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Everything posted by Tsuchikure

  1. What. Anime. Dat. Cat.
    1. Marceline


      Chi's sweet home. Such a cute anime.
    2. Tsuchikure


      Uh, is there an alternate name for it (like in japanese)? Cause usually when i look it up on the websites it never shows up in english..
    3. Marceline


      Yes there is but I have to look it up later
  2. The MOTD was updated. Basically we added in everything we were already enforcing, except that "do this by now" order. https://xenogamers.com/threads/21479/#post-175788 (Linking to this because it's much easier to see) Gonna leave this thread open just incase some people (Cristo, darkwolf, anyone else who is involved or has an opinion on this thread) want to post.
  3. As i said... Unless he honestly hurts your feelings or such (Hard to do over the internet, lol), i don't think it will deserve one. I still stand by my it was a valid slay and -1, due to this being enforced for ages, until it's confirmed that this isn't a rule anymore, and probably never was. There's probably some stuff that people can use "Technically it is a rule blablablabla" or "Technically you have to say this blablablala" to make it a rule, but i'm not gonna use that. Also just notified @@DarkWolf6052 about this and he's probably gonna fix it (Tagged him because he doesn't want anything to do with this thread, and i want to be a jerk to him lelele *no apology*) Also.. Yes having an excessive condescending dick as an admin is a bad choice, but they are barely like that unless provoked somehow, Cristo probably said that because he thought you didn't understand what he meant by "You have to give a time", using his derpy-as-fuck explanation repeating the same words.
  4. Apologize out of your own free will. Just i meant good luck trying to get him to apologize, because if you somehow get him to get on the forums, Maybe. But if you bring it up in-game, he will just say "You broke the rules it was a valid slay" I have no authority ( I don't think ) to edit the rules, unless i ask first. which will usually lead to them doing it themselves in the way they want it. I ask multiple times but they don't respond or they just look and leave. (They = DL, lol) This server has a lot of this kind of stuff, mostly it's just joking around, but if you seriously take offense to that, or expect an apology for this, no offense at all, then this server probably isn't for you.
  5. Considering a lot of people like to throw around rules that make it look new/changed without telling anybody about any change/update, yeah. it does confuse me, considering that even came from the DL, so i was confused about it. #fixtherules
  6. Well i would say it wouldn't be a real apology, and i don't think managing a division means tell admins to go apologize for no good reason to a player because i said so. I have powers but i'm not gonna be a strict-as-hell DM and give orders for no valid / good reason or just because a player asked for it. I think the slay was valid, but you would still complain about it. Leave it up to Diabaddus to solve everything.. lel
  7. Am i missing something, or the meaning of this? Because nobody for a long while has repeated if they weren't asked, even with a crap-ton of admins on. I'm starting to get confused by these posts now. I also don't remember seeing anybody say "repeat" in the video.
  8. "Do this by now" = They should already be done with the orders. "Do this immediately" = They should get to trying to do it .. Like right when you say it. I'm not using a dictionary for this one.. I agree with most things, but this is confusing for some people, and i'm not trying to place all blame on you for CT actions (Except when you give a 'tarp' order, which most people consider everything, but it really isn't.) The most that will come out of this is a rule change and notifying all staff members about it. Cristo's choice to apologize since we really can't force him, i don't think. But he is highly inactive on forums, and barely focuses in-game on stuff like this. So good luck, and have a good day sir. Also there should be an edit button, i don't know why there isn't, i think it has something to do with 5 minutes after posting you can't edit anymore??
  9. I don't remember seeing him do anything other than "Heeeey why'd you kill those guys? You gotta give a time (x200) *slay*" Calling this admin abuse is pretty derpy too, like i said we should all be demoted if this is actually serious, considering we all have been slain and slayed for this same reason multiple times. I would not say you are completely in the right, either. More of it's just confusing when you do it this way and it may lead to freekills and/or slays, And i wasn't talking about only you when i was talking about the "Immediately" time, i'm talking about other CTs who may take it that way and you can get blamed for it if they are freekills. However, i'm not saying you are completely wrong/right, and Cristo is completely right.. Only saying that you made a confusing situation and were the first to complain about such a thing. (For some reason when a rule is flawed or missing, it still goes on until somebody complains about it because it's become a "normal thing" in the server.. we need to change that, lol) As for the future, in the rules or not.. Try to avoid this kind of situation again by just saying a few extra words. (do this by NOW [to let the admins/players know, 5 seconds after doors open,] or do this by x) to avoid this type of confusion. And can we have this rule edited in already? Jeebus Cristo... Also you'll see an "edit" button at the bottom of your post. Gyazo - 5efd36a4d2beb97d83c9abdf7de9a462.png
  10. Okay, here we go again... The rules probably don't state this problem, but it would be very nice to have it edited in. Anyway, this 'rule' has been enforced for who knows how long, and cristo was only doing what any other admin would have done, honestly we should all be demoted if this is enough. Saying "Do this by x" or "Do this by ..now." after 5 seconds of cells opening is fine, honestly. "Immediately" is a different time for every CT. (Some kill within 2, 3, 5, 7 secs, and so on).. So it may have caused confusion. As for abuse: -1. Once again, Cristo was only doing what any kind of admin would have done, because once again.. AGAIN, this 'rule' has been enforced for a very long time Even after watching that video, i think Cristo is the biggest derp for how he was explaining things.
  11. Waiting 24 hours is stupid.. :I CONGRATULATIONS! You have been accepted to join Xeno Gamers! To begin your membership, familiarize yourself with our rules listed here. This is highly important and knowing these rules will keep you safe from bans! Want to get Moderator? There are a few ways to earn admin! 1. Be active on TeamSpeak! To download TeamSpeak click here and then click 'Download Here' and download the appropriate client for your OS. Then just install, follow the 'Easy Setup' guide, and finally, click 'Connections' and 'Connect' and enter 'voice.xenogamers.com' in the 'Server Address' field. 2. Be active on the forums! This is one of the best ways to get your voice heard in Xeno Gamers! 3. Be active on the servers! This shows that you are committed to the clan! For a server list, click here. Come check out our staff list to see who is who on the servers, click https://xenogamers.com/threads/17314/ WE HOPE YOU ENJOY YOUR STAY! @@DarkWolf6052 @@Forest -Closed
  12. Tsuchikure


    Gone for a month, finally says it..
  13. Just incase.. +1 - Active, Mature, Made me a spray, Friendly. A 8.7/10 M 9/10.. And based off of what i've seen from other threads... @@DarkWolf6052 @@Forest CONGRATULATIONS! You have been accepted to join Xeno Gamers! To begin your membership, familiarize yourself with our rules listed here. This is highly important and knowing these rules will keep you safe from bans! Want to get Moderator? There are a few ways to earn admin! 1. Be active on TeamSpeak! To download TeamSpeak click here and then click 'Download Here' and download the appropriate client for your OS. Then just install, follow the 'Easy Setup' guide, and finally, click 'Connections' and 'Connect' and enter 'voice.xenogamers.com' in the 'Server Address' field. 2. Be active on the forums! This is one of the best ways to get your voice heard in Xeno Gamers! 3. Be active on the servers! This shows that you are committed to the clan! For a server list, click here. Come check out our staff list to see who is who on the servers, click https://xenogamers.com/threads/17314/ WE HOPE YOU ENJOY YOUR STAY! -Closed?!
  14. Go play somewhere else then, please.
  15. This is directed towards the 3-4 people who randomly joined and started prop killing if that's what you -1'd, and whatever else i listed in the "broken rules section". I just remembered after i posted this thread that some people were using the chaos to their advantage to have some fun. Alice was just the one person i remembered, i'm not trying to 'single him out.' I'm also with vector on the "Shouldn't be a perm" because it was probably not intentional, however those steam chat logs prove otherwise. however i still think since he's an active CSS member he should not be banned from all servers, is why. A ban from gmod (if possible) itself is apparently fine with him, unless he was acting (once again) like it wasn't a big deal but it is. but that's only if there's any punishment for him at all
  16. Division: Garrys Mod In-Game Name: playstop125, the brick, and so on Offender's Steam ID: Lots Rules Broken: Mass RDM, OOC racism/spam, giant prop spawning/spamming, prop killing ,etc Evidence: Dropbox - Link not found Started recording about halfway through this was over. forgot i could record. If serbian or whoever already banned these guys then k. close. list of people online (just copy+pasted status in console): # 138 "xG| TRIGGERHAPPY™" STEAM_0:0:30409373 40:01 99 0 active # 146 "[xG:HS] DrJeeblez™ #FreeB" STEAM_0:0:33738893 10:55 71 0 active # 42 "Hobbs" STEAM_0:1:43568264 4:13:39 84 0 active # 103 "Hexx™" STEAM_0:0:39599996 1:46:52 112 0 active # 7 "?-??????? Reki--" STEAM_0:0:41657686 5:35:21 70 0 active # 126 "[xG:M] Artorias" STEAM_0:0:40865099 1:14:14 91 0 active # 9 "R.I.P. Cristo xG:A" STEAM_0:0:21986305 5:33:40 121 0 active # 127 "[TwPr]>>*CyberTwinkie*<<" STEAM_0:1:42283887 1:13:00 84 0 active # 132 "?MrJeeblez?™" STEAM_0:1:32110642 1:01:00 77 0 active # 135 "[xG:pkmn] Mudkip #Door" STEAM_0:1:40214693 56:25 120 0 active # 141 "playstop125" STEAM_0:0:50199886 24:39 80 0 active # 118 "Demon King Jesus" STEAM_0:1:23677958 1:34:15 97 0 active # 142 "?The Brick?" STEAM_0:0:45409167 22:39 97 0 active # 105 "xG | §?ado?" STEAM_0:0:42838804 1:46:11 71 0 active # 143 "Turtleman" STEAM_0:0:42879741 21:12 89 0 active # 147 "[xG:C|R] serbianbelavuk *Pain" STEAM_0:1:4509868 02:21 85 0 active # 148 "xG:A l Gawd" STEAM_0:0:43947302 00:26 136 77 spawning there is probably more, 1-2. the video should cover that since i got these late. this better be enough for you guys. EDIT: There have been some people using the chaos to their advantages to mass RDM, also. Not sure if the video shows, but incase. one is Black Widow (Alice) @@Bleed @@Chrono
  17. Kawaii rating pls. :3
  18. 1 year old :3
    1. xGShadowSpy


      3 years. Started playing servers August 2010 Joined forums later on
  19. Yeah yeah, i know. PvP is too gay to have easy-to-kill guards... @@Bleed help him edit: inb4 british
  20. +1 will play 5evr or atleast until i get bored. guns and easy-killable cts pls
  21. wasn't really active to begin with. hue.