - also no one will need to keep track of the score.

    - if you are late lets say be the 65th person to join the server you can sit in spec and act as a ghoster just in case someone needs to know where the other team is.

    - ghosting is allowed and encouraged.

    process of choosing teams and the map

    • members of each team will be shooting their enemies until there is only 2 people left on each team
    • on the shoot round you may not knife anyone
    • if you died in the shoot round you will need to reconnect and use auto-assign.
    • once it has come down to the last 2 for each team one must die to restart the round so each person has 100hp
    • it will be a 2v2 mp5 round for either first pick of ghoster or for the map and side that they will play on.
    • the loser will either get permanently sourcebanned or will always have 1 hp during the match

  2. My understanding is that the skins have a chance to drop on any VAC secured server, right?

    If this is true they could drop in the jailbreak servers, couldn't they?

    Even if they do the problem is that on the jailbreak maps all the guns are laid out so you wouldn't be able to show off your skins...

    Could you perhaps replace all of the armories with buy zones and make all guns cost nothing, Or even just add buy zones in the armory so you can use your own skins instead of the preplaced weapons?


    I haven't fucked with a CS:GO server since this update came out so IDK if any of this would even work, but it would be cool to be able to use the skins in xGs servers

    There was a plugin called buy-zone simulator where you can change the buy zones, i didnt mess with it so im not too sure how it works. Also the way the server changes maps would need to change in order to go to the scoreboard at the end of the map.

  3. Which we already do, they literally copy pasted our server because OhStopItYou wanted to play on the pokemon trade center, after his band wagon with rise. They spent no time at all finding plugins and maps to make their server unique, and it most likely will never get near the stable population our pokemon server does.


    TBH if they can't spend the time making something unique (granted none of the plugins are coded by them etc) but a unique compilation of plugins and map lists, then they will never be better than @@Bleed with server management. he atleast managed to put together a gun game server (pretty basic one) with a unique map list (i never saw the map list we had elsewhere, and he didn't copy Dogz) before I let him touch JB (which he broke anyway, and continues to break gmod. See michael jackson NPC. http://i.imm.io/1hj9H.jpeg )

    Michael Jackson NPC is not a glitch, it's a feature.

  4. As Bleed mentioned, Moderators have the ability to go "undercover" should there be a reason to do so on the Servers. However; this should only happen when there is only one Staff Member on, otherwise it's just pointless.


    PS: Dark RP? @@Bleed

    Sure, here's our progress 1hj5D.thumb.jpeg.8cd43c6e549c33b774db3b706538f344.jpeg

  5. Mods can go undercover and do the same thing. Also, record <name>; type status, then stop" you dont have to run around looking for his steam ID, it'll be in console. also if you truly cant wait for him to be banned, do this. @@MuffinMonster @@MuffinMonster @@MuffinMonster @@MuffinMonster @@MuffinMonster @@MuffinMonster @@MuffinMonster @@MuffinMonster @@MuffinMonster @@MuffinMonster @@MuffinMonster

    @@MuffinMonster @@MuffinMonster

  6. Im using a used razer megalodon, which the quality was terrible until i updated drivers. It also apparently has problems with USB 3.0. After i fixed the drivers and applied the firmware update, the sound was amazing and the mic quality is good. Ive heard good things from @@ThePenguin about the turtle beach x12 (i think). Though dont get the razer megalodon unless you're also getting it from a friend for 45 dollars.

  7. It was a ban @all bind, not slay @all, which is why it was considered more severe since we couldn't find out who did it if they used / or sm_ , and nobody fessed up

    Sure theres a way to find out, refer to my post above. it would probably look like L date - time [sourcebans.smx] "aaron<#><steamid><>" triggered sm_ban (something) (something)