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Everything posted by Tsuchikure

  1. Tsuchikure


    well i've never been on that one, so i'm unsure what it has fully, but they usually have several different topics that have games, programs (like cheat engine or skype) etc etc maybe it's just the one i went to, who knows. :p
  2. Tsuchikure


    those forums do have things like that, but i'm sure that's why the bookmark is named that ;) but i'm not really accusing you of doing anything wrong, i don't think you can be punished or anything for having something like that or browsing those sites..
  3. Tsuchikure


    If i'm right it's a forum that people release hacks/cheats for various games on, not very surprising, though. unless you spend your time only on TF2.
  4. http://kickassapp.com/
    1. Goblin


      get gud.
    2. Tsuchikure


      wait, i read that as 180k lol
    3. Goblin


      i read that as 2k so i'm in the same boat.
    4. Show next comments  30 more
  5. Jesus christ that's the fastest DM-to-Admin demotion for inactivity i have ever seen..
  6. It might be worth adding the myanimelist links for the future, possibly. also i can't wait for Fate/kaleid liner Prisma☆Illya 2wei Herz!!
  8. k. i doubt you are, though. hi.
  9. git new browser. delete cookies. i dont fucking know.
  10. Which is what was said. If he's as bad as they make him out to be (Never wanting to join the servers again, telling them to kill themselves) then i don't see the problem they are having simply catching him doing something wrong and warning/banning him on the spot. I wouldn't say this is his "last chance" seeing as this ban was pretty unjust in the first place, which is why i included warning. This is starting to sound more and more like a "I do not enjoy simply being in his presence. it makes me want to leave xG" which doesn't help much at all.
  11. I've just been highlighting said text this whole time. EZPZ.
  12. THANK YOU! FINALLY! Constantly roaming around and saying shit like "you're permed and the decision isn't changing" over and over followed by afking to take a shower and go to bed without giving out said punishments isn't how this works. It's actually stupid. Annoyed the living shit out of me that people would do this without any reason.
  13. +1 for unban on forums idgaf about server ban because tf2 nerds will probably gang on me if i +1 it.
  14. well, this IS rabid, so...
  15. RIP. also RIP since i'm late af
  16. Tsuchikure

    Psa: Rules

    i understand this, but when a person who has the knowledge from being a previous DM/DL(?) is told by those baddies who ban you (and promote/demote you) for doing bad things that he can do bad things temporarily & in an unharmful way.. things get confusing, y'know? this isn't the first thing that would pop up in MY head, that's for sure. not trying to use it as an excuse, though... just do whatever u need/have to do..
  17. As if you would have done anything differently
  18. I understand. All i wanted to point out was that it was likely a very beneficial thing to do at the moment, and will most likely never happen again. That's why i wanted you to think twice about giving him a permanent ban, and how people would react to that.