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Reputation Activity

  1. Agree
    LeToucan reacted to MrJeeblez in League Is 3 Love   
    but how can league be real if our eyes arent real
  2. Informative
    LeToucan reacted to Matsi in Guntoss Rule That Needs To Be Added   
    Did you know that the granny shot scientifically gives you the best control of a basketball and as such is the BEST way to shoot a ball and have the best chance to make the shot... except that it looks stupid so noone does it :)
  3. Agree
    LeToucan reacted to DrLee in Chungus.   
    I usually just cry when someone insults me.
  4. Informative
    LeToucan reacted to MineCrack in Banned Fo No Reezun ;(   
    It's an hour ban, you can go jack off and pretend you have a girlfriend during that hour instead of complaining about moderators doing their job correctly.
  5. Disagree
    LeToucan reacted to ThePenguin in So I Went 10/10 In My Promos And Got Into Gold 5, So Here Is A Guide On Brazillians   
    League is Love League is Life
  6. Informative
    LeToucan reacted to SkitZoFrenzly. in That Wasn't Long   
    OOOOOoooooohhhhhhhhHHHHHH (Notice how I put different sized letters, meaning this is a serious insult.)
  7. Like
    LeToucan got a reaction from jubens45 in That Wasn't Long   
    So me telling you to google it when you asked me to help your friend set up a csgo server didnt work?
  8. Agree
    LeToucan got a reaction from Forest in Totes Friendly   
    Are you telling me that you don't print out every thread?
  9. Agree
    LeToucan got a reaction from MrJeeblez in Begging Like A Bitch   
    I suggest perming anyone who begs.
  10. Agree
    LeToucan got a reaction from MrJeeblez in Ovinylscratcho - Counter-strike: Source   
    -1 lied about mom dying
  11. Smelly
    LeToucan reacted to Ribbit in Ovinylscratcho - Counter-strike: Source   
    +1 no one likes moms
  12. Winner
    LeToucan reacted to diabeetus in Ovinylscratcho - Counter-strike: Source   
    -1. The fact that you lied about something like this in order to get unbanned is frankly quite disgusting. You should consider yourself incredibly lucky that you still have both your paid moderator and your member status after admitting to something like this.
  13. Agree
    LeToucan got a reaction from xGStumpy in Ovinylscratcho - Counter-strike: Source   
    -1 lied about mom dying
  14. Bad Spelling
    LeToucan reacted to IceSlice in Moar Jb Maps   
    Gamebanana is the source for mode for tf2/Cs
  15. Agree
    LeToucan reacted to nebulastar1 in Begging Like A Bitch   
    I suggest perming Bleed.
  16. Agree
    LeToucan got a reaction from MrJeeblez in Unofficial Xeno Gamers Warframe Div   
    @@xGTim and i will be running the club penguin division. Any questions, PM tim.
  17. Winner
    LeToucan got a reaction from Nomulous in Furry Superheroes   
    And thats enough internet for today. Bye.
  18. Informative
    LeToucan reacted to Chrono in I Should Be On The Xg Highlander Team Or 6 V 6 Team Boi   
    you're a " @@CigSmokingSpy " why would he let you be engi?
  19. Useful
    LeToucan got a reaction from DrLee in Furry Superheroes   
    And thats enough internet for today. Bye.
  20. Winner
    LeToucan got a reaction from Matsi in Furry Superheroes   
    And thats enough internet for today. Bye.
  21. Not Funny
    LeToucan got a reaction from John_Madden in Hi   
  22. Agree
    LeToucan reacted to xGShadowSpy in Community Night   
    Dont even have CSS JB in there, if we do save it for the end, MG is better
  23. F!$k Off
    LeToucan reacted to Kyoko in Mc Community Night.   
    Ok this is the official thread for any Minecraft Community nights. Post your ideas here.
    I'll post the date and times of events and what not later as we get the ideas. @@SuperMaddud @@WhyJewMad @@IAmLegend @@DrLee @@xGTim
    @@Jdesarno @all you other fags
    Date of happening:January 31st 2014 7:00 PM EST
    Events(in order)
    Race to the Wool or whatever it is
    Race(like mario Kart) 4 Laps
    A Skyblock PvP game
    Themed Build Contest(Fort/castle)
    *Hunger games
    *Either @@Chrono idea or Super, Jewmad and I will build a map ourselves
    @@SuperMaddud I'll need you to set up a timer for the Race for the Wool and Mario Kart games
    oh and @@Tsuchikure @@Bleed
    *Update: Race for The Wool map is found
    Mario Kart Map: I am working on it
    Hunger Games: Super has that down
    Build contest:prizes to be announced at the contest
    Sky Block PvP: Might be a permanent thing. Every week or so. Should be up and running soon
  24. Agree
    LeToucan reacted to DrLee in #narukami For Lol Dl 2014   
    People play LoL?
  25. Agree
    LeToucan reacted to Yu_Narukami in Mozes - Counter-strike: Source   
    -1 for now, will +1 if you do the Mona Pizza Challenge