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Everything posted by Tsuchikure

  1. I was there at the time. Pretty sure @@Warriorsfury was too (I think). He was warned, along with everybody else to not TK using race at all or else it would lead to a CT ban, because they were warned first. Plus it was excessive at the time. Banning for TK is rarely done unless a warning is given first Anyway, +1
  2. While i was still an admin, I'm pretty sure Hellafun basically no balls'd him into doing it (My memory). 1. It was stupid for Hellafun to say "No balls" to Whitestar to mass, and then tell Darkwolf afterwards that he didn't say anything, or try to make it sound reasonable in any way to make it sound not so bad 2. It was also stupid for Whitestar to actually mass from a no balls. This may majorly affect his chances of getting unbanned at all. It was a completely intentional mass freekill.
  3. http://gyazo.com/5a0af55b2e736fcea07d31dd62319717 Anime name pls? I want to watch it. huehuehuehuehuehuehuehueheheuehuehuehuehuehueheuheuheuehueheuheuheuheuheuehuehue. hue.
    1. Tsuchikure
    2. Tsuchikure


      Shed a few tears on ep. 5 :(
    3. DrLee


      Damn, gonna watch more of that tonight
    4. Show next comments  90 more
  4. Holy shit amount of inbox. not even i have that many..
  5. Daddio wanted me to put his SteamID here because he is a lazy fuck: STEAM_0:1:54069095
  6. Alright, because there's definently other people using anime names, apparently changing their name as much as i do (Still don't know what you guys are talking about.) Or they just secretly recruited other DMs, even in other divisions, no worries. you don't even need to do that tiny bit of research (posts, past statuses, etc) if you are seriously unsure who that person may be. Oh well.
  7. I just blindly used $20.. Well that's not surprising for me..
  8. -2 interrupted my doing nothingness and didnt tag me or know my forum name, then said lol to it. + 1
  9. Honestly, i doubt anyone will be done with just one game, unless they give up gaming altogether. Just keep the account because it's not worth the time trying to sell it, because a lot(?) of us know websites to buy them for like $0.10 - $0.50 Also this Highest i can go is a few websites for the account, though.
  10. As far as i know, only a few (about 4) are valid +1s (Don't have valid reasons [such as only saying "Cool guy", etc] and/or M/A scale.) As for my choice.. +/-0 (Leaning towards a -1) A 6/10 (Not seen you on much, only like 2 or 3 times, but that could just be my fault, so ignore me if you are on like every day) M 4/10 (You annoy me in so many ways, you are like a hellafun but constantly being what he is as a CT, also you spam the annoying lenny face, and say stupid crap a lot, based on the in-game time i have seen from you recently)
  11. Tsuchikure


    +1 he says weird things to me but i hate disney too
  13. Tsuchikure


    :O i can use you to find awesome new animes :D ALSO: errors = win
  14. +1 good warden, cool guy (@@Forest ) M: goldfish/octopus A: gay/straight But for reals. + 1 Need to be a bit more active, Is mature, a fun guy, one that will make it a bit more worth playing for a while. A: 5.5/10 M 8.5765664/10
  15. The only thing we can do is wait for a reply from the banning Co, so good luck if it was a mistake.
  16. You were banned 10 days ago, That "punishment in the past" was a permanent ban. Yesterday has nothing to do with it other than you had just found out you were still banned. Massing = never be able to join CT again unless you successfully protest it
  17. We really don't know if there were any other admins on, but if they were, they should (probably would anyway) speak up and say whether you did or not. Just asking any admin at random won't help at all, but having Serbian (or once again, an admin who really WAS online) answer for us should make this a lot less confusing. EDIT: Also, it can't really be considered proof if they said so anyway, but just to help your case.
  18. Apparently you were banned by @Serbian for the reason "Mass freekilling" Xeno Gamers
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fXxyuZkgc7Q
  20. +1 good warden, cool guy But seriously, it's not a big deal. saying "Cool guy" doesn't mean everything else is counted out and the + 1 is invalid, does it? Just said that cause it looks like you are wondering why we even say that, or complaining about why we are, ignore it if i took it the wrong way and this is just a troll / joke thread.. THOSE ARE OLD
  21. Uh, try not to gravedig, please. this thread was left alone for like weeks. :/ Also to get money faster than letting rounds pass is to kill people. I don't know of any other way.
  22. 30 more posts then you should stop forever, and just make a new account..