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Everything posted by Tsuchikure

  1. The DM and several staff members allowed it for educational purposes. The underlined is just making things unnecessarily difficult. I'll just quote this to help out: Be a person and not a rulebot, think about it for a minute before you decide he should be permanently banned for something like this. Would it benefit the servers or not?(Because it seems to have benefitted the server so far) Saying this could be another "escape" for hacking in the future is a bad excuse. This is the first time it's happened in the history of xG(?), what are the chances of it happening ever again?
  2. Tsuchikure


    -1 called me a bitch in the age thingy. i take great offense to this. i will now cry and go blaze it while heiling Hitler all day. A fu/m8 M 420/:shrekd::afro::shrekd:
  3. topkek. Playing Fractured Space for free this weekend unlocks permanent access - PC Gamer Save 25% on Fractured Space on Steam It looks like a decent enough game. Also you get some good shit & permanent access after you play it once.
  4. Tsuchikure


    Dethman posted a thread. People commented. It looks like an accident but some other things that happened also say otherwise. It's very confusing. Don't try to dig further. It won't work. It never does. Why are we here? Why does silence have a curved ******? Why? Why? Why? Why?
  5. For me, it's because of that one or two groups of buttbuddies that always built huge bases having a clear advantage over everybody else raiding every single thing possible while the PD isnt able to do anything, while explaining rules to everybody along the way saying what they are doing is "legal". It's just not fun.
  6. Tsuchikure


    True that, not sure how the road part happened, unless it's some kind of other material that's flammable, but it still raises a few questions such as how it came out in that shape. Also, the small range that was griefed (One layer across one line) sure looks like burning to me. Is it that easy to disable the worldguard? To be honest, if this was an intentional grief then i'd think of it as horrible griefing or a master plan to avoid getting permed (after a short time, ofc). I just can't think of it as that, especially when it's hachi doing it (no offense, hue)
  7. Tsuchikure


    I think it may have already established that it was an accident also kotirik's a nerd that plays leeg
  8. Tsuchikure


    @Hachi @ThePenguin
  9. Tsuchikure


    It's not hard to believe silence would actually do something like this, coming from my past experiences with him ever getting on servers while not just afk all the damn time. Are you referring to the lava that's coming outside of the wall? Because hachi's being difficult right now.. It looks like it was made in a way that wasn't intended to burn down the entire spawn, if that's what happened.
  10. Bleed's answer: valve broke everything and working on super secret project coming out soon Chrono's answer: niggers, also work can confirm they told me using mind powers in my sleep
  11. Tsuchikure


    Well most of the people in the tf2 div usually hang out in the area 16 hours a day, so you can really trust them (Or atleast scootaloo imo) when it comes to that to be honest (just never when it comes to attitude and shit in servers). It'd be unnecessarily difficult and useless to show people proof of somebody bming again when they were most likely witnesses of it anyway. I understand that you're the "PROOF OR FUCK YOUR SHIT" kinda person but that's really only necessary if people like you want to vote. Too damn hard.
  12. Tsuchikure


    ayy lmao topkek. anyway, was perming her from minecraft not enough? if she was given a warning only to be banned if she did something like this, then why need to go further? she's not going to bother you in mc anymore, and i'm not sure that her being kicked out will really affect anything in teamspeak or tf2 for the better (you know, because she still has access?) that is, if it WAS her, anyway..
  13. Lose ur password?
    1. Tsuchikure


      It was an attempt to get them to play along for the fun of it, you dumbshit
    2. realBelloWaldi


      Very offensive.
    3. Lord_Grenth


      Bello just sneeks into all comments
    4. Show next comments  33 more
  14. As was posted before... They have an entire month. Get to it.
  15. this isnt the place to post that. #shoutboxislonely