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Everything posted by Tsuchikure

  1. Who said it was inaccurate for me? It's fine for me.
  2. It's inaccurate because people tend it spray it a LOT without aiming downwards. The only time i spray it is when there's a lot of enemies and i aim downwards. Other than that i barely spray at all and both ways of doing it are just accurate enough for me. Also.. I was talking about other people, if you didn't know.
  3. All that he gets is a little bit more HP and a gun, Just like the rest of the other CTs. If there's only one CT left then he should figure out how he's gonna do it and successfully kill the T (Usually camp, hide, and wait.) I honestly have no problem killing them because i usually aim towards the head, then chest (Usually results in headshots often) Also
  4. Then it must just be you guys, I have no problem with it because Ts usually run off to a safe area and rebel (Usually far off, but you can camp and wait for them to come out and then shoot them). If they actually choose to rebel right in front of you and you can't shoot them before they fully pull their gun out, Then that T usually has it carefully planned out, or i just don't even know what to say about you CTs.
  5. The M249 has horrible accuracy and when an enemy is in front of you, you tend to spray and miss a crap ton. I don't think it's THAT op because you still have a fair chance to kill them.
  6. Whenever i typed a bit and the letters went down to the next line, When i started that the bold/italics would re-enable instantly and cause the next line of words to turn back to bold/italics, And revert when i pressed backspace (Back to the previous line ^above^). No matter what i did, it would glitch out if i went to the next line and attempt to disable it, and just re-enable randomly. It's a bit hard to explain for me, but hopefully i got to the point. (Lines are basically this, This is on the next line, hopefully.)
  7. I've been having the issue with the bold editor, never had the problem with spaces. The bold problem only happens when i type into a new line just after i disable it, though. (Also bugs with italic for me when that happens)
  8. Can you please just edit your posts or something instead of constantly posting? :/ PLUUUUUUUUUS alice isn't an admin.
  9. That reason is used a lot, It's basically for rules that we don't want to explain but we know are bannable (It's not a big deal), Or the reason is too long. I'd assume either the rebel didn't pick the gun up (if it really was a map gun) and had his own, or it was for another reason in the past just before it. We still don't know exactly why he was banned. But i think it's fine.
  10. It was probably because he had enough offenses to deserve a week ban (Just doing something under deserving of a day ban, then doing something that does deserve a day ban (or more), Instead of filling in that small little crack.) I won't fight it. But he could have waited a small bit (Thinking) before he really did CT ban him, Waiting for him to trip the wire that ganja needed to be able to CT ban him without MASS confusion.
  11. Oh god, please don't..
  12. Chris Benoit (Vector, really) told me to tell the peoples (I'd say mostly DMs to not demote him) because he will be inactive for a while. He told me his computer screen is messed up, he probably won't be able to get another for a while, Also he is starting college tomorrow. @@DarkWolf6052 @@John @@Hidingmaster @@Gkoo
  13. Some times the tazer on last ct glitches out when you use it like 5 times to the point where the ammo comes back after you fire it constantly, so you don't need to reload. :D -1
  14. Please, just stop fighting. -0 A 7/10 M 6/10 Seems like a friendly guy, but when told to take off tags (around that time) he told us to go +1 his app after learning he can only wear them when he is IN xG (Regardless of being humorous and crap, He still told us to go do it). Seems to get in fights frequently. He should probably read up on the regular global rules, MOTD rules, and what to do when posting a member app (like regardless of anything, do not just ask people to go +1 your app), Once he does that and acts a bit different, i'll probably change it to a +1. Good luck, You'll probably need it for this app..
  15. By what i've seen he's only been told once or so (What i saw since i logged on, don't bitch "WELL HE WAS CLEARLY TOLD 2,000 TIMES HUR DUR DURRRP") and changed it shortly after asked. I'm not doing a lot of research, GG :3
  16. Exactly what i've been doing and telling my CTs to do. It works out just perfect.
  17. Now you're getting a little too into the game, I said when you give orders (i.e. all Ts bumrush to the bottom of the cell stairs, unstack shoulder-to-shoulder, face cells and freeze"), Not when there's a mass rebellion, T's usually have enough common sense to use guns when the round is in their favor. Give it at least 5 seconds after you give orders because Ts usually like to "detour and delay" a small bit and then just run head-on for the CTs and blow up in their face just before they can shoot. Jailbreak also means "Try to rebel and escape from jail" (not literally escape, but you know what i mean). It's at least different than what we usually did for the past 6 months with no h~ub, bombs, etc.
  18. I've gotten completely used to it, actually. If someone bombs you then that's not a big deal. You can hide when you give orders (Especially on a small map, expect a bomb somewhere) But people can't just buy large bombs like that anymore. It's mostly when a CT is dozing off even if they know about this stuff is when they get bombed because they get too into the game, It also helps get rid of annoying, nazi and smartass wardens. Huehuehue. EDIT: Plus, it's not like anyone really does any map games anymore unless it's a new map.
  19. Then keep a distance if you are a CT. In most cases if a T bombs a CT at an unexpected time or kills a lot, we just find it funny. Plus you guys always complained that we only needed h~ub because of bombs. The prices also seem fair. -1