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Everything posted by Tsuchikure

  1. Well, it seems you were in the clan (apparently) without knowing it, and/or that manager is a derp. Anyway, i'm gonna close this thread as it has been resolved. I'll just consider it as confusion. -Closed
  2. Says you donated around 30 minutes ago, this thread was made long before that.. and it's supposed to be in CSS donations, isn't it?
  3. So it was basically confusion, or you were actually still in it?
  4. I played games even more to get out of my sickness...
  5. well fine, make me feel useless ;~;
  6. African comes first.
  7. Watching that video makes me sad. because that guy can do everything i wish i could do. :I
  8. Moved to Member Protest. Best friend ever. Can't see the link, either.
  9. STEAM_0:1:38995223 * - Makes it easier..
  10. I thought that Bleed was a Clan Baddie? so why doesn't it say from Clan Baddie to Procrastinator? 5 min?
  12. Classes like these will not be a good idea. Yes spawning with 25 HP and a weak-ass weapon, with faster speed seems fair enough. but it's not. As soon as you spawn, you can drop that weak-ass scout and get an M4/AK (Or weapon of choice) easily. Most maps even have Medic and Armor stations. Basically you are just making a class that will give anybody a free 1.5 speed/gravity boost. I also doubt you can limit health / armor to x for my own reasons (Waaaay to TL;DR and confusing, but i know) EDIT: Same goes with any class that have major benefits like health, armor, gravity, speed increase. Most i like are just weapon changes, so we don't have to spend 20 seconds to grab guns and leave armory.
  13. Sorry but the minimum requirement is age 14. Reapply when you are old enough. -Closed
  14. I think it'd be fine. It's his last chance, though. Next time he does something to deserve a perm, i would not allow him to protest it again. He's only been permed once as far as i know, and that's fine with me. I would -1 it if he had a history of more masses. Reduce to 1-2 weeks? I know @@Forest may disagree.... but what does he have to do with CSS anymore? :I
  15. Plus i'd rather he keeps posting. i want to add his constant derpiness into my signature. :afro:
  16. +1. I've seen you on teamspeak and in-game combined quite a lot. Is a fun guy, not annoying, active. A: 6.8 M: 8.8
  17. csgo is ghey. #CSSMGFTW #TRAILS4MG
  18. This is basically what he means:
  19. Eden - Counter-Strike: Source Morgan_Freeman - Counter-Strike: Source He did.
  20. You need to tell Darkwolf (Or me, so i can tell darkwolf if he's not online) what you want your custom tag to be. Unless you just want [Donator] with trails. If you want to tell one of us, then either message us on the forums or steam when i'm or he's online.
  21. I'm stupid so i just remembered: The ball warrior is talking about could just be the ball that teleports you out of race once you walk into it. Hard to remember that little shit. I don't remember seeing him TKing using soccer.... EDIT: Wow warrior, i was literally 10 seconds too late to post this..
  22. Yeah he's a derp. Pretty sure it was race. But it is a possibility that he could have just used the ball before so and warrior just added it up. I don't remember seeing more than 5 CTs dying from race (Possibly not more than 3-4)