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Everything posted by Tsuchikure

  1. @DrLee what about the minecraft demotions? edit: @Haxx
  2. thanks @oBarma taking all my ratings so i cant rate this thread dank also hi @diabeetus @ThePenguin
  3. so am i, after those horrible puns you made. WHY, FOREST? WHY?!
  4. If you play minecraft (actively), then i don't see why not?
  5. wanna cum out and play fr lr fgt?
  6. I think we get the message.. Don't worry doe, just don't continue doing that and you'll be fine. "No Swearing" isn't really a rule, but excessively using it(In certain ways) can have repercussions ...Unless you were using racism. c:
  7. Don't a few of those maps(?) crash the server and reset everything over again anyway? Removing admins probably won't help.. (That is, if there IS any left, kek) I don't blame them for not playing (If you want the full reason, then ask) also, finding new, fun, STABLE maps isn't so damn easy, @Legend . link some. not to mention, that fun won't last long to be completely honest, it's all just gonna turn stale fast and easily
  8. http://i.gyazo.com/dae1fdc8af8e881b80384532a904362a.mp4 It also does this whenever you click on something directly from the forums page Doesn't do that when i go to subforum -> threadname For the lazy:
  11. He was gone for a week for tests. He said that he was online the forums every day, and kirito even admitted to never going online the forums. We all know that superbaddud is dead and always will be
  12. But.. everybody got demoted.. It doesn't even matter, anyway. The server's just going to get reset over and over. EDIT: That's why Bach's ban was bullshit, too.
  13. Seeing you and haxx (earlier in teamspeak) say this.. This is a first. The nicest BMing ever in xG. We are going somewhere.
  14. No. Go back to your old avatar. This one is weird. It's for all of our sakes. Pls.
    1. Akatsuki


      eehh too lazy Anyway how do i change my name on this site?
    2. Tsuchikure


      You can't at the moment. It used to be a free thing to do (a few months back) but it was changed to be purchased in a shop that was here a couple weeks ago. The shop was removed due to reasons of the person who made it. It'll probably be back, like hub.. soon™
  15. Wasn't most of this answered anyway while we were in teamspeak? Also, i'd prefer towny over factions because factions (PvP-mained) does not feel fun at all with so little people if by any chance people log on regularly, the person/people that log on the most will become the most OP ..Such as Hachi in her town
  16. That's funny.. hahaha yeah, no. it's almost not possible at this point. if you get some people to log on then i can guarantee it will be a one-time thing
  17. Tsuchikure

    Lets go back

    excuse me for not being here since the START, and just before midway :( (well, you weren't either anyway)
  18. Tsuchikure

    Lets go back

    So? Forest isn't new, he's been in this clan ALL summer Kappa
  19. Wouldn't this be considered leaving, though..? Last time i checked, you don't need to do anything in this clan anyway. No need to be so down about it